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London, England

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... MLAI1 TRibL,' Mr. VAilberforce has again antlnonced his 'Intention of fubmirting to the conlideration of Parliament, a motion for tAe Abolition of the Slave Trade. We are extremely anjious to draw the attention of the public to this mol interefling aod important fubjea2. Ulthap- pily, a ihameful, nay criminal, indifference .has for fDme time prevailed upon a queftion which fornierly awakened ...

Published: Tuesday 22 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4569 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... .A'I A- E *Do~V-E , 7'TAYV c-fc febrig as if 'the etnCy'G s 4dlopted a more t'dtive -flute of VV:arfa~te, and that our ilhipsnflit :~going hI to tniagt Slwbi) under the fir of their batteries, has, s emboldenied theren to try th~ir iArentthl, by~ coq merreisng an at- tack on our fqluadron in a calrii; n ew.s ha. been rece'ved here f that a flutilla -of aborA, 17 fall, etorlifling or -InI 1 ...

Published: Tuesday 22 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1552 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SINKING FUND, Extractedfrom the Royal Cornwall Gazette o] the 28th April, 1804. It has been recently doubted, in a con- temporary publication, [Register, present Volume, p. 590] whether any benefit arises to the nation from the Sinking Fund; as we are still paying interest on the whole amount of the national debt, 561 millions, though we are told that 77 millions have been re- deemed or paid ? ...


... ------- 6HiP NEWS. PLN MOUTrY, M'Y 24.-Came in the Humber, 16 guns, with tie lofs of her foretop gallanst maft, carried away in a gale, with twVo file fmugglers,oone nvith zso, and the other wvith 269 anchors of'brandy onl board. Came in from Cadiz, a veffel with wine and lrauidy for the fleet and Vidlualling Office, alfo the lipton, fionn Stockholm, with tar for the Dock-yard; fron Loun- eIon ...

Published: Monday 28 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 823 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHif ituys. I Dovzi, MAY 3.-The Li;vcly revenuc cutter, Capt. Lilburn; arrived this afternoon orrni Capt. Morris of the Lcoparrd, Corn-' . niodore of the Squadron off Boulogne; ile lAtI the flquadron al about eight this mnorning, at which timc from ioo to t o of the flori'la wtere anchored in thi' Roads, under the protctediotn of the batri;Hes. 'Ihere is no doubt but the Stone Expedition is ...

Published: Saturday 05 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1638 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... 'wip NIMS. Nou ,MAY s-It 1 not the NI\oTte, of 40 Cgttis 1cam in On Saturday, but the Aurora, of crtit t' n 1Pellcvharz. relturnitig from Ferrol. Bloek; art ,1r , vii rin of the vacant flips of the dock yard, tor on alarge rcanti g, fur ...

Published: Thursday 17 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 371 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEd PLYMOUTH, MAY 7.-Came in the Wihldfor Callle, of 98 guns, from the fleet off Brcit, to refir and vidtual, which fl(e left all well on the 5th inftant. Energy as urual.. Came in alo, with difpatches from the fleet ciff13rrel. to. Admn.Sir J. Colpoys, Bart, Port Admiral, which were fent o£ t o the Admiralty. Came in from the fleet, with fick xn-i, which wereJent to the Royal Naval ...

Published: Thursday 10 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 680 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... OIP 'At A . boeits MAI'.I-A, veI4 heavy ttring ht s btees heatd: at tiieX irf the dired ion of oulogbe part of yelterday, 'nd at tirules all this day aiid we ate witholut any dicount of thq r l'q l. * 5ve- ral Frencii privatecr iave been dni dur c6at: in thli Fbick wea- ther, and hivc mide feveral capttirriB. A. port is vcry rcutrent; thdi.a sag of trice is. coming over froini talais, with ...

Published: Thursday 03 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1438 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... J HIP NEWIS. PiY.rMOUTrr, MAY ic.-Canie, infrom a cruize offetli Ireland to refit, tbe Loire, of 48 guns, Capt. Maitland; alib froin the fleet ohf Breit, with difpathehs for the Adoliralty, the N-ad, of 38 guris; Capt. Wallis. Letters receiv~e4 fer. dif- ferent lhips Itate, that the fleet wcre all stel on Monday the 6th' inft.; confequeiply tbe report gf. the, Majcfticof 7' sune, Capt ...

Published: Monday 14 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2019 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... drup. lvtws. - ' friafOWQiit, MtAr g.-A repl'ot has trcb In 4rituatiofi Tome. days p'Rft, that thle Majeftic, of 4 gast 2sp 'lird AI Beau- 5 b6as ftrtiucit *bnX arockt near thilc Blac Roclis, and has betesi loft but as there lis~ve beeh no offlcial acenmnts artved from the Aeet fitioe thd Wind~or Cafitl'sarricld on M1on1ay, st is cd that thlereport (if hi5 accident is plenhmatrirc. U he Santa ...

Published: Saturday 12 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1219 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEW S. PLYM-OT O, MAY a5G-Arrived the Danirlitloiia il Norway, Capt. Trag, tr ani Copenihageli bound to Chia3' Arrived the Iin pctueux tran of war front a craif. 1etude Paled the L ady U'arren, ared fhip, ith t Iufnhuigtun, Admt iral Gardner, Earl t-ove, and he.00 I adia ibips, under convoy for the Rivcr; alto th uerhit Iluop of war, witl the homeward bounaa1OPorto F' voy to the Eaitward. ...

Published: Tuesday 29 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 480 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... . SHJP NEWS. PLYMOUTH!, MAY zi.-Went into Barnpool,to wait to take aonvoy to the Ealtward, the Lady-Warren, of 14 guns, Capt. Morrifon-(anme in from Oporto and LUbhn, after a fine paf- late, with a convoy for this port, Exetcr, i'eignnsouth, &c. with 'vines and fruit, La lBacchante, of z4 guns, Capt. Dalhwood.- The f(hps for the different pors ihi the North Channei went up titChaannl on ...

Published: Friday 25 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 740 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce