... Sl~f2 NEWS. XPL7MOUTUI, JAN. 4.--Arrived from Bail, in perfect heaitb, Rear Admiral Thornborough. He waits for the Kent' L sx peaeda round from. thelDowns; when she arrives, the gallhit Admiral will hoist his flag on board this ship, and is to pro. ceed, it is said, uip the .Straital 6n 'a separate command. Yes- terday came. in the. Malta, 84; Warrior, 74, Triumph, 74, lo join Rear Admiral Sir ...

Published: Tuesday 07 January 1806
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 973 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SRI P NEIs. BOMBAY 0AZElT1E, Ocr. 30,180S. C On Saturday last anchored in the harbour, the ship . Duncan, under charge of Mr. Henderson, prize to his Majesty's shil) Lord Duncan, Lieutenant Sneyd. The Lord )Duncan, Lieutehat Sneyd, sailed from Madras on O0 a cruize, in the mnonth of July last, and after a passage of five weeks, made the island of. Rodrigues, where E they discoyered 'a French ...

Published: Tuesday 17 June 1806
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1717 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I MARINEe iNl-'E0- ,!tGNCE. - - I Sunday night l13st, the ltrrinds; Skeltou; a light collier-, in coming into Shieids-harbonr, N-as driven upon the Spanish b'ittery rocks, bt ?? expedle4 to he got off again. e Enterprize, Urthsnik,.forom Sunderland to Iondrn, With coals, put into - Hnll on TSueslav rmoming, having lost her fore-te' mast;' off Kelsey$. The Norfolk, of- Sunceeland. and several ...

Published: Saturday 22 March 1806
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1222 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I, i .I i . : ; . : : : : I t'ORNTX.CliA~qNGBEL.m;toiby NtI,6v-,s54OF0E6-. In Th.e w*heat for this day s rnmrket wjiq not verv I'irg ',.bue there s 1erabi irsujpiy, ard mostlfrom Xent do tsiex:vetilno-isasteiali fifsgkre~s s inthe )1es, 'sori6v~ e pricesswbiedt to ant jndjort'int 7rrstion afoisa thnge -f last ' -oondar;:M- r~th itededineS, tis~e slipp yvniiddllmn MW dl a isia demand ...

Published: Saturday 29 November 1806
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 578 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... i t- JUN 9, IMc., W.e IUd not -an bnat ?? a ohaesuJipiy. o IWbeatrwoda , in the sales of Li.hifch, ?? ?? , eatn r~ 5 at M'Nonday's prices, and good red wheas tecl- ied fra~n OO.t spr Quafter, bu: -second and srdinarf ] isahlple weiheag apiduiiad eaper. Ry is iikeevise :trine oer'an ridalrjhas littile salei Barley and beans continue ?? list. 1.biie'Pease are still dear, bat gre poise ratheroon ...

Published: Saturday 14 June 1806
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 698 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ,Ybiiet IV-axa- dhe ergewllia,,as, from New Orleaias to. Nastz, IGst on-the Ballamas: Crew saved. ?? Harriet, Curry, from Jamaica to -Halifax, is lost near 6 1e AIl r k's I slan, d 'The PartridgeMiller, from Bristol and Madeira td St. Tho- mas'a, is Ibat tear '-ortola. Part of the cargo saved. ?? Liberty, l~ressey, from 'l'rinadada to Liverpol, lhas been taken1 retalken and arrived at St. Ki ...

Published: Thursday 27 November 1806
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2337 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN-EXCHANGE, Monday,Aug. 11. There being great quantities of last week's supplies of wheat on

... Co.AV.FxCllAVOFri' .4a . i i. There being _reat qa ntilie9 of [af week' !ilpplics of wheat on - rih tviny further arri.als -y, ?? Ia nd, -,iti, many tu-- - - - juiocf in. fates, ftilly at Friday's rcidu~ioin of piice, wrly in the d1ay f)me few prime laimples rarhcr ex- :5eded the injilnefi tin-atioil. Barley is in middling ;eeded wnohdilt malt, at finall vaiiation. Pelc !up their price, a.1 l ...

Published: Thursday 14 August 1806
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 436 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... .MARINE INEL ,]GENCE. A convey for the West lndiesi3 appouintedtosail from Cork on ihe Ist of Novemher. a, 'rhe convoys for Toriningen are-suspended and, n future, there wihl be a] couivoy to sail for. ?? every successive 54days. 'he firrt convoy wlU sail from the Number on the th inst, fbt the Elbe. Dhe final convoy ior thit sea~on-froft LogJnope Somd tcq the lBalttc, w iil be appointtd wto ...

Published: Saturday 11 October 1806
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 831 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - . I - - - - ?? f. % I RINE , - , , ? _. ? . - N I ?? 1, 1, I G L. ?? r n A .6 VontOy ffr the Baltic is ?? t ?? toI bet on or aibutit 28th inst *; -o ootiar si 'lionv i . same plaee OH tile .30th. b'l Ich, i;r 3 t'lew ay s ?? :zettcontaj05 two ts I i C A of the: ort ?? ?? ?? by the Forutiei, ot the Trench P--iv tict r 1 1' 1 c zand 47 men, 4 days from St 1.) St, a ?? i Pc ,1 capture, and of ...

Published: Saturday 20 September 1806
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1452 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - PRUSSIAN PATrENT. s We Frederie William, king of Pruflia, &c. &c. make known and declare as follows- 4 The wifh to fecure our faithful fubjeas and the neighbouring ftates of the nortli of Germany during the war, and to preferve and confirm the duration of the bleffingS of peace, was at all times the intention of our indefatigable endeavours. Thefe wholelbnie me't- fures were made known, ...

Published: Thursday 17 April 1806
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 386 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... YA1tES WILSOb; junior* in Dallwinton. Village.- b treditors meet in the Coffeehoufl!, Dumfries, 27th Mtarclh 12 o'clock, to sname a tac'tor; fame place and :hour, 24th April, to elect a truftee. ''t rEXAMINATIONS, &C. JoVIN OMAN1D Merchant in Stromnefs, to be exa- mined in the Court-houle of. Kirkwall, 26th March and '.2th April, at one ?? meet in Town. Clerk's Office in Kirkwall, IcthlApril, ...

Published: Thursday 20 March 1806
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 320 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... n ARRIVrD.-Oa. 4. Peggy, Bain, from Wick, her- rings. William & Friends, Taylor, from Bainsford, to yeaft. Charlotte, Ritchie, from Glafgow, goods. Good in, Intent, Reid, from Perth, barley. Firm, Moyes, from 3n Kirkcaldy, ballaft. Anna Catherine, Larfeu, fomi Far- id found, bark.-6. Experiment, Burton, from Glaikow, n goods. Three Brothers, Simonfon, from Mandahl, tim- ber. Leven Calile, ...

Published: Monday 06 October 1806
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 474 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce