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... fame. (3») * Dr. Salomon’s Medicines. r THE Cordial BALM GILEAD is uJ niverfally acknowledge be peculiarly cacious in all inward wafliugs, lofs of appetite, indigeflioiii deprefllon of Ipirits, tren bling or, the Itand» and limbs, obftiuate coughs, fliortnefs ...

Dr. Solomon’s Medicines

... Dr. Solomon’s Medicines. Cordial BAt.M of GILEAD !i u. niverfally acknowledged to be peculiarly effi. raciousiii all inward waOingSt lol's of appetite, in« digcdioii, tleprclFion of fpirits, trembling or fliaking of the hands and limbs, ohflinate coughs ...

Dr. Solomon’s Medicines

... Dr. Solomon’s Medicines. CorJial BALM . GILEAD is «. il nlvcrfaMy acknowledged be peculiarly efficacious in all inward waftlnes, appetite, indigi ftioti, depreffion of Ipirifs, trembling or flic and obflimre cougiis, ffiortnefs breath, and cmdumpiivc ...


... Solomon’s Medicines, r T' , HE Cordial BAI.M GII.EAD is n. nivcrfally acknowledge 'to l»c peculiarly cHi. cacious in all inward waft»ny« of appetite, iodigcftion, depreflion of fpirits, trembling or (baking of the band? and limbs coughs, (liortncfs of ...

Dr. Solomon’s Medicines

... Dr. Solomon’s Medicines. THE Cordial BALM GILEAD w. n’Vfrfa'ly acknowledgef' peculiarly in all inward waftMics, of appetite, indiweflion, of fpirits. trembling or iliaking of the hands and limbs, ohftinate coughs, (liortncl's of breath, and conlumptive ...

Dr. Solomon’s Medicines

... Dr. Solomon’s Medicines. THE Cordial BAI.M GILEAD u. niverfally acknowledged be peculiarly efficacious in all inward wafting*, lofs of appetite, in* digeftion. depreflion of (pirits, trembling or of the hands and limbs, ohftinate coughs, (hortnefs of ...

Dr. Solomon’s Medicines

... Dr. Solomon’s Medicines. THE Cordial BAI.M GILEAD n. nivcrl'ally acknowledged peculiarly effi, caciousin all inward Ihfa »*f appetite, in» deprellion of fpirits, trembli-ig (baking of the bands and limb*, obftinate cough*, fhortnefs of breath, and habit* ...

Dr. Solomon’s Medicfhes

... Dr. Solomon’s Medicfhes. THE Cordial BALM of GILEAD is 11- acknowleclget! peculiarly efTlracious iu all inward wallings, lot's of appetite, iu-* digeftion, depreflion of fpirits, trembling or (liaUliiff the hands and limbs, coughs, fliortnefs of breath ...

Dr. Solomon’s Medicines

... Dr. Solomon’s Medicines. THF. Cordial BAI.M nf GILEAD is u» nlrerfally »fltiinwl«dj;rd ptcultarljr efficacious in all inward waftingi, loft appetite, indioeftioD, depreffion of Ipirils, trembling or (hatrinf uf the hands and limhs, ohftinate congas, ...

Dr. Solomoh’s Medicines

... Dr. Solomoh’s Medicines. THE Cordial BALM GILEAD is u. nivcrfally acknowledged he peculiarly effi-1 cacious in all inward waflings, Icfs appetite, in* digertion, depreffinn fpirits, trembling or {baking of the hands and limbs, obftinatc coughs, Hiortncfa ...

Dr. Solomon’s Medicines

... Dr. Solomon’s Medicines. THE Cordial BALM of GILEAD nnlverfaMy acknowledged he peculiarly efficacious in all inward wallings, lofs of appetite, indigeftion, deprefllon of fplrits, trembliug or (baking of the hands and !imb«, obftinate coughs, fhortnefa ...