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Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Woollen Cloths. &e ,Y Mr. RtOt ', at K itc aA.t ttior Mart, on ThoirJ lY. October 2it, aci iIIici a.a d byin crdrr ortie Alsrtgrie or ^ilr. Job ci j'rli .tf lbaitigtciiatl cett .i _;Ilirirti r H f,,l remaining PART of his S()IocK, re.shipped . front tiontburvit and aH,) orl acco.1,It ofit ;n tlit Mcitl cirer. ciwho tso icili~iitg hoilccro. 'the wbai. nt~pirl~ig a Irr.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER CLASSES OF MIDWIFERY. It. FRASER will open his Class of Instruction i11tL Women in PilACTICAL MIDWIFERY, on Alondayv, Cth November ensuing; and early in De- cember, his usual Course of Lectures to Students in r Alediciau, om the sante subct. Particulars will be known, hy applying at his house, ( Schitolhj~i. t.4errdeea, 9Wh October, 182S6. ft TIIE A ICRDEEN PtJRLIC LIBRARY. _ ?? 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,WvtG~ 4 ?? 4qa. vo -,th 9hiliiiant, ilt EIevet Gidtek ire., ~ ~7ely atb* Ifanover ltooontu, ~~jeyo eceert flU00EOLE1FR~IiiR'rtf p3 ~PXT$LLJ7 ?? 16CKGAN11ION ?? po~iiJ .l'i AVia;'taid WXittiC451 t5ll rag's' 24'0weiewd T03IO1ii u turday) when Catalogues may IV¶q¶rfeti3' neXt, thill Itil. Tourilkl ,y, the 12tb, and Pel- at 2 ~n (i t iortntcet oF' IDONM\ONGERY, CLl',E'L, ,'itnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I NF R MAIARY For tiA S mi- Linme Poowr ?? ('oatdies of NVaICos110 vpnst 1W Tpr, Durham, and A2orfhmbcrland. rE ANNI VERiSARY SE3RMON, for this Year, is T instdeol to tw prenched at Saint Nicholas' Church, in the Forenoon ol'Sundayv, te Shth ofOclober, 1 26, by the Rev. JOHN 1)4 DJ, Y Viar 1al 1\; wcas~l I. 'TIhe Hlouse Coninttee respectitilvy saloiot itn tlh (.oaIdralioo )o the- Stewards, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C >)Hi LIIN~ MINING ASSOCIATION.-Notce F r.- *~: `rt V' , thttst aI n EX~tiTcirinary GeneralTileetiny, at thle itt, til 0iii ltie inl~talt. P~iTrAsiut1to tiedice. it 550 d Iii it, this A-ssniciata tie dis' alred, pivtreuitt to the re- i'iti' thei bvtunira made fia corieeqo~eticeeof tle Proprietors, iI,'lii ilin;t0atIsante aiiy mnore Capitnl.'' telIotice is iar liy als~o given, that another ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eSilorarl' ROM ANIN E b ive renevkel thei 'lilt y J, 'llT701n aUd nill perform Five Nights more. -5 4 , ld Far of 11,r D CROTP's perfariattg heee, i Rs r -RE\,TT M10NDAY EVENIN(G, Oct. 30, ,@ jx be prCsrvte(l, third time, a grand inmpe'ssive Spectacle, Ollie(I LMi;s¢sZ Z ot;X7LorG I;;3; j y ,7 li'Xe .1,1assner nJ1h .kc -17%e;V h1e 1 E I R 13 E NJ A E A I N, the German Sampson, Are ughis as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXCH Ae N G E - B UiLlD IY&S. ;h(Est. ed in the year 1718.) Pi iECTofs: . 6 4 EHAYTH-IRNl ,' GE;O IGF I ll, DsnuTY CHAIIA AN, J()S'1;H COOKSON, J([ IN VAUGHAN, CH ARLES PAYNE, W. KR. MOUN~rAtuE, H) rNItY BUItl. KANAAGI'tG vtiECTOt: W IS1O1VKA CAMYPL!N. THE Mieteirs; os this Company bave reol~ved to 'On Comtijon Insurances, from 2e. to 1s. 6d. per Cent. On 1a;7,rdous ditt4 fronm 'S. to 2S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to COvrv~gpont4nt¢. EXTRAORDINATRY PROEER'DnNG. We have just beet ; , that the owner of a house within the line of ieeeprect has actually pulled the house does 0, ?? (lb lawful pos'eesioli of the premises. The tesn1at hal ceived notice to quit, but inteeeded to abide theiu action of ejertucent, he not having receivet ?? for removal and loss of business, as provided by lasi he had a perfect ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o 5;SM f, Mr. Mewakaji and Mfaster RBeke. r ?? BURKE.-This PREE- [ ~ iim~-'Y he th 1flatant, will be perf.ormed a HER T LA F 7 P,,pt Of flutetor pepel-qoss' by Meste tarke (hIstfrst ap- gleartiflee erehinthat i-ha' ~:r. 'Tle ?n-t'tof Lord Duberley by 1 2,. Mickay. End~ of the Play tbe Dium; c-f y, 11y lPK1N5; AND 16lit. TO~itSi? TOMEINS, , y i-ate Burt;e ott Mis foldaway. panC ti serforn a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Ship Plankc, Slabs, Listigqs, Top Ends, Ladder-Balks, and Firt-Wood. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. BAYLEY, Jun. On Tuesday, October 24th, 1826, At the Ship-Yard of Messrs. G. Bayley aid Co. St. Peter's, Ipswich, A Large quantity of old Shiuy-plank, Timbers, A&c. arising from the repair of several Vessels and from a STOWMARKET BARGE lately broken up. A quantity of excellent Oak and Elm Slabs ...


... TRIOUS POOR. Ds Ratncor's 2 2: 0 Hugh Cogan, Setn. - 3 3 0 By tr Workmen and others of Messrs. John Bartholomt ew& Co. 13 & 0 pr Wm. Hunter, ColdstrearmGuards 5 50 Robert Whyte t 5 0' gob ert ll rele ch I 1 , 0 5},urdoc & Cross 2 a V?5riclk Falconer 1 0 ji iliarn Auld 1.0 0 Jaesc Edmond. . - 0 ; tauchlao & Russell 3 3 O G' . K- .1 a0 0 cK. I 0 0 'rhe proprietors of ?? Chronicle ,dl Journal 40j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By DEeNobilit, and Gen W, -R. iirdfrined, tir Tlast BALL ?? sepectfqjI place at the above Roomsnt o A;6th aanteb d y ta 16th October. istanetan 'noder Obday aor 4fitiltaei penerol sir ,Jamesa Ia on t yagab ' Pe Governor, and Ladyon O 1 .tli I t eArd'(st. fiom Wrdo. I Stewa(}rd-i apt. Y1Nn 'A IIASS AB'? 513tlS4 ,Regimeto. fMsclIsrmeX ej.0-d tbnk At the request of Many of the Su roi intndedg to ...