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South West, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... entitled A GUIDE to HEALTlH; Or, Advice to both Sexes, in a variety of Complaints. By S. SOLOMON, M. D, Containing a Treatise on Female Diseases, Nervous and Hypochontiriac.Complaints; also General Remarks on those Diseases with which the hanla body is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... entitled A GUIDE, to HEALTH; Or, Advice to both Sexes, in7 a variety Of Complaints. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. Containing a Treatise on Female Diseases, Nervous and Hypochondriac Complaints; also General Remarks on those Diseases witb which the human body is most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... permanent, and that the variations of well and ill (hould fo frequently happen. For Nervous Confumptions, Lownets of Spirits, inward , Decays, Debility or Relaxation in either Sex, whether t hereditary, or owing to youthful imprndencies. that reno- e vating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... entitled A GUIDE to IIEALTH; Or, Advice to both Sexes, ins a variety of Complaints. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. Containing a Treatlfe on Female Difeafes, Nervous and Hypochondriac Complaints i aifo General Remarks on thofe Diteafes whir iwhich the human body is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... from its infedtious nature, is moft eafily commu- nicated. It will therefore be of advantage to tcofe who luffer under this complaint to know, that they may rely on being effeftually ?? by ONE IlOUR's APPLICATION Of BARCLAY's ORIGINAL OUNTMENT. This fafe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A GUIDE to HEALTH; ?? Or, Adaic to both Sexes, ia a vrriety of Complaints. , to Bv S. SOLOMON, M. 1). Jess Containig a Ireatfe on Female Difeafest Nervous and i age Hypochosd~iac Complaints alfo General Remaiks on tbofe Diteafes with which the human body ...

Advertisements & Notices

... incredible efforts for the cxpulfiori ofrlifeata, before organic ?? Colds, Cougts. Rheurnatifin; Atonic Gout; in Female Complaints; in Platultnce, Sicknefs and Pains of the Stomach, in Nertoul Afflitlions, the burflitng agony of fudden Grief, or the dee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... entitled A GUIDE to HEALTH; Or, Advic to both Sexes, in a variety of Complaints. By S. SOLOMON, M. V. Containing a Treat~fe on Female Difeafes, Nervous anlI Hypochotidriac Complaints i alto General Remarks on I thofe Diteafes with which the human body ...

Advertisements & Notices

... relieves Dimuness of the Eyes; is excellent in curing recent Deafness; and is of great service id Hysteric and Paralytic Complaints, and in restoring the Memory when impaired by disorders of-the head. It is also a Preservative against Infectious Air. Sold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 49, 1817. er ?? er SOLD by TR EWMAN.and Co. Exeter. 1 or R. BRINKWELL's DROPS, for Nervous i or ILY Affections, Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Fits, or and Convulsions, were used by him during a long and d, extensive practice with great success, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with prinwo- direclions. '1'3 SOLD) by TREW.UAN and Co. Exeter. R. BruNIIWELL's DROPS, for Nervous D'Afr Alections, Bilions Complaints, Indigertion, Fit and Convuhlsions, *ere' used by him during a long and extensive practice with great.suiecess, as he ...