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Advertisements & Notices

... VALVABLE I'itI)ING GROUND t Asj'intuig Onse Bridqe. TO BE %SOLi) BY AUCTION, In Six Lots, ont Th7rs~he, the ,lJth Dlog of Septern- e- ber, inst. at ER veu ?? ile the Fs'omoll,0'. ill f t the Bridae-Ysrd. Nolrth-Street, setbjqct to such A Conditi(ls as shsn I be produced; A Very Desirable PLOT of'-ROUND, ai . constituting the scites of several Buildings latey tl taken down, fronting Briggate to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ! ?? 1 ifl9 . -URQ.U14A lT, Lilnvn -braue'r -iV'.Haberdnshur, &c.dimprussei% ItI Elliv~ly &t'se I G ?? fir the many Favours C-)ctt'rrtA ulpon her late lusbiand, during his Residcince in Leeds, taket this Opportunity of returning her most sinc, r.e Thanks, aml begs Leave to inform her Friends oend the lpublic n general, that she intends c-tisinuiiig tli Ftirjes (tfr Read ilfosc siill/, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S l'ATE L() I 'ERY. a Na. 617, drawn a Prize of iWO THOUSAND POUNDS, Was SnLD in SiHARES by e I Messrs RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & CO. Londirl, n 'I, DX D. FORREST, Oppnsite the Tron Chuichl, EbiaNBsuRGcH , Wlhere the Fortunate Proprietors will receive PAYMEt5T ON _ DEMAND. GREKAT LlJCK! !! .s JAMES ANDERSON respectfully begs leave to announce to bi, Friends and the Public, that Furtune r still ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To beS.OLD, or LET, byPR.IVATB CONTRACT, A 'ery desirable well accustomed PUBLIC A OUSE, in perfect repair, known by the Sign of ie the SEVEN STARS, situate at Riddings, in the Parish of Alfre- RI ton, in tire County of Derby, and may be entered upon ini- Dl mlediately. Fur further Particulars enquire of the preient. Ltiord, sr of Mitrrns. Joou: FLFCIIEU & Co. Ripley. [A. B. This Advertisement ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. 7i HE Rrr. MaL 11URNS at DUN. v~is~w, tn rw'ie ISo ~iYOUNG. GENT11EME 1E into Ilk lajlny ilo .sddiiion j. 4Jst 0 homI~to, is at pteselt Educating with h1S AIt owsSoi.- 1.js. l'sipiik altt rid School, sand have the advillv;qits't at - onew ?? FIrternri s, a~pply to tise Publi~her; olt o tin tltev, Mr Buntrls, fiti oihlsstose. Mot., ssj' )toi, 25t/1 Aivg.IS17 ENCYCLOP.JKDIA EDINILNsIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CE is mb gie Th1at a lectition 'll be *TO,0TIA to thte Honourahie Ilonse of Commftons, ante nxtS5i~ of Parliament, frlceae to bring iii a' ~ b ?? first daty of RlXGSFIkelD, StTF~slj. -OIEis ?? ?? is ;nten-. tot leae tO bring inl a Itill forditmaotianin flO~fl$. ad olmsrwas iproingtoe olmil oer Greell C~M~N, itute n te pris ofRilgs~eid, in tile .C.SR'RPIN, Solicitor. TE Pi 1roprietors ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE(,1STER OFFICE for SERVAN''S, ST. 1A'FWTHE IsIPS VICII) Sept. 12, 1IM7. J OlHN RlUDlAND) btens Leave to retirn Thiaails to ; his Friends for filvoui'sonlfered on li ill ?? above (owIvtn, and 'iO asstme tilvll, thatt oelcry attention vill colilue to'lie ?? to ?? ?? iutir tAiOrs. M% awts a Rituationl-7a l'erson boiwneesi 3an ld .10 ve ars . of age, ais Houstekeeper in a Farlnl ,h1ouse ; she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cli - - - R. WOOD) o aunounc, that his LECTURES nir HElfS'OlY, as caaialeeted u ilt ?? the ciehlraled Aichitectuoral Rearaains ihri,tlgrout the iln World, will commence off Monday evirirlg Sepat. 22, art r haIl- ast sene o'clkck, and he crartimired ao all er-nale `I- eveain-gs-M r. W. s aulxiias to have it undierstoad tlat 'y these fectrtl es dlo not relate to the Art if Mididilng, bht .Xr- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS NEAR INV'ERNESS. _ J .or .$Ace by privare hargain, rHE LANDS ot EASTER DRAKIES, bSFAI;lIMlD, and RIESAURIE, in the close vicinicy of invermes, as formerly described, are to be sold by private . bargain. Apply to Claud Russell, Esq. accountant in Edinburgh Messrs M-Queeii and Mackmntosh, W. S: Campbell Mln- tosh, town.clerk of Inverness; or Rloterich Reach, writer I there; either ol whom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACHILD to NURSE.-WANTrED a CHILD . to DRY NURSE, by a Person, at Beckingham, in Kent, who has had long experience in nursing, and can -have ,an unexceptionable ?? further particulars, address (post-paid) to Mr. Nunn, Grocer, No. 2, Great James-street, Bedford-row; or Mrs. Howe, Becckingham, Kent-N. B. A coach to and frem Londoti every day. ALAUND)RESS FA-IVILYsI V: ,AING. Has good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Charlotte-street{ouhifOld Furniture, &c. BfyMr. DA'WSON, by Order of the Executors, on the P.remises, TILLS DAY,. at twelme, genuine HOUSEHOLD FYRNITURE, apano-forte, with the additional keys, a.n eight-day clock, otd china aintings, prints, and effects, the property. of the late Edward Pitman, Esq. deceased, at-No. 5, Charlotte- street. .Rathbone place,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At M rs. RUSSELL's S C H OO L, irlil IlPoreeon Holse, .2lfore/on-s-Alrsk, serd 'jOUNG LADIES are boarrld and educated DCC ft in every useful and polite acconiplishissent, on ar- tbe follswing 1' ins Per Annum. ;ed Board, EuigliAi Grallinlar, H-istory, his and Geography, with plain andl 18 1B 0 faney Needle-wvorl, . .. .. . V a Fraench, ?? ?? 3 0 D .rawxinlg, ., ?? Abe lie ?? . . 4 4 0 eDanzcig ...