... C'ORN KXC'II.A GE, le. 27. . WC hd ai good suply of ~Essex and Keitish Wbeat. this nornin;, but as there vwas a brisk demand at tile eoaiuie~iceuenit of the narlibt, van advance ot' 2s. par ( qminater wazs readxily obtainiedl, but thie trade lvas du1ill to- w-ards nooil.-firiey wvas lil'isk demand this morning, aud 'about 3s. pir quarter ?? has rlolue- quentih risei from'2s. to 3s. per q ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1814
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 694 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SIPIII NEWS. YAnrMOUTHn DEc. 30-Y'Stet: ay evening arrived a Dateh schuyt. from Holland, arid landed a Foreigan Mssenger with dispatches, with which he pro-eeded to To xn immediarelyou his Jandn. 'I his morning ariivel the l'reya, arrmed en flute, with 470 Dutch prisoners of war, which are trs hc landed here, and will occupy the- Barracks (the 11ayir ieing quartertd in the town) and after ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 469 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON GAZETTE, SATURDA Y, DEc. 29. .BANKRUPTS. Joln Warner and Nathaniel Scholefield, of Greenwich, Kent Inlen-drapers, d. c. to stir. Dec. otl,.Jan. 11, and Feb. b, at I t.-Att. Nweet & Stokes, Boislngliall-street. Jamrs King, of Chichester, Susrex, mealmau, d. c. to stir. Jan. a, 4, at the Crown inn. Einswortli, Southampton. and Feb. 5, at Ili at the Dog inn, Emsworth.--Att. Clare, ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1814
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 846 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ARRIY2D-Dcc. 30. Lady Perth, Balfour, Alloa, goods .-lane. Leaford, Lynn, grain-Betsey, Gilbert, Dinbar, ditto - tlnity Hardie, CArdifi iron-Venus, Leisk, Lerwick,goo's -AbigailTaylor Fredeiickstadt,prize to the Hamadryad,na- val stores_31. iessie, Brown, Perth, ?? Packet, Ritchie, Eyemouth, herrings-Jan. 1. Mary and Ketty, Mar- tin, Crail, grain-Peggy, Roads, Lynn, ditto-3. Providence, Finlay ...

Published: Monday 03 January 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1291 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NE WS. His Majesty's Ship W~olfe, at Kingston, Nov. I, 1Sc3. SIR,-1 cannot allow you and the seanmen under your com- mand to depart, without expressing my full an I entire approba- tion of their good condudl, and request that you will communi- cate the same to them, as also to the Transport Board. I beg you likewise to accept my sincerdthanlks for your cheer- ful compliance, on all ...

Published: Monday 03 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 611 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... XNt.1rIt;cY .AI iCuidi I. iiad, V,. I '1; x.I l . , , hb, *;; , ,.t , me- c t, frotb Dec. 1 al ,sA NKlJII ' c. ' L. Lawrence anl A. S Scomnwins hf Fal.'.ontitk, nierchilts, .;. T , 2, a;nd Feb. 1z, at ten, aL G nilIhall. At ton. ; r. iIowisiil,1 ,!awry-strwt, Aidlgate.' .1. 11ceod of. North Shjeld'i, niaster-mariner, Jan. I5, 18, and Feb. sz, at twelvelat (uildlhall. Attorney, Mair. iL ...

Published: Monday 03 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 967 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... still-, IVETTI's. PfirMOtiTIr, TAN. t Arrivel the American schooner An- toniLotte, fronm Phila(lelphia, for llou rl:eaux, wvith cotton, worl, &c. She wvas chased on shnre il 3asqtlle Ro'ads hv the lloyalist sl5OP of war, hut waI soon got nfF thonogh in a lt-ity state; the cargo miust lie iimmediately landed. Arrived tht Atosaillard sloop oof wvar frcq^. Portsmouth, and ith Royalist from a ...

Published: Tuesday 04 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1574 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... CORIfl-EXCHA4 1¶lWe had a very larga last week, though but a' se day, owing to the coal/ Ed ply of ViWheat, together It quile a stagnation ln (he u, a:ly 26. per quarter lov._ ?r sold, Barley dull sale audiawuer ione~r, and r- of both sorts are considerahij cbeaper, TheI a Foreign Oats, and the expected large snpplyi in a day or two, has caused a decline of O 1t quarter from prices of ?? day ...

Published: Tuesday 04 January 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 528 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... A'iAwr-K, 1' TPRICESo .1 1 ?? Iill., V L:!: ! r u o ?? T.oaf WI!)I flar1'el' (litto- tl a I QtLl I ,L tbe ii it _ _ .st, _13 O;l1r _ l t 1311~ pe; ,r li'. s. .litol - Ivtil r h it mell . ?? AS :lill ithe (na. ?? (Lit (:r ;I1- Ill.- ?? ,or h:er Iti:1' in t to Lelt i. a mlg Ia rc- Oll ion lily 3o- 1il- the tviU tee )i~r tihe IJ;Clrjk- ditto..] I 'otL t'LC ?? 1ael, ,7er lib..0 \1 111tll .0 \Vei1 ...


... SHlPl-' NVElS. PLvS.iOU'rti, .Tu~. .-Sailedl vesterday the Orestes sloop of r We'a. with :I fl-ct unlur her convoy Ito the Dowvns and N)rth (Irav le1t ier of natlque to thL West I sil.. Arrived this mort- illg the NVairsidte, o u;t' gul!s, frotl B39asqile so I. Sle i (ubt a iii with lI-r [tor French chasise msiree',- laden jtl *winte anld brandv. cs cmire~l by rhe stliadron in Iinseacq e li ...

Published: Thursday 06 January 1814
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1467 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LEITH 1MPORTS AN EXPORTS IMPORTS. S Euphemia, from Gibraltar, Malaga, and Cadiz, with 4S casks paintis colours, I caik white lead, 4 tons dried cod fish; and 600 bundles iron hoops, being part of a cargo ship- ped from this port, but was not allowed to be landed at any of the above ports, in conuequence of the plague. Agnes, from Londonsderry, with 295 bales flax, 20 bags i h ditto, and I half ...

Published: Thursday 06 January 1814
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1088 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKE7T HERALD. . . 1 _ IA; ?? Q - A . jrs, Colii FXIiIASGE, Monday, Jan. 3, 1S4M cbh This day's supply of Wheat *was pretty good, bul tie de- ds flemd was iully equal to it; and cl'1l siiples %were about '2s. ed per quaitrt ldearer tharion tlis diy se'igight, bet the sales n ere dull at the closb of the ua1rket.-13argcy and Mlalt were on xn-srert silipply ; asd fine samiple-of eachi weie in ...

Published: Thursday 06 January 1814
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 989 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce