Advertisements & Notices

... idrv n o t f lut rg e , Fro Sn t ' ov r y il ' n 1 -t,5 5 1 la mps,, w e hsave h ttitt the subject is as ull as the E hsrtt 'St. re- of considerable interest to eP t po - inst unaccountably compelled toe pU iC b' Lng- negligence. We pnrselesPuttvPlithu; mas good hours; but we seldo riot. Great George's-street, or Nzl-eto se ons, nine or ten o'clock, without oste 1t, ;O either 'expiring or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For NEW YORK, To sail on the 1st of January,> - The COURIER, WILLIAM BOWNE, Master; ?? ~ Burthen 580 tons. To sail on the Ist of February, The PACIFIC, , i JOHN WILLIAMS,.Master; Burthen 570 tons. In order to furnish more certain Conveyance for Goods and Passengers, between Liverpool and New York, the owners of the American Ships, CoURIER, PACIFIC, JAMES MUNROE, and AMSITY, have un- dertaken ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s the any 7d, if assist nean o the pses- Can ilent lopt ? e the leing rues. taps nuch ill at * tie ded, enrna sver- iex- 5liQ edi- 1t or i~tg- .We this last, rects hlip,. di to ELGIN MARBLES. Speedily will be published by subscription. (Vedicated tsp psermissione Ito °ti.P12TNCE hEG. In Elephant Quarto, price 71.w Guineas at. a 9alf, ORTY ETCHiNGS, selected from the most tiffel and least ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S1?> For NEW YORK, ?? ?? ?? sail on the Ist of January, !Fi ian The COURIER, WILLIAM BowNE, Master; Burthen 580 tons. To soil on the Ist of Februaru, 1 9 ?? PACIFIC,' JOurN WILLIAMS, Master; Burthen 370 tons.. In order to furnish more certain Conveyance for Goods and Passengers, between Liverpool and New Y'rk, the owners of the American Ships, CosaRER, PACIFIC, JAMES MONROE, and AMITY, have un ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I b p~lE OPPORTUNITY FOR 1 'U iN TERS. * ,r.emplbtioin t° printthe Llv RPOOL 0 l coaac~r acip a Xew yIVps, soniotiin in , ?? )0',ir ; any 1i'i er ewo inay .ase a qalitity of the Brevier or Mi- flenow o e on the MIercory. may apply j!P E i;(;i RTON S31iTH E & Co. M t1S CiiLI5ETTx. just published, ?? Of MRi. COBBETT, En- ater tite a Drawing taken on board the the day beror his Departure from Li. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le JUST PUBLISHED, 7e Price one Guinea, Boards, with e. A PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR, jr THE -FOURTH, FIFTH, and SIXTH VO- irdr THE FU LUMES OF THE ITINERtANT; OR MEMOIRS OF AN ACTOR. BY S. W. RYLEY. Being a Continuation of the former Parts. London: Printed for Sherwood Neely, and Jones, Paternos- ter-row, by Smith and Galway, Liverpoot; where Subscribers and others may be supplied with. Copies. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , twc b auction. (Before the major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and by a commrision of bank- rupt, awarded and issued against John Aspinall and James Aspinall, late of Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, bankers and copartners, ?? and chaprnen,) on Monday the 5rd of Februarv next, at six o'clorkin the evening, at the Star and Garter Tavern, in Paradise-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :EW GRANIYLOTTERY. ' .! . SI YE .. * : AS contractedi for the W -i pY of A;L1o,4o0 .Todkets, . tob:eM#,~~b ygh' a S~&i he. Scheme is admiitted'toii be ~ iiig ontt principle ofilie'last; 'ibich ie'uJi ltsifac tion. Ti- ; Thlrds bf it a hl i lkets rvz id will be dt ativoni the abo av T ;i d literlthtli.d t a digleDlatik,f very fi*et will be rntifid-tsomB beineft: i1rii6 o Szerirsisi to;attached ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Methodist Missions KN EVERY QUARITJWER.-OF TIE GLOBE. T HE1 ANNUAL )MHEUTING of ?? ME- L 'I D l-LIS'l' M`lSSIONARY St.CTETYfor ?? K-NREn'(o' Clriciie'r, 'Kill be held in the New \k-thotvist Chapel, Gratious Street, 4naresbeo', on Iriday. ?? ithl of JAIY. The Chair to be tak-en precisely at Two o'Clock. The l'cligious Scrvices conneleud with this Meeting will be its fcdlow :_tjn TIUJSDnAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PoRTsMlouTH vi-ruALUNG OFFICE, ON`Tv~RDAYthe 13th of FebritarynteXt, I .hahribie reodoir to receive sealed 'f~.trferj., aedo treot 1 frdO)QUARTFEtR of WHEA6'r7, to Weigh SN5fis. pef anl liilesf which Samples are it be producdbytl Parties; to'be rielivered into his Majesty's Mliill at this OP, Port in Orre Mourrthr A's, rec'red wilt ble !tad to artyr Tender ieeor Itrhirh the vi4 or ic skee 7iot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1rs 1insis dtay is publistled, priuu ?? T s)iNBr;IiRH ILEV!EW; oil ?? 1(LUlRN ;%,U Ni, 5. SS. ittit Ai t1. msids all ut (eII-e of P,.ii pui tsni-2. ,Igrclsl- ?? ti isit;cs, tiat iY.-3. ?? II, I iL I Altamis.- . ssizs.-S. 3 1 tlicy ?? ?? 6. A mI il 7 ai'ntlS P.lid Lii' crsal Suil isge.-7. Wl Tylr adlit A l I tiit'ey.-. LI ii, sactiwis L't llie (-eiu- gticgl s'cielty.-9, 'da!i af 121V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B71ECCLES RACE.S are li~ed fur i ct;enmb tr the ?? anf 2 thu 1'a ticnlars in a filitur l a-v 1th £ia rnoera~l'l^ Xit.r. PtiiE d tt 6i' E, jt .ds NICHS. ?? ?? .S SA'Tr. CATT'Nii t(1 ?? C3*rk ot the (curs.'. -}/Ff37L L ?? ! ; ;1'I 1 ;\ . A.,i i;rfii II are :rrl'-l Lc -1Jj S0Qctfi1!!v in 'olired, SA l ?? 01 'h iai ate lj s illi j l rri 1)17'EC'I' ?? Fra:m a, I lai tpeovirv ,MUtRR ' TOi aidl PI. ...