MRS. SALMON. nua T r

... Thoaipson Thomas Robinson 0 ' Edward Pearson Au.oTod Hugh Jones ' illinm Robinson' William Shepherd Robert-Baniewall Joseph Langton Richard V. Yates Henry Booth George-L. Cox Thomas Martin George'Bolton William Rathbone Daniel Henry 1 Thomas Booth- ' ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... consisting of Extracts from the Pekin Gazette, an Abstract of a Chinese Novel, Argument of a ChinesePlay, &c. By Sir GEORGE THOMAS STAUNTON, Barc. LL.D. F.R.S. ~Printed for John Murr~ay,- Albemarle-street. In a few days, a Fourth Edition, in one vol. small ...

Advertisements & Notices

... containing: 1. Lectures on Poetry, delivered at the Royal Insti- tution, by Thomas Campbell, Esq.. II. On the less celebrated productions of the author of Don Quixote. III. Poems by Thomas Campbell, Esq.-I. The Rain- 1 bow.-2. The Lover to his Mistress on her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stastisti- cal State of Scotland. Edinburgh, published for the Praprietors, by Oliver and rur B'oyd;' W. Tunhuhll, Glaigow, and Thomas lianuiltun, to London. cel of This day is published, BY WILLIAM TURNBULL, Sol 1'rice 7s. 6d. half bound, faC A LIST OF THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEPHEW. A New Edition, in foolscap avo. price 39. boards, T.ETTERS written by the late EARL of CHAT- .L- HAM to hi, NEPHEW, THOMAS PITT, Esq. (afterwards Lord Camelford), then at Cambridge. Printed for Payne and Foss, Pall-mall; and Longman, Hurst, Rees ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jamnes Sinchair. Tilhe Hon. Geineral Lsi Cumneing. Lieut. General Graham Stirling. Col. Alexander Macdonell of GIengaiy. J Thomas Mackenzie, Esq. of lnierhiat. A William Mackenzie, Esq. of'Strathgarve. stm HuIgls Mardoanad, Ear1, of Boisdale. tri Thlis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Level Commissioners, Dated the 5th day of Febriary, 1621. THOMAS OR'T'ON, THOMAS FRYER. 'THOMAS SKEELS, WILLIAM BONFIELD, El)MUND) BARLFY, -Commissioners. HARDY JOHNSON, OWEN GRAY, THOMAS INGLE, THOMAS RIC(HAR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cliesierfitld, in the county of Derby, called I he I lavs, containing together about 6 Acres, late in the oc. cupatior of Itir. Hardy, potter, but now rf Air. Gosling, as Agent to Thromas Brailsford, Esq. the Owner. n- Inoinediale Possession may be Irad, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 22 0 Thomas Brown, Eq. 1 .1 0 John Woolley, Eq. 1 1 0 A. Chapmar, jun. Esq. 1 1.0 The True Briton News- Cape. Alfred Chapman ° 20 psflei 2 202 A lrend 1 10 Chfif Ashmesore, Esq. 10 10 0 T. Henderson, Esq. 1 1 0 Rev Janes Blenkarne 1 1 0 Thomas Dalton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... towa.ds thie Poem Y Piers. fUpcel Feet Diall, 1.24 J t anitni~. For farther particulars. c-pplication may be made to e Mr Hardie at the Town lHouse. IC Airrdeen, 13t/ Feb'. 21121. is _____________ )r S1-1 I P P I -N G. t, S PPIND SHARES 01 G 8,PPIXG, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Marlborougb.strcct, )Pblifl. AU CTION4S.: The Late JOX4N BOYCE, Eem.'a Sale 4f PAINTINGS, PRINTS, CHINA, ANI) MUSICAL IN$TRUMVNTS& THOMAS JONES, OST re^pectfully bega to acquaint.the Nobility M Gentry, and admirer, of the Fine Art, that he shall - ell by AUCTION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... brosil6it them to the highest possible state of perfretion. arid *vill engage themn for either shot or banll; and has now ott hardis Air Gufis, Air Pistols. (never before made in Iselaisd,) ud ?? Double and Single Barrelled Guns, aud Doclling I N. B. &rIhe ...