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Oxford Journal

Tuesday's Post continued

... .Tuesday's Post covixiusdd.: From the I.ONDON GAZETTE, June 28g ; wHITRaZALL, JuNrz t6.. DISPATCHES from Sir- Geo. H. Barlow, - 'Bart. Governor- General of Bengal, dated thie 2d' and sth of February, a8S6, have ?? received at the Eaft India Houfe, ot which the followinsl are extratts.:_ -Xztr'aR of a let'er zozn Sir G. H. Barlozv to tZEN Secret Co, nittee of tu'e C;ourt of biireaors, dated on ...

Published: Saturday 05 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1287 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, July 1

... L OD OD N A, A'j,7,!I . Difoatcies are preparing at the India 1o!Ife i~o be' lent uver land. iminediately, conraimmino- nfiriultions to Sir George Barlow fur Carrying the nlew arrangements into effect. Satmrd-ity accounts from Suminatra reached the I ut ii on fe, 'via A melrica, ?? , thatt two of the Rebel Chiefs, hviio had been coile&jmw troops I at Tallang Bally, had furreniderell to R-ademn ...

Published: Saturday 05 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3437 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, July 3

... LO ND J N. 91uly 3. The report in the City- yefterday was, that. Mr. Fox had Cent his confidential Secretary after Mr. Adair,-to Vienna, with infirutions to open a communication withi M. D'Oubril, the Ruffian Minifler at that city, and conditionally proceed -with him to-Paris. The 'Funds have been coiu. fiderably affedled by this. The following circular letter has been fent by the French ...

Published: Saturday 05 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2544 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... ,atirday's Poa fy Express. .LON O ,juy4. 1BE rumnours, and, according to many, the probabilities of an advanced Negoriationri d an approaching Peace, feeim to 'thicke. every day. The Funds experienced another ziaterial rife yefterday, but funk towards the clofe of the rmarket. The premium' of five 00inea~s to receive one hundred, if Prelimii. ;aries of Peace were figned before Tuefday next, ...

Published: Saturday 05 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2465 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

LONDON, July [ill]

... L ONb. , .7uly . _ ~ ~ ~ - ?? _ t; :> ! 7 ,r Since our laft three Hambargh Mails, and - Pris and Dutch papersi have arrived, thdefor. mer to the 2zd, the latter to tlhe i6th ilt.o Tbe reports refpetling flil fturther gream changes ia the ltateof Etuopegai f(lteith, -Nol. 6111y a new Conflittion for the German Etnpire, h bat the projected transfer of the Eccleliaflical t States, and the ...

Published: Saturday 05 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1513 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... Sunday and _Tuesday's Post. FRONI THE FRENCH PAPERS. N'APLES, JUwE I6. I : A New Neapolitan regiment, organized by- C',eoeral P-inatelli, entered this city a fewt daysaga, coining from Capua. Theylhiave al-' redy been r-viee.ed at Cihiaga. The EVglifl trequently approach our coafts, but are every where received with cannori thot. 'frhev vvith to excite the people in ithe provinces. o butr they ...

Published: Saturday 05 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 285 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Wednesday and Thursday's Post

... . Wednesday and TflzsrsdayIs Pos4i FROM THE LONTDON. GAZETTE. W`11ITC1rALL, JULY I. - rlrHE ling has been pleafed to copftitute and tippoint A John Philpot Curran, Efq. one of his Majefty's Counfel at Law, in Ireland, to be Keeper or Mafter of the Rolls and Records of the Court of Chancery in at.part of the United Kingdom called Ireland. BANKRUPTS To ?? Graf and PatricA DempjFy -Foiey, of ...

Published: Saturday 05 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 268 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ,-NEWMARKET JULY MEETING, z806. MONDAY, JULY 7. Firfl Year of a Rereewal of the July Stakes, a Sub- fcription of 5ogs. each, 30gs. ft. for 2-yr-old colts, car- rying 8f1..61b. fillies, Mf1. 41b. Two-yr-old C. was won by Mr. Wilfon's ch. f. by Buzzard, out of Totterella. beating Mr. Panton's b. f. fifter to Dilettanti; Mr. R. Prince's b. c. Iby Stamford, out of Companion's dam; Duke of ...

Published: Saturday 12 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 702 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ?? - 1. T - rj'T QO. : ?? Drufors in IDivinity. Dr. Edward Mality, of Pembroke Hall, Vicar of Holbeach, in Lincolnfhire, and of Buckden, in Hunt-' invdonfhire.-Dr. Alexander John Scott, of St. John's College, late Chaplain of his Majafly's; fhiji Fiior,, Admi. Lord Nelfon's flag fhip, (by Royal nmandate-)- r Dr. do~rge4Holcombe, of St. John's College, Redlor of Matlock, 'in Derbylhire, and of ...

Published: Saturday 12 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1382 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... Sunday and Yuesday's .Post. L 0 N D O A, Yzdy'8. CS19 -outr ?? have arrived French, Dutch, I 9 3,d Et~amburgh papers, by which we learn that the iflands and Mhores of the Adriatic con- tle to beihe Icene of fbie petty war-like ope- Vdons. 'herI lave been fome affions between tl e ifflians and Montenegrins on one fide,- and tdt French on the other, in which the French reprelent themlelves as ...

Published: Saturday 12 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2391 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Wednesday and Thursday's Post

... Agednesday and Tnwstbg s j. POst. PROM TI1h E LO N1 DON GCAZ T TE. ADMIR-ALTY osra.uRO, JTLY B. (Tranifmitted by Admi ral Dacres.) Hris dlafj.;4isfteap E:,, Lreea., Jl'layz 12, ?? SilKn jAVINS. received intelligence off St. Arna's, Lthe e-eing of tha ,jth imnlant, there was a fanall Spanifl priva'teer on the c-iflt,,vhich had captured two droggers; thinling, it nooc probabzjile thev wouldl ...

Published: Saturday 12 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 424 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... S4t$urday's Post. By jmpres. SON 'DON, y tN.. 1TrsTEXlPA .inl'te Ftoust oF COMMOws .Jth1I~e Indi. Butdget Wa5s opened wiltl ?? perfpiCsitY by t~d fMoripe-. His Lordfhip en- tered jnto a 1Xg and moit laborious Stajement, ?? view of Vhtich we refer oilr Reader5 to the follow-ing General Coniparifon bf Debts anld Afets ,of Debts intandia £2,666,984 DitON ?? - ? - - - , - 23,331 Total increafe of ...

Published: Saturday 12 July 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2263 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News