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Advertisements & Notices

... of 'T'HE VIM ST CAUTIION csarno1. preveul rthe jiiattdtc. . f tioll of tbat unpleaeatsi and troublesome disorder, tile ilgl, ?? iin tile; respeclarlle jaitsiilies; and from its .iifectuops natore, individuals hare cpo mititly liable to it3 at. til tacl;s. It will. tlivrefore, be of adrantige to alny who 0pay s1 saffar cunoer il to: klow, that they may rely oat beitig eifec- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4b~ Eit ?? (Jjviref lia AB ~ CEZ1 N 'i~rbo P R.,willitlrjase lit~a. treld I io adkirrg r l Saf - t tweth ft l rltrw) N' (tice virh, andl'tuedtii~ tire~ .30tjh 41ay Dt' Sv ireiaki~ Insanrt,: itt live Alviriei Pkrri6* lif IchdBsriidl, Per- 'polis Vart resurt tal kji~g re if'e t od rettlsiyegsFirrit~ ir.TT~rIo hti ti h ?uid in) (P~ IDlse'I Mendrs eb ltel.wy ocuiedir Faos tr Geoice thIPY Moth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BlLACK\I.'oJ00, No. 17, Prince's Street, y~lL~INo. ?? (tu 2s. (Xd.) cf ~~p~BUI~~~GH MONiTNLY MAGAZINE. StI'I'EI1-R i5:7. CONS EN f E. inson Anitnal M ?? ron tiir St Oh1 1liity~t~it of a Li erary Ru,~cni 'ice- NpirtS f t Si-ity;f~ p~swit ~rV Grologicl Olbaerv-ationg ion Ii rathearli- No ' csv H- omer. No. ii .-Re osarks on rq~~d N., ((~~Jantas Girahenac, ahr ic ria:' !uiror, a M-or-cl l'ale-. ...

KINGS TOS- UPON-H UL L. MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS. j:3otire gtlim. AJ' the next Michaelmas -i* General ..

... for the I men and County of the Town eff Kingston-upnu- Hull, will be holden at the Guildhall of the same Town, on Thursday the 16/ A day of October next, at Ten Clock in the Forenoon; —when and where all Jurors, Suitors, Persons upon Recoenixancts, gndothers who have Business nl the said Sessions, are required to attend. order, EDWARD CODD, Clerk the Peace. Mcix, September l 2Bth, 1817. • ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &EAN'S SECOND WEEK. pFrIDAY, SPTI. 26, 1817, b3 2 :erfer-25'lkspC c's TragodY of WI M)JULIET.f * f ,n by Mr. KEAT'I, q' r n 'li! C~rarscter, ow Lisrerp'oo. fr , ?? tihe Petit Cotrnedy of pi .~ __ ~ _J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. - Genuine IMousehold Furniture and Effects, Crtcled-fiars- J By MAr. ADA MSON, on the L'rernises, No. 17; Crutched- f friars, corner of Cooper's-row, TO-MORROW, at 11, (by O direction of the Proprietor), HE genuine' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, sci Set of Dining Tables, Cellarct Sideboard, Wardrobe; ppi Eight-day Clock, Liren, China and Glass, and Effects of a ca' Gentleman declining ...


... It i* some years since Storace retired from the stage. To all intents she had disappeared from licfore the public a performer. Yet she still retained a portion of celebrity. She was visited some of the great, anti many the profligate —die gave an annual fete, to Winch the love of whim drew some, and the folly of fashion drew others—with an independent income, luxurious, not destitute of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE(,1STER OFFICE for SERVAN''S, ST. 1A'FWTHE IsIPS VICII) Sept. 12, 1IM7. J OlHN RlUDlAND) btens Leave to retirn Thiaails to ; his Friends for filvoui'sonlfered on li ill ?? above (owIvtn, and 'iO asstme tilvll, thatt oelcry attention vill colilue to'lie ?? to ?? ?? iutir tAiOrs. M% awts a Rituationl-7a l'erson boiwneesi 3an ld .10 ve ars . of age, ais Houstekeeper in a Farlnl ,h1ouse ; she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cli - - - R. WOOD) o aunounc, that his LECTURES nir HElfS'OlY, as caaialeeted u ilt ?? the ciehlraled Aichitectuoral Rearaains ihri,tlgrout the iln World, will commence off Monday evirirlg Sepat. 22, art r haIl- ast sene o'clkck, and he crartimired ao all er-nale `I- eveain-gs-M r. W. s aulxiias to have it undierstoad tlat 'y these fectrtl es dlo not relate to the Art if Mididilng, bht .Xr- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS NEAR INV'ERNESS. _ J .or .$Ace by privare hargain, rHE LANDS ot EASTER DRAKIES, bSFAI;lIMlD, and RIESAURIE, in the close vicinicy of invermes, as formerly described, are to be sold by private . bargain. Apply to Claud Russell, Esq. accountant in Edinburgh Messrs M-Queeii and Mackmntosh, W. S: Campbell Mln- tosh, town.clerk of Inverness; or Rloterich Reach, writer I there; either ol whom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACHILD to NURSE.-WANTrED a CHILD . to DRY NURSE, by a Person, at Beckingham, in Kent, who has had long experience in nursing, and can -have ,an unexceptionable ?? further particulars, address (post-paid) to Mr. Nunn, Grocer, No. 2, Great James-street, Bedford-row; or Mrs. Howe, Becckingham, Kent-N. B. A coach to and frem Londoti every day. ALAUND)RESS FA-IVILYsI V: ,AING. Has good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Charlotte-street{ouhifOld Furniture, &c. BfyMr. DA'WSON, by Order of the Executors, on the P.remises, TILLS DAY,. at twelme, genuine HOUSEHOLD FYRNITURE, apano-forte, with the additional keys, a.n eight-day clock, otd china aintings, prints, and effects, the property. of the late Edward Pitman, Esq. deceased, at-No. 5, Charlotte- street. .Rathbone place,. ...