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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register




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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... It, r[he oblization uponl the minister to accunt regularly for the expenditutre of the public money] is oleof tec d.vaties or our e:oelknt consination * for, our national debt began at the revolution, and we havc. in tce mot regular manner possible, spent five hundred nillions, while other powers, with all t!ir ir *regulmitits in finance, have not spent (ine quarter of the sum. How far our ...


... JAMAICA COMPLAINTS.-- ~eJpresenzatZon of the House of Assembly of Jamaica to the Ligutenant Governor relative to the In- tercourse with America, dated July 18, 1805. Sheweth;-That, after the applications made to your honour by the House, and by the inhabitants at large, assembled in their respective parishes, nothing but a sense of duty the most impetious, and our confidence in your honour's ...


... 4 I-le says, to Corruption, thou art my father, and to the Worm, thou a-t my mother and my sistef'-JOB SUM-MARY OF POLITICS I LORD MELVILLR.-Inl the prcceding sheet, at page 487, Iwas proceeding to no- tice the contents of a periodical work, enti- tled, A RasvIEW 01' THE REPORTS5 MADE BY THE NAVAL Com'.fiSSiONERS: BY A SOCIETY OF GENTLEMEN. This work, as was then observed, must already ...


... . LETTER Ill. [The following letter was sent for publication prev:ils to the discussion of the Catholic Question in Parliarnent. Want of room then- prevented its a-pearing. It is now published at the request of, aid in-c nsequence of a promise to theauthor; and, an additional motivejis; that this letter will na- turally lead to other topics, which this able writer intends immediately to ...

Published: Saturday 26 October 1805
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6779 | Page: Page 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 | Tags: News 


... Second Letter of the Mizister of the Interier to the Pr fects, dated Paris, Sept. 25, 1S05. Con qlecedfrom p. 576. The Emperor calls, for the conscrip- tion of the year 14; for an extraordinary war, confines himself to accelerating by a few months an ordinary measure. Let this appeal, made to the courage of the French youth, be heard by them, and repeated by all the public functionaries! ...


... Now, mark how a plain tale sball put you down, J - LOAD MELVILLE AND HIS PARTISANS. (ConIInued from p. 530.) Anxious as I am to enter upon other subjects, I cannot bring myself to quit this, till I have placed the whole of it before my readers in its true light. My general motives and character are, in themselves considered, of very little importance to the public; but, when a de- 6cripi ...


... | DOMESTI% OFFICIAL PAPERS. A' 2. a. I . . X _ ADDITIONAL toRcE BILL. - Circular Letter to the Lords Lieutenant of CGoon. ties, dated Whitehall, 2oth Sept. 1805. The Inspector General of the Recruit- ing Service having represented to me, that the Deputy Lieutenants of the several sub- divisions in the country under your charge, have hitherto omitted to certify to him what parishes, within ...


... PUBUIC PAPERS. AUSTRIA AND FRANcE. - Prarlarati-on issued bq the Emnperor of 4Astria, to his Hereditarry States, dated Sept. 1805. We, Francis the Seconid, Emperor Elect of the '.oraus, I-Tereliuarv Emperor of Austria, &c. Facts kniowni to all the- world prove, that since the conclusion of the Treaty of Lunevlfle, we have had no* thing so much at heart as the maintenance of the peace which we ...


... PUBLIC PAPEPRS. I S 7 z7 .. . I 1 VZt . Y-L Declaration, delivered at Vienna, by the Aaelassacdor, Count Rasomnowsky, on the 3 lst of August, 1805. It wrould be superfluous to revert here to the motives which have induced his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, to recall the plenipotentiary whom he had seot, in con- cert with his Britannic MAaesty, to negotiate with the head of the ...


... - FRANCE AND) AISTRIA. Expose of t4 reciprocal Conduct of France and Ausiria, since- the Peace of Lineville, read; by thV Jfinister of Foreign Relations, in the CGon- servative Senate of France, at the Sittin : the 23d Sept. 1f FS. All Europe knows, that during the wars in the midst even o the most signal and de- cisive successes, the Emperor of the French never ceased to. wish for peace; that ...


... c, The cause of legitimate monarchy has suffered infinitely more from the folly and - puslslanimity of monarchical ministers, than from the cunning and violence of its open enemies; and, amongst all the political sins of which the former have been guilty, the most danerous, as well as the most odios, is, the abandoning, thebasely sacrtificing, of their most zealous and most ...

Published: Saturday 26 October 1805
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 10157 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 | Tags: News 


... PARTIES.-The eviltconsequences, arising from the feebleness of the *presebt ministryt cannot fail now to be generally perceived, and, as the war advances, it will, doubtless, be felt most severely. It is fitting, there- fore, that we should, as soon as may be, come to a settled and correct opinion ds -to the cause of this great source of public mis- chief. The reader will, perhaps, thinl4 that ...

Published: Saturday 26 October 1805
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 10598 | Page: Page 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 | Tags: News