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... BAN KRIUTS FROAI SAI'UILDAY's GAZET'rLE. I - - 1 ,;, . r. - f------- . . . .. - William loughtotn, Liverpool, merchaint, to forrea- der July 8, 9, 3f, at tilh Globe T avern, Liverpoul. Atturric's, M1 elfrs. Stanniftreet and Eden, Liverpool. Y Edward B'dUoil and Henry Beaton, Fortdmoutil,, n butchers, June '21, 29, July 31), at (he Blue Pols, e Portfiuouth. AttorUey, Mr. CtdlawRv, ...

Published: Thursday 23 June 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 656 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - LI id- al CORN ExCHANeGE, Mlonday, April 18, 1808. )nt We ad a'tforerablc fupply'of Wheat to-day, and the ry fales du'l; for lliefhineft ftstiples we ca tlhetelore affix no' or higher price thaii 76s. per Quarter-Larley maintains its n- price ; but'Whlite'Peale dre upon the decline.-Tlie ui p- ie ply of Oats is pretty confiderable iind the (ales not very e briclh.-Fie Flour from .58s. t 60s ...

Published: Thursday 21 April 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 789 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... CO!e 4EtAs E: - Rl .R 4 , -11 r.;w sIANE; El;E AOllday EI Ih~ We had not much Wheat is .hY fales were however dull, arn, thsj tii and this, in, 1bme degree, owPrinItSo Wort Flsour on aland. Very pritue B' 0ettit; Q price ; but the ordimary does aurt N 3 'tR4 raithet chieaper.-iMallt and i ht11. tt tep R ts likewile flat. -.Grey Ileare la parawul 5lrtj,1 a good fupply. were louver, asl v ...

Published: Thursday 24 March 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1128 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... tI . , - SANI-RUM , I . -Williatm iaotest riwantca, toujkpeeper, to turmender y Sept. ., 10. o0t.Ci, at thle BifhbIavern, Briltol. Antur. . twys, Mefts. Payne anti Burges, Brifiol. S, James Powell and William Darch Ormound, Bnihftl, n wia-mekechas, Aug. 23, 29, OA. 1, at teeweat Mittel. h Brifol-- Attorneys, Aleffrs. betagtsugh aud Pailter, IBrillol. .0 John, Crumbleholme, Preerou. grocer, ...

Published: Thursday 25 August 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 733 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MA4JRIC' H/gRALD. Conti ExclIAsNOE, Aonday, Sept. lo, 1808. In confequerice of a very nnort fupply of Wheat, and the New not meeting with the approbation of our busers trmpleg of Fine Old obtined ont advance of 8s. per quarter.-Flour, likesife, has of courfe rifetl, and 80sl per Sack the price, with an expetlaticy of its being higher. -Barley is not much in deliand; there is hut littlb up, and ...

Published: Thursday 15 September 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 917 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Conv. ExcuhNN, 'A U . OUT -upp v of' tp o Whei tb the buyesrs ilot beimg *ery It 5eo*5 Co I tshe extenlt otf IS. undl 2S. pt!,er u ' ,H '- Barley alto is onl thle rife,.; It,, s. Peafe were full as dear as lati iuzd. t' .' Beans are raller ot tbe dccli edm \ ' -llo ; VTli 1 Oa1tS, though plell!v is) e i at about loft qu'itatiolul.p: (Itt t' eraioouin- 1Fhur. Su I tk E. CURREANT PRICyA ( ...

Published: Thursday 04 February 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1137 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... M AR KAI H ]J, RALD. CORaT EXCAyNGFP, Alonday, Nov.?, i808. We had a p ctty tulerabli fupply of WI'heat to-day, and notivithitltiiiing ionic fiwlto tiot. fiGce this daiy fe'iiight,. in the ntiorinlig lales wtre cceexled pepn nearly the tzIaile terms as tilen qsuted-We have been Iiot Iparingly lup- FAied wviti liariey of late, and fi-je bright laIulples are 2s. per quarttr dcar.r-Nitit has ...

Published: Thursday 10 November 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 920 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET HlERALD). I CoRNe EXCItANGE, Monday, Dec. 12, 18011. We hbd a conliderahie quantity of UA heat Up for this diy's Market, acd in conlequence of the attewdance of mnany buyeis, a ftart fin prices took place Fije tailples at tile early part of the day advanced 5s. per quarter, nor was there any abatement, though the fales bccarne dull towards the clole. WVe had . goud fuppl3 of Iarley, ...

Published: Thursday 15 December 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 938 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I MARKET 1-PRXAL). el CowJ P~~sctire, S~londtlyij Aug,. '39, A8Oh 'Oar arrivals of Wheat to-day w'ere lbort, and orfihefe .there werc but fewufines fraples; tile hltter were rather dearer than Iiit Mi.nduy, but all elfe obtiained no addition, to their former..prices.-Barley fells heavily, and cannot be placed in our figures higher than at 46s. 7er Quarter.- ve hlalt lkewvife partakesof ilhe ...

Published: Thursday 01 September 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 944 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAR KET HERALD. CorN EXCEIANGO, Monday, Alay 2, 180$. In the article of Wheat to-day we have to note for your governo ent that the fupply was a lhort one, the fales brilk, and at rn advance of 2s. nnd Ss. per quartcr.-Barley, although a Ihort fuppiy, bad not a ierv ready tale, yet prices were rather higher tban latl week.-Fine Malt is dearer.-In White Peafe, of which we have no greal quantity ...

Published: Thursday 05 May 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 564 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... AlARICET REk?,4Z A,- me I sA Coats UIxeTIANGE, 14n~~ t~ Our arrivals ot lWiveat tod, t MItaliitg trade, nloni degrree rt 'Ot I in the fales better prices Werc 11 5 Barley was likewife cvitleaI J) a l, r,,t I ...

Published: Thursday 17 March 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1149 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I . PflRkSr PPALP. Cop.p Excnhcatp, Aloinkiiy, Now. 28, 180ti; !Wt.e fiave had aniother fallintg 8laiket; Sleat lavinJ. atrived in abundance, and rAIces Of Fine Saples reduced 5s. per Quarter ; Ordinary Samiples hnave likewife giveil way, being 6s. and 7s pei Quartereleaper; and Flour is down 5s. per SacL.-Very toleratbla lopplies of Barley Snave arrived, and t00 article lias decliued in ...

Published: Thursday 01 December 1808
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 894 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce