Advertisements & Notices

... the male Sex.-The Strengthening Pills are l'eculially efficacioius ill Deheitity after malignalit Fevers, Nersous Complaints, ali inward Wadting, Jois oftppetiteornatoar l Si-sergrl, Itidigetilon, olFtlinatc Congh, Sortrefs of Breath, CofSurr ive Habits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... male ?? Strengthening Pills are peculiarly effl- cacious in debility after hialignaint fevers, ncrvous comn- plaints, all inward vfafting, lois of appietite, or iiatural' , ftrength, indigeffion, obbtinate cough, 6izortnefs of bi'eth, confiumptive habits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WeaknefA in the male Sea-The Strengthening Pills are Peculiarly efficacious is Debiiity after malignant Fevers, Nervous Complaints, all inward Waffing, lofsofAppetiteor natural Strengtr, Indigellion, obflinase Cough, Slsortnefs of Breath, Cosfumolive Habits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fes.1 'hc Strengthening Pills are pectiiarly effi- CaC;OU5 in debility after irralignantfeversj PAervous comn- plairits, all inward wadilg, lots of Cppetite, or tlatuWal. flrtngth, indligeftion, obtuinate cought j ihrtriefs of breath, confurtmptive habits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... disputee heir Ie tir in the following complaints:-EItlargen ts farY Gla~nds, whether from slight or deep.seated f t6 Encrusted and Scaly Eruptions, attedled by tisesae. ment of the Stomach; Scorbutic, Rheti deran complaints; and the uncomfortable feeli 5n Cs5> ...

Advertisements & Notices

... criet, if dicious administration of mercury, dissipation, est improper practices, fainting fits, violent head's complaints of the lungs inward wdstings, tremblis shaking of the hands or limbs, shortness of bee consumptive habits, &c. &c. In all cases, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the heart, faintings, and fpalins; ficknel's at ftoam:ich, retchings, lofs ot atppetite, quick and weeak pulfe, thirfl. inward lever, heflic fweats; -nd in the day, drynefl's of the fkin; coflivetnefs, painis in the back and loins, flufhings, hminorrhage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of Alustardl, unciversally esteemed for its extrastidinary efficacy itt Rheuitn- atisms, Pasiies, Gouty Affections, and Complaints of the Stomach ; but whiere ttis rertaist rentiedv has beei iteknosn, or neglected, and the Chilblains have actlaally s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... study, excessIve tid. dicious administration 6f mercury, dissipati improper practices, fainting fits, violent hb complaints of the lurigs. inward wastingsr shaking ihf the hands or limbs, shortnes o consumptive habits, &c. &C. In all cases, ages, vhere' he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... injudicious administration of mercury, dissipation, excess, improper practices, faint. ing fits, violent head-ach5, complaints of the lungs, inward wastings, trembling or shaiing of the lhands`or limb-, shortness of breath, consu'nptive habits, &c. &c. In all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... feebleniess, trenibliflgs, lowness of ssirjts, sititing, spasntihorrtors' tttbe mtnd, vaii fears, frightful ?? of the' heart, inward, decays, los-of. me 37ory,.patalyticcmplaintsiijdijestioip, loassof appetite, weak- ess fin inboth sexes, and every decay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Quito a safe and certain remedy for Nerrons.B lions, Gouty, and Rheumatic Ds- orders, Lowness of Spirits, Losa'of Appetite, Inward De- cays, Fainting -Fits, Tremblinz or Shaking of the Hands or Limbs. Shortness of Breath, Consumptions, and every P 1ind ...