Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HARRIED. Thie Rev. Charles Drage, of Downham, Cambridge- shire, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. Z. Brooke, of Monlis Risblrough, Bucks.-L. Dennys, Esq. of 'T'eignmoutth, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Josepih Haddoch, Esq. of Pleydon, Sussex.-'. W. Noithinore, Esq. of Cleeve [louse, near Exeter, to Catiherinte, daughter of Sir Wro. Welhy, Bart. of Granthanm Hall.-At Dorsley, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at '18' I'N 1>1 AY, l/ I 'l IT : '!it pyy]\, Iilm 'ii t .J~ttaicia, oii thle 22d tit!!2 t itittisolott R v Ja ttc the in ' oit, lt t-i, t 2it; ii l:'il At Aitgti' tin ii, in It'l. ?? tilt.,xt', Con cii', p 'ite 01 ol M JitN STUAllT, Fl~inttl' th~ ?? lin thle ?? ?? Iiud, t fti, oan!: XPri,( the 26t nt Atx , Lintli nttli (1'tr2IN.t''t, Fe1. Ii'OdA tilt, it toe lt~th Uev. tii t mt~t lityc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - . :: ,^ ?? ?? ?? : BIlR'1'H . I .. I ~dsioneHouse, ithe county of Leicester, on ?? p' airri, 0li Lady o tihe Rev. Joihn Sneyl, oi e col5 . - wti IU i I?!l~AG IwS. Cs 611.ttler ift sitant, ai Nlorrmouoth, W illiam J.Trhn BOgishrwe, Ti ilomrdle Temptle, LorIon. Esq. Barrister at Lan', eldest jtldg rlsir Wvilliaoi Chambers iacgshatwe, ot' the lukes, in IIis I' I Y to SUral)', secrid daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S- s, .t- b n e ol the Ml.l lost. AlI. Jlohti Clcpfialm, jun. of Woodhoeuse o Lodge, to Mis Dcelillis, of l'eezitcee, ci Onl W tcrscta2v, at ?? 1riewlsl Zileetjig Hlouse, Lethersdlccle, tll Mr. T,-eth ,l'dsioneisson, oif Cltoal, lie'ar Stoipten, to Bliss al Eliztbettl MIlutes, tlf the feermer place. le ont Tucesdia last, it Klbtresbro', by the Rev: H. J. tagilby, r the EliR. J, Ilobilison, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl Thursedly, at Didton Perot, Tote) Brooks, Esq. of Look- h weood-t-utose, to i aoe, seonrid dilaghter of W. Laytthk, Esq. :1 of Appletons. if GOl Thursilsy, nt our pascih chhurch, Mir. Taylor, of this h town, gentlemsani, to Miss Jaine t3argreave, daughter of the h late Mir. tltagreave, bottomi of Perk-row. Ott Sundnay lust, Mr. J sun Peol, anttereb nut ned agent, it to Miss Cay, daugihter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI i111H1. tys AteArdgowan, on Stnlday the 3d ult., Mrs. IJo;. tO Seat of a d1augilter. ' to. ts. MTARRIED, is At Edinburgh, on the -18th inst., Mr. Joirn ro' * surgeon, late in the Canaclian North- West Cnarlnvn. ;es vice, to Helen, eldest ?? atf Mr. Julo, I S 3 geon, i'itt Street.' air \At Glasgow, on the 16th current, Jalnonoes. , ot Esq., solicitor, Edinburgh, -to Margaret, e1ldet dit . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [THE LATE MR. COUTTS. It is confidently meeitiotied, that in the will of this Ctcnnleman there i, nor a nanie mentioerid but that oft Illra ('otitts.-Iieport, which ustiallyexa ggerates such matters, says that this Lady conies into a propertv little short of three milliorts. We have reasoi to thiik sirme offers have been made to certaih branches of the ilmlily, whicho have becrk rejucted. Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NIR Pl'lI'' HR IRTH-DAAY. . 11 s . v iirl T'uesday blist, the 28;h c vi, the Northumcibuland anl Nevc- CAstl ' rpon T'ri I' Pitt ClMb cel':ftrated the itrniversail' os ' ile 'birh Of ihe late i lustrio us st'sfitemalre, Wiilim l'itt, ly a Ornriwd Dijiner at th. Asse bly 'luouils il lawast le 'he 1oinpriirs' as5 ooti so ru1e1r-ous irs in sua' foirmer years, ini ei thu leidii0g Ineorbers of thi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AI. ?? Dcani'rv. Wel lI, thoe 1Th. -i a. ?? Air, of a soil At NYi ehiead Cciiirt, Sain'e: set, the Iady ef tdt aid a ?? ' Snd liril, Esq. of' a Soil. Auglmt -i, tie liidy tf Thoi. Jera;s W1itjt Jcrtis, Eq!;. of a ;A I.RrIIE . 31t 1v Ir. Ei;t' \ :l, G;, ?? i~ ve ' ?? i. eill. F- rF . Poeiitii'{ 1' to Aln:', oisI l' C;- i tr o e f tkin' ES(. ani1 liece 01' t!:e Urti o Bet' trl. Lr?el', ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Thelady of .J. H. Blyles, Esq. of BO,,de,, near Gloucester, of a 6agtwiter.-!rn Dublin, the lady of Lerd Edward Chichester, of a son. MARRIED. John Bayley, Erq Old-st son ofthe lion,, Justice Bayley, to Charlotte Mary, 21 tialt. of the laie John . Fector, Esq. of Dover.-C. G. Payne, Esq- ofthe Aliddle Tcm'1 o Nlary Elizabeth, eldest dau. of the late Rev. ?? Salshl' rectorol Gravely, ...