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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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... zrjviow Under tbe iVrw Library, Ctmrntrv&rett, Lttdt. IT it a Source of much Grettficaa tothe COM- MITTEEof the LEEDS UNION^WS ROOM to l« aWe to inform the Subferiberj, that) Inftitntion has found fwooage andSnppdrt mort^neiawitefpedible than their moft fcnguine Hopa e«uld llforv— And they ftttter themfelves that the Arrangemeiifcow made br FTrriNc b* a room, u»a*«.i&«f J J_ $0 ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 16243 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... MON Y ANTED Immedialely, SIXTY POUNDS, VV for Two Years, at per Cent, Band and Life Policy, a Clergyman the Church, Income Property and character. gy- Any Perfon, who ran procure the above, will liberally rewarded. Plcalc M. li. G. Poft-Offiee, York. WANTED, in Gentleman’s Family near Leeds, a Steady AAivc MAN. as HOUSE SERVANT. Apply Hr UutkgnutrOJit*, Ncw-Strcct End, (if by l etter, Foil ...

Published: Monday 09 January 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 540 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... THE Rev. JOHN SMLDDLE inßiudta YOUNG in the Engiifh, Latin, and French Lmguagea, Writing, Arithmetic and Metchanta’ Accoonta, Ac. &c.—Term* Twenty-five Guineaa per Ann. Walking included. The Acadetfty Bianop-MiDOLtHaia, ia fpacicua and commodious Building, in the of Farm, appropriated to the Ufc of the School. ty Further Particular* may learned by applying to Mr, Nichulfon, Gibron, near Leeds ...

Published: Monday 16 January 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 76 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Under lie Ltiury, Street, Lenit. Is a Source of much Gratification IothcCOMMITTBEof the LEEDS UNION NEWS ROOM to to uifortn the that Inftitution ha* four.d Patronage and bipport more rxtenfive and reCpedUblc than their moft Hope* could look for*—And they ft liter themfiebrn that the Arrangement* now made, PITTING ROOM, eligibly fituatri from its Contiguity the Library; and the Engagement they ...

Published: Monday 23 January 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 152 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

Mr. MURPHY, SuaofOM-DttaritT

... MR. MURPHY will in Wakefield Monday, Tuefdiy and Wednrfday nm, at Mr. Pollock l*lay-Hoirfc Yard, which Time hit there will end for the prelent. Mr. M will cootimic in Leedt till further Notice. Ctmwurcitl-Slrert, y«*. 14, 1809. To PARENTS. T t/’ILLIAM BlRCH,GaocmandTcA-DEAif*, V V l.owerhead Row, Leedt, in immediate WANT of APPRENTICE. To PARENTS, &c. S SADLER, Milliner, Burley-Bar, Leedi, it ...

Published: Monday 30 January 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 78 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

To PARENTS. WILLIAM BIRCH,G«ocF.»audT»A-Dy*tEi, Lnwerhead-Ruw, Lord*. I, immediate WANT of an APPRENTICE. To ..

... in . immediate WANT of YOUNG PERSON of refpcdlable CooueAiona, a* an APPRENTICE. WANTED, in a fmall genteel Family, in Leeds, a COOK who pcrfetSly her Bufinef*; .1 good Wage* will be given, none need apply but whole haraAer will bear the ftri&clt Scrutinyv—Enquire of the Printer; if by Lccicr, Pofi-paid. WANTED, LADY’S MAID, wbo underftands Urel't-Making, and >• of tlinTe Qualification* which ...

Published: Monday 06 February 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 119 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... WANTED PERSON to have ‘'are of (utali Kitchen Garden, and Vinery.— mall pro* duct TeftitnoniaU of Abilities and good ConduA from kisUlt Employer.—As a Hotsf* will he funnel, a Middle aged Married Man withoutmneb Family will preferred.g Eoqaircaf Mr. Jofeph Brook, of Hndderefield, if jLctter to Pofl-paid, or no Attentwn will to it. ...

Published: Monday 13 February 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 55 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... WANTED PERSON have the Care of fmall Kitchen Garden, and Vinery.—He mud produce Tedimonials of hi* Abilities and good Conduct from hislad Employer.—As Houfe will be found, a Middle aged Married Man withoutmuch Family will preferred. YV* iaiquire of Mr. Jofeph Brook, of Huddersfield, if by Letter to be Poll-paid, Attention will paid to it. ...

Published: Monday 20 February 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 57 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... For QUEBEC and MONTREAL, (In I.ifu of l)ONDt», which hath happened Mitfortutie that will prevent her being ready Due Time.) The Brig FREDERICK, %•> Burthen aso Ton*, mounts Four Carriage Guns, With fmall Arms ; is now ready take in Goods, w ill tail North about, with without Convoy, in all March.—The Frederick is very drflrahlc Vefftl, and will proceed to the Town Montreal.—For Particulars enquire ...

Published: Monday 06 March 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 67 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

Mr. NORTHERN, Dfxtist,

... REAL and ARTIFICIAL TEETH, O from a Angle Tooth to whole Set, entire new Principle, rendering unnectffary the dellrutlivc of tying Artificial Teeth with Ligature*, which never fail to loolcn ddlroy thole Teeth the Artificial Teeth are tied to. The Teeth infeTtcd ly hurt are the mofl unerring Principle, if the Gum* are ever fo defetlive, without the leall Pam or IrriUlion, and with Kale took in ...

Published: Monday 13 March 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 613 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... SEl.l ING OI HIS STOCK, €’o qf threat I'ar 'irty I rint J GooJ. , Or. wry rtductd Friers. Tbofe who plcafe to favor him with th« ir Com- will meet with every Attention ; d S. Batters lumhlf, they will meet with a Variety Articles well worth their Notice.—Ae«//, ttb, WILLIAM and THOMAS LUMB, and C.IBIS’Sf-M.lKtitf BEG return their fincere Thanks for the Favors conferred upon them in the above ...

Published: Monday 20 March 1809
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 201 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds