Wednesday and Thursday's Post

... IV A' dniy and Thursday's Pst b' -FROZIT 'TJ LOINDON GAZE-TTE. T*JESDAY, AuVusT ?? [The' Foalo'ving letters were tranfnmitted by Captain Stilei, of 'the 'Adamat man of war, to Wm. Marfden, L4q. Secretary to the Admiralty.] Adamant, in Fay/e Bay, Ca]fe of toad, Il.0 Maiy a6. q .t e hondufeeto inform VOt of the arrival o his ?? jefty's'hip~, under my commn nd,- at this an- t horxae, with the ?? ...

Published: Saturday 16 August 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 679 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

IPSWICH, Sept. 27

... /trati 1 Y}, nept. 2?7. Al a (;enltiral (]ldinlu tirll, hold(en by ?? Lord ni.this di il hlis Lnrdpiii's Cipulh e at Iz wit ii, 'in Sn inlay last, the ollowinig gentie- u1(11W IT 0lalaned ?? J3.G. IJlarlwcr, i;, A. Trinity cnl. C..C, ?? aidi 13. C. P'urvis, 3. A. ('iius cICunl:Uamridlg. iM. In ilug, M. A. E Dinhtuntull. ?? It. Slcuice, 13. A. 'ri- mil s ?? O'filrd. Ro~bert WV111.'I'l11mey,. ...

Published: Saturday 27 September 1806
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1218 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday's Post

... gunoap,# D)O,.gt. Duk IIE ie ol' K~ent has accepted tile office of X Cornm~ander in Chlief lin Ireland~l, vice Lord IlarringtOnl, tsho iS app9ointled to Scotlanid. l)ean ?? is appointedl First Chaplain to ilie D) tiie of -Bedford, antI acconlipa-riies t1!5' Grace to Ireland. I he Atalanta merchant ship, from tile West fliithes is arrivedI at Milfordilavea. Sheleft Bar- badoes on tile 20th of ...

Published: Saturday 22 March 1806
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 932 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Sunday's Post

... ?Ufl?JLW'? Po0t. HE region itlsembarkied ande einbarwiiig at J,. P~i'silloO th are, tI ls 30thi, 47 thI 53n j(I 59t andt the'S wiss iC2 jin~sll~iL s~l to on. StlUilav's CGa~ttte coflt~iiis two letters front) Capt. YouisghiusbaOu(I of Let Heureox, to Adn.s Cscbraie~l. ''Ihe lirat i~ slu'tet 'Iritsidlad, Jaai. IS, ,I ann no nests the cap lure *o1 thze S panib h letter it1foaull, A ml Ii(l~, of ...

Published: Saturday 10 May 1806
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1101 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

,PSWlcii, June21. A

... circular letter has been receivedi f'rom the War OfficeG, for discontinuing .the J une allow- ances to thle several Vohinteer corps througlhout ldii county, who axe nol to assemble again t ill fu. ture arranugements are made respecting them. '1 hle expences of obtaini~g lthe Noerwich Pav- iltg Act, and of coarrving it intoexe'ution, are to bc delrayed by an annual rate ot~ s, -in th~e i1#undz ...

Published: Saturday 21 June 1806
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1120 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... * . HOUSE OF ItORlDS., T.Wlrith h-ad ?? tothe Commrnrlinerin Chief, re. t VII, APecting mesditated alterat ions in- 'ofsliaysytm aud of biest node, of organizing tile -jitin1dfne Noig h fi* could he more desirable thanjnfrrtinclle n twat -P by head from tlie'rmost expoerience MiiayOlcesi h *f Kingdom, as - witheut such imloii Aogiet~a~i :h wvas not- likelly'their Lordships Col omsocreta ...

Published: Monday 16 June 1806
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1666 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 5 AARahADnES. . AR AhD nES. Addrefs of his Es'ellencyC Gencral NlaitIand, to the Houfk of A6rembly. when called tloether by Proclamation, oh the ?? of Oiober. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of tlie Aflcmbly. I have feeti with real cotnern, tat' diff'crencec of ophinon 'aisiong yourfelves have had the elfht&, nbt only to retard thebulinefsiof she-Pdblic, but alfin to p3ralifie thc exiflcnee of ...

Published: Monday 17 February 1806
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 795 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Captain Birch, late of the Britannia East Indiam, landed here this morning from the Mer

... PORTSMOUTH. SAURAY FBRAR ia--. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 t. Captain Birch, late of the IriIannia Eaf In- .diaman, landed hfere this morning from-'the Mer-. cury frigate, from Lifbon. -He brings intelligence that Sir Home Popham lefrSt. Salvadoron the z8tb Noeber, ;,with the, feet',and army, all well. apt. Bir;Gb came from St. Salvador in the Veriato Brazil- &~ip, and &iom Lifhonx in the~ Merlury. ...

Published: Monday 24 February 1806
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1783 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... L O iV D O N, O86br ;4.. ?? . I . Tlle Pruflian force is flated, by different ac- 5 lnl to be 5o,0ooo, in Saxonv, indep-endent le Saxons, and the large detachment in Itpllah and if they only approach to thefe Ulers, and are animated 'vith the fpirit which r'e told tile Fr-enlchi will find this a miore Aidable Germar than that of laft Autumn. n German New fpaper is the following ar- ,,fO'll ...

Published: Saturday 18 October 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1261 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... OXFORD,. AUGUST 9. _ 1. I t. s s r Saturday laft caue on the ?? at ?? College, when %vleirts. Grimes, wDavies' and Rooke, of Merton, and M-r. Duffield of Chrift Church, we're elected Felloiws of that Society.. We have authority to flate that the South and North inland ?? being united into one, his Majell -has been pleafed to appoint Lieute- nant General. Pigot to the commsutd of the troops in ...

Published: Saturday 09 August 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1282 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Wednesday and Thursday's Post

... i V,,,e z 7s'.d 79tr ,ay's Pos , - z~s in Ca¢ }ria.-O, zial ACCOe' t. I !O C6S I NA, J U LY 5 RJ!E have learut bv Ith BriL'll floop of 'war / V rlie B itern, uoinnianded by Capt. Down,. th;u happy inteiii-gence (f the laildinig ot the B1ritifsh ain' m to 1,lhe sit ini}. under the orders-ot Miajor. Gelle-a Sir - Stuart, in' the Gu'lplh oh St. Ekillilutia, without any lois on our fide.' This ...

Published: Saturday 06 September 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1153 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

LONDON, July 22

... L ND 0 IN, .714y 22. 1 - ?? Saturday letters, brought from India by thle Im fleet, were delivered from the Pofl Office. d Although the letters by this chaniiel have i 'e general been anticilated by, themoverland dif- - patches, they fnrnifh Come articles of intereft. The Guicawar has, with tseh pernifioun of the a Company, called Capt. Walker to his Council, and placed the civil and military ...

Published: Saturday 26 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 864 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News