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... - I . -- - -Z:7 - I _!; 11 --. - . -,- . ?) it e? 4 1 ?;. ?.. i, I L. . , 'I'v A r' V * 1* . .- l .Ipril 29.rQ 1. Cl^i Otill.lvi a lette t, I.i!:& Liit l.! ; *,l ,> ; his Nlajil.ety's 4di;. I !i - | - 'ivili li ccin ot: oitf O tir tl,e 2 th intlitst i lhe Spanxilia n fi r 1ah'iDip H am. of 'la;Echedvr, oi ; l . d'ut-dil'et, ilixvtr. I gIti eilie;Tiki oer.-S ogey. i K; iiiih i , tiiilid, ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 475 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... MIPE RIAL PARLIAMENT. GJREA T BRITAIN A NDl IRELAND. , K ~ ?? - A ninesi. : . : ,. ?? r~eser- §I ?? HOYUSE OF LORDS, APRIL'36. rand; The i4ouse met at ten'o'clock, and, After reading the BilIs ni rshl th| estable irocecded, about eleven, t6 Westminster Hall, to at ?? tead the ~rial of Lord Viscount Melvili.. - nutU- Il 'I'heir Lordshipa returned about f6ar, and eontitited for somie nuu timse ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 11370 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? V- - .4 ;? , .. . 11, I , ?, ?? - ?? . -,,n ? ?? . ,, , ? ?? ?? I T- - ?? ? Ir - .. ? . 1, I I . T , 1, , , . il ?l Mw??WMMEL . 'The weatiser ini 'he preceing oth hs. ?? whole, ftivourabule: ~'to''setitoilsth'e WheatheWinter: Trh hnd early-sown spring C'orn ilook Surjlingt and well- va the snowdid ,dnot. imped d0~prtoso~ub~ YTefr niers ir nu~ of th 0for~sddsr~saeeiyssesw rithe'ir ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 620 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... .Fridai and Saturday's Posts. OQnDON, FRlIDAY, APRIL 25. lE r1()niteur of the 18th ijliant contains ra Epoe of the Rate of Europe. The of our Government in taking fuch de- (1. p)s %yiih regard to Prufflia, is fpokea of tone of augrvy declamation, which lhewg the fcireine of covering Pruffia while th ,ubfellt to every defign of Bonap 1te U ,, hlas been, completely dffconceTted nt promptitude ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1000 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... fIQUSL OF touns.,..A The followitmg AMeflape froin his Majefly was,%a ouUon- day, broghit doviuby Lord Grenville:-a - 'lHis Majefty thiaks it proper to acquaint the Haoule of Lorrtsithat lie hits lnod hinioil aiidertnle neceflity ot withdiajitsg hss Mitfer tioni tbe Courtof Berlinland of ado ti)g pfoviiultally rmealfures of jaiL'z etaliation againit the commence and navigation bfTrdltia. 'His ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1164 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday's Posts

... iam b aturta, Aubav, I go> 0.61baro 1boto. p Flom the LONDON GAZETaE, dpriL 25. ta c~itr?.TO Nio-jUSE, Jpril 22. IS royal highinef ithe prince ?? tl pleafed to appoint the following noblemen a and *-entlemen to be ttate councillors for tie 1 litV l'f Scotland1: The marquis of Bute;-thetl ?? o;-tlieiearl of Caffiis;-tbe earl of v E daic--~the ail of Breadalhale; the earl of .-Wnxm. Adam, efq. ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 2813 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... POST 7 CRIP T. Etioetti' ago etourfoapt0-JR160 From the LONDON GAZETI'E. ApriL 20. ADKIRLLTY-QrOFICE, April 29, 1806. Copy qf a'ketc from lietetenait Stockham, comiyand- ivg Jis majejt/'s ip the Tkunderer, to lord Coeling- His majefty's (hip Thunderer, off My l~tORD, . Cadiz, Maroh 20, 1808. H, Have the fatisfaaion to inform your iordlhip, that at daylight in the morning of the I2th ini. in ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 5429 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... Silnday ilud 7Y1sda!' Post. The LON r'ON G AM 1ITE, Satsrrdad #Aril 26. T ItS Giazette cohtains an accourg of the T folhwtlig ?? French privntteer, of i4gans, by tile Hind Revelnue, tater, aftet a fiiart ?? FtendI fchooner privateer, Pctite Coufiall e, of 3 g.uns & 50 men, by the Wolverine Uoop, the French fchoolnerletter of marque Princefs Murat, of 3 gsins, and 62 men, by. tho Crenada brig,. ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2218 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FAIRTNERSIIJPS DISSQLVED.: From the Gazette of Saturday. April 19. 1805, April 11. Roobert Stainton and Thomas Lee, of Kijigftori-upon-H'ull, &bipping and inisarance brokers, and gencral commiffion agents. Dec: 31. IJolin Gtav tht;ybungdr, William Gray, and Heisrv Gray, of Damrfie, near Bolton, Lancailire, cot- ton Ipiniiers. Dec 31. George Houghton and John Farmer,' of Wapping, viue and ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 626 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IMUPERIAL PARLIAMENT. IIOUSE OF 3.ORDS. IltlS XtVSTY S .MSSAGIE. WEDNESDAY, .4pril 23.] Lord Grennille moved the order of the day for taking the king's ?? into confideratibon* which being reid, his lordfli p addreti'ed the noufe ro tbe famc purport as done by Mr. Fox in the Hooufe of Commnoos. Lord I1awkejyury expretfed his entife avd unqualified approbation of the addrers propofed b7 the ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 3143 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... JIOUSE OF COADIONS. Ijr. Secretary Fox brought down onl Monday his Mlaji;C- ty's Mlefage relative to Pruflia, which was finilar to that delivejed in the Lords. He then woved for certain papers connedted with tbe Mefage, which were laid upon the table. IYDtA AfFtAtl.-LcOrd Arclibald Hurnitten, ilmov- ing for the production of a dilpatch trom the Court of Directors to tihe Govermnment of Bengal, ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2652 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... AMERI1C.. rn the House of Representatives, upon the sth of March, in a Committee of the whole, upon the State -of the Union, Mr. Gregg proposed. a resolution for the Non-importation of all Goods and Merchandize, the pe of Growth of Great Britain, or any of-her.Colonies, until the settlemlent of the points at present in dispute. This Resolution Wvas warmly debated 6ntil the.l a7tH, when it was ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1806
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1732 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News