Advertisements & Notices

... UER3AS 1, WILLIAM BRANSCOMBE, Wt - pfx~imodth, Boat-master, was on Monday the I Ith instant, hired by Charles. ifford, Esq. tO take him in tmy boat to Teigmnnouth, wherel groswly insulted him, lor whbcli lie commenced a prosecution against me, but h s cond.,scended' to withdraw it, on my paying One Pound Seven Shillin~gs tolthe-HumaneSociely, in Exeter, o and publicly acknowledging my fault: I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AVANI'S A SFrUA'l'oN, ASSERVAN T, or to take the Management of a A~.Sing!le Gentlrneana's House, vrhere a man or boy, is kept, a' s teady Young WVocnnn.-ILetters, post paid, and clireeled to A. B. Mr. Mlattlhews, grocer, I27, 3ca-myll-streeti St. jamies's'. SALES BY AUiCTION. A coniignpnent of Pre-erved FrUits, in high perfediotio, lotted to suit private Families-Bly Itle,,ra., ROI)[NS, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE, BY AUCTION. By i~lr. 11EVANS, at his h -ouse, THIS and foillowing Day, HEI celbrate LIBRARY of the late Coubt 01OP112I0, containing the most rare aiad-cutious as- sembl0age of Italia n Novels'of thle a5th and i6tls centorles, both printed and manuscript, which has ever beets submitted to puiblic sale, including, antong other rarities, Borcaclo, if De-, camecrosie, first edition, an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. In a neat pocket volume, price Ss. in boards, THE LONDON DISSECTOR; or, System of l Dissedlion, pradtised in the Hospitals and Ledture Roons5 of the !iletropolis * explained by the clearest Rules, for the use of Students: comprising a Description of the. Muscles, Vessels, Nerves, and Viscera of the Human liodv, as they appear an Dissedltin; with Diredhions for their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4b~ Eit hleriiBy (Jjviref lia AB ~ CEZ1 N 'i~rbo P R.,willitlrjase lit~a. treld I io adkirrg r l Saf - t tweth ft l rltrw) N' (tice virh, andl'tuedtii~ tire~ .30tjh 41ay Dt' Sv ireiaki~ Insanrt,: itt live Alviriei Pkrri6* lif IchdBsriidl, Per- 'polis Vart resurt tal kji~g re if'e t od rettlsiyegsFirrit~ ir.TT~rIo hti ti h ?uid in) (P~ IDlse'I Mendrs eb ltel.wy ocuiedir Faos tr Geoice thIPY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NA TI GICI! Il11 mlRX~'~m ' 1AT STEEL 4Y ,r - w .. .,,:ga-r.e- -tW cr L rl 411 nilty v se t i u vkttcl l1 ml-e lI - DERM HifIR E VCHi40MAS SESSIONS~, 1817. '411E~ Arran~euents iwde. by, the Judges, for ..flie Triai~ *ls Iitah ar tO I al.U pltotr tanoder ibuii, -cjial fCornoiniiin-li, a,;tqhe. ,,g e nex.t (jleli QaI Qisrtr Se 'sit of he Peace* or I1 li Cutlmty~ fit Dur li ejitt Ili-Id oili ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g- SALE9S DV Mht.CROSi. ed jd ' H SEllO)L.D FU`tRNIT URE, &d. r T BtSQ LBY AUCTION, , -y MBr.:ClROSS, i1i 9 C~ te Pirtitlises of tile latcm n S. GAW9hJIOSN'E, Iron Gate, he ' Ilerby ad '- Otn Ilonday the 1bim day of Novetliber, 1817, V rc .,Pprrgtsrally .al i0 o'clock;io tIzeAIomWC;i-- ' le !.T11E-%VfiQIe of' the :llols8nOLnD FU1?tN.jTU1m, ti g, conifrisg folr-postarl ohtber lldedstJeads, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of 'T'HE VIM ST CAUTIION csarno1. preveul rthe jiiattdtc. . f tioll of tbat unpleaeatsi and troublesome disorder, tile ilgl, eVelp iin tile; respeclarlle jaitsiilies; and from its .iifectuops natore, individuals hare cpo mititly liable to it3 at. til tacl;s. It will. tlivrefore, be of adrantige to alny who 0pay s1 saffar cunoer il to: klow, that they may rely oat beitig eifec- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The best fall Novhies-tnhe Prics 'of ickets and.- Shares: restored to what the 6-, were Twentg Years ago., . TOCK-BtROKER ~ Gon 1'7, '7Ludgatem-Street, London, ýrcEC!M ENDS'the 're'sent Lottery- othtN7otice M nd Patro.nage ofliisirieuds iA tlis County, on the A ~ ing strong grands:i---Th? Tickets and Shares, are ,tlh :tbly haie been for. te st 2QYearsviz. : A'W16.6Tcketi.. .. lB 0 ?eemeo- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEORGE LEE:'s CREDITORS. 'UHE Creditors of GEORGE'LEE, of tlie town Qf L iingston-upipn-Hull,- Groqcer, whoh'ave exccuted theDcedof Assigmnent made for ,heir. benedit,',may reccive a Dividend of ive Sllilling4 inl the Pound uponI thea-io~unt ofthteir exspetivea1>4,bts,on app]ication ,to. Mr; J. C. Rlcxeraansooy Soaititor, 1&, Bo*ialy:-Lsne.I HUMt;i 1:ltWi october. 181:*- : . TO LOWTTEI{Y.AD, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XINGSTON-UPON-HULL. MIICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS. 7I|t -A 1' the next Michtael77s - $ JL. Gene)-l Quarter Sessions of d .-;3t a ?Kthe Peace for the .Toton and CU ntly * aP Pof the 7'own Qf Kingston-upPn'1 t-ll, will' be holden at the Guild- ctha U ofthe same Toton, on Thursday ;:- the'6tlidayofOctober zext, at Tet i'Clock in the Fdrenoont;-when 'and where all Juirs: ,s Suitors, Persons upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %opal. acquaint their Friencs and tF- Public Gle3 to acquaint thiS fixed for This Day, ?? BENEFT vill be presented Shak- y) scNov,. wvhenf 1Aiebrated Play of 1 NKouaS of SItR Jo,, N TA'FF. or, tkl iosturO bf Mi . H. GASKELL,. &ndetr an of LIverpool, his firat appearance on any ltntra tage.) With the Interlude of LVEST'ER DAGGERWOOD. with Dimondhi admired Farce of the NG HUSSAR; O LOVE AtND ...