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... NEWMARKET CRAVEN MEETING, i8o6., -MONDAY, APRIL 7. The Craven Stakes, a Subfcription of iogs. each,. for all ages, s yr-olds carrying 6ft.-3-yr-olds 8ft. 4-yr- olds 8M1. 91b. s-yr-olds 9ft. xsb. 6-vr-olds 9ft. sib. and aged 91t. 71b. acrofs the Flat, was. won by Mr. R. Boyce's br. c. Sir David, 4 yrs old, beating Ld Grof- venor's b. f. Violante, 3 yrs old; Mr, Howorth's br.lh. Norval, 5 yrs ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1650 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... Vienna, April 7. France has not failed to complain of Ihe occupation of Cattaro, by the Rufflias, and circiurnilances have furnithed her with fome very fpecious iearons for this co' plaint, as So Auffrians were (ill in the fortrefs when the Ruffians took pofleffion. Great com- plaints have in consequence been made to the Cabinet of Vienna, which, it is faid, has given grounds for ?? of bad ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 974 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... - - F FROlU THE IHAMBtYRCH MAIL. TRxESr, MARCII 23. A.CCORDING to the lateft advices, the A Ruffians have extended theilfelves fill further in Dalmatia, and have taken feveral ulaces, among others the imlpor tant poft of Caflel I ยง,jovo and its harbour, by which 'they Iecure teir pofition in Corfil. The Montenegrins bave joinled the Ruffians. ugJfizurgh, Alarch 3o. The day before yef- terday ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 285 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Wednesday [ill] Thursday's Post

... M?'anftav .1 Ourobwo lpott, -FROM THllj L0N1DON GAZPT2TE. ADNI.RALPlY OPFICE, -APRIL I5. Tvzt iletters ?? Vice - Admiral Dacres T introdtioe the follosvin .- F'r,!1ci.#Ye, at an(cor of Camp,6cy, yan. 7. SIR, Having received information from a neutral, that feveral Spannlb vefels had very lately arrived in the Bay of Campeachv, and conceiving it pralica~ole from 'the ?? knowledge I had of that ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1074 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

LONDON, April 17

... X 0 icD 0 N, 4prti 17. Notice was yeflerday morning, given at the Cuftomi Houfe, that all ve~ffels under Pappen burg colours are all'wed to clearoutjfor any ports in Holland or Sweden, upon'fecurity being given that they will return to Great Britain, and not violate the blockaded ports. Veffels. under Kniphuien colours are allowed to clear out without any reftridlion. The following letter, ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3211 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

LONDON, April 15

... LO ND ON, April i S. ?? s _C r.1 -rT , At a meeting of the Well India merchants, 1holden on Friday, at the London Tavern, the following Refolution was propofed and agree(d ?? TAhat, in the prefent deprelfed fttate of the Sugar matket, the Britith Planter is unable to bear any additional dutv, and that the Coin- mittee be initiuced to prepare a tneniurial on the Rate of the Sugar Colonies, to ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2064 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post continued

... ff ?? From tbe LONDON GAZETTE, April i2. ADMIRALTY OF5ICE, APRIL 11. C'op-y of a letter from Capyt. Yabir Davies late Coinniander of his .Maje/ly'a./loop .Favozrite, to T[. Ma rf len, Efy. SearN obedience to your orders of the x8th inflant, 211 proceeded in his Majefly's 'loop under my command to the Iflands des Lofs, where I was in- formed that the privateer you flent me in purfuit of was at ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1075 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... bUTLI'NE OIt H. WiNUHAM'S PLAN. .Vlefin~v Bii4I.-This it is propofed to repeal.. - .ivRe Ieeglatiohnxfor the Army..To recruit for limited fervice: the firft period for feven years only; the; fecond period the fame; the third ditto: thus utaking' the, whole of a foldier's life comprehend twenty-one'; yeats. If he enlifts 'for' the 'f'cond period, he will become immerdiately entitled tP an extra ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1733 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, April 15

... L O N D-0 N {, April sa. Sunday Dutch papers were received to the 9th a itlaint. They iiate that three brigades of dhle Sweaifh armv were colletled at Laage, and were abour to march to Pomerania in two columns. The firf' under the comma-nd of the King of w Swveden in peruon, and the latter under the or- h ders of Get. Arinfeldt. Before the King left Ratzebuirh, he afrured the inhabitants that ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2873 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... vsaturoapo wofto? Izp arprefo., LOND-ON, As}pril I8. A N interefting debate took place, laft night,, A1. in the Houfe of Commons, upon Mr., Yorke's motion for the produclion of the opi-A nions of certain General Officers, relative to en-: lifling foldiers for limited fervice, which was ne- gatived without a divifion. A circular letter has been tranfinjitted to the Members of Parliament, ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2064 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Wednesday [ill] Thursday's Post

... catannevuap X tb1up oa. l-rom Tie LONDONV GAZECTTK, April 2X. LETTER -fjoni Admiral Thornborotl]A A enclofes he following,:- .SIR:, Having received information, which 'proved correL, of the Situation of the corvettes il the river of. Bourdeaux, a little after dark on the evening- of the st, .the Pallas 'was anchored clofe to the fsoal of Cordovan; and it gives me fatisfadlion to relate, that, ...

Published: Saturday 26 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 754 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... @atur.Bag-'it Apof. wp exproro. LOND ON, 4pril 25. HE Cork Mercantile Advertifer, of the th ini. gives the following particulars of the news refpecling a French 'Fleet being: arrived in the Welt ndies:-- dc Lieuteniat Bothwell, of the Earl Spencer hired armed cutter, which arrived in Cove yef. rday, fell'in with an armed homeward bound Well Indiaman from Jamaica, which informed -him, that ...

Published: Saturday 26 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1096 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News