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Advertisements & Notices

... WE BBt'-P OSrTOR Y, PARIS-STREET, EXETER. 110 be SOLD by Auction, by-War. WEBB, i at his RepositoTY, on Friday the 4tlil inst. upwards of 20 Lots of HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c. amongsto which are several good ROADSTEllS; TWO good GALLOWAYS, with or without Saddles and Bridles. TWO good GIGS, a LIGHT SOCIABLE, with Hariiess as good as new. A quantity of WAGGON and CARRIAGE HARNESS, well worth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTED to RENT, about a mile or two lW lr from Exwonuh, in a sheltered situation, a small rural COTTAGE, with a few acres of Laud, or a small FARI, 'with a tolerable decent I-IOUSE. Address (post- paid) 1. A. Messrs. Trewinansi, Exeter. This trill rot be repeeated : CLISI' Sr. LAWREINCE, DEWON. TO be SOLD, for the Term of 99 Years. de. A terrminable on ?? e lives, to be named by the pair- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UER3AS 1, WILLIAM BRANSCOMBE, Wt - pfx~imodth, Boat-master, was on Monday the I Ith instant, hired by Charles. ifford, Esq. tO take him in tmy boat to Teigmnnouth, wherel groswly insulted him, lor whbcli lie commenced a prosecution against me, but h s cond.,scended' to withdraw it, on my paying One Pound Seven Shillin~gs tolthe-HumaneSociely, in Exeter, o and publicly acknowledging my fault: I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADY, of good education and connections, A (PiTirly years of age) wishes to eouage in a ?? .as G VElI N ESS or vO.PNlANION; bhe cait teavii Enwlikh and French granimatically, with the rudiments of Music.-Elnmtit is not her ob~ject; filt a comn birt- a;ble and respretablle ilorne. -Letters, post-pad, ad. Atessed to A. N. wvill beT duly at tended to, directed to .Me. temirtenley's prititlin'- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be had of w. CURSON, Bookseller, Exeter. The K I N( versets DOONNALL. This dtiy is puhbiheked, in Demy 8vo. 4s. boards; U1HE TRIAL of ROBERT SAWLE DON- AI NALL, late of Falmoutlt, in the Coanty of Corn- wall, Surgeon, rur the Wilful Murder of his Mother in- law, Mrs. Elizabeth D)ownifing. widow, at the Lent Assizcs, holden in Launceston, in the said County, on .Mond:ty, Mlarch 31, 1817, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By Order of the Court for the Relief of Ifove nt D-cbtors. THE PETITIONS of ROBERT TOZER, A ' late of wellingrton, in the county of Sonierset, lunholder; JOHN BRAINE, late of West Camel, in the county of Somerset, Farmer and Shopkeeper; and JOHN HANCOCK, Seoior, late of Yeovil, in the county of So- merset, Watchmaker, but now prisoners for debt con- fiued in his M-fajesty's Gaol of Ilehester, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEIREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is W award1ed and issuetd forth against GEORGE WUXHAM, of Black Hall, wlihin the parisli of North Hiuish, in the county of Deven,'seedsman, dealer' and chapman, and he beitig declared a haikrnpt, is. hereby required to surrender himself to Ihe Commissioners in tl:e said Comibissio-ilh am'ed, or the hiljor part' of them, on Monidar' the ?? the twenty- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLANTING. 7Io be SOLD, a large Quantity of LARCH, JL SCOTCH FIR, and other FOREST PLANTS, which are of very superior quality, and well worth tile attention of purchasers. For particulars, apply to Mr. Samuel Freeman, nur- serymau, Yeo, near Bovey tracey, Devou. -f - D -zio ---o hv ?? * All da-A Planisa Po. WN.. lrauntuin duatu byu -1M. . -- ?? W 1 - . . placed at the Contractor's Expence. [l7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7HI1REAS a Commliissionl Of ?? is W ' aw arld and ?? forthapisgu t h ~, HiA\Al X ol ?? 111ahl, Nviilin tile ?? o ' ci t ill t ile eo l.;ty a! Devonseu aa, dealer aol I 6Caimitiii, add he ;teiti- dee are.H a 11rc,6y iieqiired to siirieldr-r 11inwef to ill,,'~ni~'ir ill 1?le SaIid (Jt ii 1ol u , Op thle in jp IMI pi. 0t 1 ol thle sev,!Wvullith, land '1i1 'r.daly theI t- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARIS..RpEET, EXETER. 7JO be SQLDhby Auction, by WM. WEBBJ T on Friday the -3th of April, I.8t, Upwardj.oUYO LOTS of f4OURES, CARRIAGES, H.ARNSSS, &.-Also to be, sold by private coutract, ?? ?? Public Sales every Ftiday atone o'clock. B. ORMHANVCPO.VRS this SEkASON. He was Ot by Letbe, pui of Lurcilef'r Daw by 13lipse. Utter, a~d Atrll. . DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. TObe LET, FURNISHED, for Two or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. KEMtIP's CONCERT. T HE Committee of the Exeter Lying-in IL B Charity, desire to return their most pnblic thnkhs to Dr. KFMP, for the very handsome donation arising from a Concert of his promoting, and which he con- docted with a jud-,emeiit and ability, that gave general satisfactioi. J. HI. STABBACK, Secretary. Exeter, March 5, 1817. ( | ^N TS a SITUATION as GOVERNESS! iv ii ?? t an early ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Q be SOLD EXETER. tlbe SO e bye public auction. by- order of T t L .Ue Asicneea of' Ilithe Estate of faes ' Pearre, the I city of Exeter, wine afid brandy mperchaant, dfller'and chapnian, a hankrupt, the DWELI4ING-HOUSE; and L4NDS hereinaft er mentioned, iillhefollnoin-lot5:-- Lot I.--AII that.AIERSSUAGE or DWELLING-i-lOUSE, andSHOPbehind, no-w in the poss: ision of Mr; Snil:l- , ridge, ...