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Advertisements & Notices

... )/tTi EMBASSY TO CHINA. J X thfs de~y ir pu6llished, ' WILLIAM' BLkCKWOOD, 17, Prince's Street, wvith a Portrait of Captain Maxwell, and Four Ir, c~ta° Coloured Engravings, price 12s. / ARRATIVE of a VOYAGE in his Majesty's s late Ship ALCESTE, to the 'Yellow Sea, along the tfCOREA, and through its numerous hitherto UN- ICoMOvERED ISLANDS, to the Island of LEWCHEU'; an Account of her Shipwreck ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . -. ?? ?? . . ._tai Ca PANTUEONT. a.: 'his being CHRISTMAS DAY there will be Pe NO PERFORMANCE at thi.s Tbeatre. ELgVENTHi.N[GHTlOF; THE MUCH ADMIRED ha GRAND SP.ECTACLE OF. W WALLACE. E Which conti nues. to be received with 'acelamations and the 5 Mmo'st unprecedented applausr,will be repeated TO-MORROW. and SA ltURDAYV nxt, with the Comic Painrtmime of THlE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT; BIing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1gT IGHT B3U' TIHRFE OF THE BPO1iEN BY PARTICULAR DESIRE, - 1,4lpresent Evening, MotNDAY, January13. 18t', I T wil e performed, the celehrated Comedy of 1 'fkE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. edit, Sir Peter 'leazle, Mr IMIASON. clec 5ir Benjan lo Backbite, Mr W. 'MVRRAY. ; Joseph Surfice, Mr M3.EGGE ?? the Lady Teazle, Mrs C. KEMBLB. vir viev , ch will lee ,dded, for the Eleventh Time at this h; e tice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thudiy mv pmblihk4ed, fr i5~. in boards, illustrated caith Flngravings4, -40.X'LUMI!1 SECOND-PAMl' FIRST, I lit.1 SUP13LEMENT / ?? 'rim -f\CCLOE'DIA BRITANNCA4, FeM~1YNAIER, E~sq. F R.S.E Pi senrichled with q Prehillnillary 15~etatii~t n the Historv of the Maehcrnatical an] :i'sa ?? PLAY5'AJ a, -arnd with colitti- ?? n re ltIOWE hsq. FRANC713 JEIrFIEY, Es.+ Jm ES Mite, Esq. DI Roozi I Dr 'Eosa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or Beneft of MR TR U.EiAN. :VWEDNi F SDAY, APRIL 23. will be per forinedi tlbe Comedy of 'V AS YOU LIKE IT. . S.lind Mrs H. slDONS. A vbicb, the celebrated Letter Scene, from Afitet tt bX t the Opera of 1-I; SIEGE OF l£LGsARDE. ,o conclude vith the Musical Farce of T NCSON G NO SUPPER., be had of Mr TetJENAN, No- I4i, Rose Street, GO gjUTT, athe Box Office. anid of Nlr For the enfft of MIRS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G kIANI ILNN' IO~N I I' ohAV~,- &. c E RIt'.s'1i, N.HS ?? '¾rr - tir ?? ?? A' ¶, S~l n. ..i, IN U im Y,r Mi?. LA N D'bSLI~T '\RY fzNo.I Y i'j-l t st-xlU Cattl l*s -c's + i~~x 'AlA a. TIr'' Y, I'l,.i''-'turea of' I de ?? at- ' 'ceo'l c!lO Nun 1,-cs. j V C2, ltevo Nmbr S ~~~din Moiley V cw ?? of Prior good f~rrtoi Il's ?? thiL'' It s r ive ' the piea ` Priz ?? - a C '-i5i' C ptchiii co;or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UFPS E!T PRICE I 63r000. LANDS IN THE COUTI'Y QF 'LINJ .'rHGlOW . | To ?? by pu'licbr pulrp, wirhin the Royal Exchange Cof- feehosse, Edinburgh, (,n 1 Wednesday the 20Lth day of Au- gus 1I17, at tvvn o'clock afernonon r 'lE LANDS of WESTER INCH, whkihi T 'lie in the immediate vicinity of the town of Bathgate, and consist of about lIO0 acres, all drable, and capable of pr- duditg h -avy crops ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J71f1HE QUARTERLY REVIEW, ,7f No. XXXIII. /7 Will be Published in London, on SA TE DAY. CONTENTS. L TONGA ISLANDS. 1. A Chronological T Hiissory of the Voyages and Discosrries in the South Sea. By JAMES BURNEtY, Captain in the Royal Navy.- 2. M.tRlNEHi's Account of the Natives of the TONGA ISLANDS. S. Transactions of the Missionary Society.- 11. Mr DUGALD STEWART'S Dissertation, exhibiting a ...

Theatre-Royal. THE

... PUBLIC are respectfully informed that r ? P5 I.F~ , STEPHENS and Mr SINCLAIR, from the -k lii~ 5 . t~a~r! ',fr are engaged for a fe.s ni'-haa I ?? e~ ?? their lililiappcarante jB; azl\N e t Evening, SATOItiAV, AuctSlT 9, ?? performeda the celeblrated Oprra of VIEw CAB3INET. prisre Orlandlo by ?? Sit rCsAR. of c .arjter he will silig the favourite Air of n nch my beautiful Maid`-`Has she then . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f - Av-rag . .12 2, 10o. I-)2th. i' r IN rtrsti.Rrsa, A-sd to be p7uishedt Tos Tuesdoa, morniug next, the 17th isnt. Edi By JOHN ROB1RTSON, a32, High Street, 4W3,af And by a!l thc Booksellers, A Price s. (id. - EPORT or the VERY INTERESTING thre _ fl t CASE, decid'd it thc HOU-18 'f LORDS,, on the se I IS46th of May 1817, in which GENERAL CAMPBELL of, me, s Monzie was Pursuir, and DAVID BLACK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~TOT T~E FRIENQSOF'l FI LA~TE MRS. Ml.Ci fELL.. HETrates ~fo~ 6 ~Cildenof the de. Street, liesp6eetfdlly infdrri'l tre L.ailitis Who liinouted her with their-patronage~mrandrhe Public, that they have, iii eamiphiance with oe, ishesaof several ladies of distinction, trntered into trrts with Mi;S J. CLCses HEt;oeeSON, ro coninlt~fhC hU sftie~sfor ?? fifbehoof 1f hers~lf and Mrs Mh Ca enLT5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AX DYSARaI' COLLIERY AND SALT WORKS. 'To be h 1. , for such nubher of years as may be agreed isron. t I-1E well-known anid oid established COAL 'Ind S . L WORKS (if DYSsART, adjoining the I Larbour ol lysat t, on the coast of Fife. The colliery is in complete working order, with all the re- quieite louses, and powerlil machinery for drawing water and colsn The main coal presently working is ...