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Advertisements & Notices

... I NF R MAIARY For tiA S mi- Linme Poowr ?? ('oatdies of NVaICos110 vpnst 1W Tpr, Durham, and A2orfhmbcrland. rE ANNI VERiSARY SE3RMON, for this Year, is T instdeol to tw prenched at Saint Nicholas' Church, in the Forenoon ol'Sundayv, te Shth ofOclober, 1 26, by the Rev. JOHN 1)4 DJ, Y Viar 1al 1\; wcas~l I. 'TIhe Hlouse Coninttee respectitilvy saloiot itn tlh (.oaIdralioo )o the- Stewards, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C >)Hi LIIN~ MINING ASSOCIATION.-Notce F r.- *~: `rt V' , thttst aI n EX~tiTcirinary GeneralTileetiny, at thle itt, til 0iii ltie inl~talt. P~iTrAsiut1to tiedice. it 550 d Iii it, this A-ssniciata tie dis' alred, pivtreuitt to the re- i'iti' thei bvtunira made fia corieeqo~eticeeof tle Proprietors, iI,'lii ilin;t0atIsante aiiy mnore Capitnl.'' telIotice is iar liy als~o given, that another ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eSilorarl' ROM ANIN E b ive renevkel thei 'lilt y J, 'llT701n aUd nill perform Five Nights more. -5 4 , ld Far of 11,r D CROTP's perfariattg heee, i Rs r -RE\,TT M10NDAY EVENIN(G, Oct. 30, ,@ jx be prCsrvte(l, third time, a grand inmpe'ssive Spectacle, Ollie(I LMi;s¢sZ Z ot;X7LorG I;;3; j y ,7 li'Xe .1,1assner nJ1h .kc -17%e;V h1e 1 E I R 13 E NJ A E A I N, the German Sampson, Are ughis as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXCH Ae N G E - B UiLlD IY&S. ;h(Est. ed in the year 1718.) Pi iECTofs: . 6 4 EHAYTH-IRNl ,' GE;O IGF I ll, DsnuTY CHAIIA AN, J()S'1;H COOKSON, J([ IN VAUGHAN, CH ARLES PAYNE, W. KR. MOUN~rAtuE, H) rNItY BUItl. KANAAGI'tG vtiECTOt: W IS1O1VKA CAMYPL!N. THE Mieteirs; os this Company bave reol~ved to 'On Comtijon Insurances, from 2e. to 1s. 6d. per Cent. On 1a;7,rdous ditt4 fronm 'S. to 2S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRE*NC(H, ITALIAIN, & GERIMAN. RjI R. DE BOIS, Teacher and Translator of these Ii M Lanlgulages, respectfully intimates, that Beginners e anat otiers of every degree of proliciency any receive Mil- n vate Instrvctions. or be admitted to the t lases, successive- n Iy lorming, at his house, No. 15, Hutcheson Street. ANNUAL MEET.UNG OF t { THE M1FRCHLA-IATS' HOUSE. '1HE MATRICULATED M!E.1MERS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LSJIOt'S COI'AL VARNINSH, for Dras- LI . ings. Prints, Wlork Boxes, l ire Screens, &c. prepared only by the proprietor, and sold by his sole Agent S. Allnutt, Chemist. Portsea, and by his appoint- nment by Mr. Hinton, l-ligh-street, and Mr. M iali, ; White Horse-street, Portsmouth Mir. Fletcher, South- allpton ; and MIr. Rogers,,Newport, Isle of Wight, in s bottles at 2s. eachl. to This ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inthe GREEN ROOM. An ENGRAVING by Mr w.W&RD' jan.. in his best ot'le, from thor erikiaal. painting by the joimitblO IO~eARH, wil hi ublised adl thile, next' year, b3 h Propieto, J.W. SuthgteN. ?? istrt. A lisnited nurrbir of Proofs. - . On tlhe Ith of Octoher w s pnblishodrprice 2s ?? THE IIARMONICOf No. XLVI, contani Song, Softly blow, ye breezes; compooed fort and ?? rnonitbe songa james ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISr OF bLVFRPOOL. T T a VESTRY held in St. NichIolas's Church, the 6th day of October, I S26, for the inspection of the aeeounts , the Surveyors of Highways, in pursuance of public notice ,hen in the Churches and papers, Re'ssled.-Tlac Mr. Wll.LIAMc QUILLIAM be the Chairman of this Vestry. The accounts of the Surveyors having been read by their Clerk, Rt~oelvd.-That the accounts now read be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 Eibhe unlder.signed, are sorry for our condinct W1tt. in having TRESPASSED in the B :RN1tlmtl) on TiUaSDiY EVENING last, and ngree to pay all Ixenees if the deseryed Prosecutiou for the Mffenue be not persisted in. *i)atedi txieter, JOHN LITTTlEJ HNS., October 7tl IS26. JOUN :HEXTER,. .. DEVON- $4EX.ETER 1O11RSE BAZXAR, i3, PARIS-STltEE ?? OR SALE, by Mr. Hu6ry, .on 1FRlDAY, the' F 3thi day ...


... iCAL CLASSES. PROFESSOR MILLAR will begin the First or Ju- 1 nior alathernatic Class, on TUESDAY the 7th of No- vember, at Twelve ?? noon. The Second or Senior Mathematic Class, on MONDAY the 15th of November, at Ten ?? forenoon. The Geography Class on THURSDAY the 21st of Novem- ber. Glasgow, 23d October, 1826. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ACADEMY, LA.WSONS COURT, 125, TRONGATE, (First Entry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Next Wednesday (18th This Month) is the Day fixsed, by Order of His Majesty's Government, fr the final Close otf all Lotteries in :.t~ii Kingdom. When that day has passedi 1he u AiMc Will no longer possess the chance o zing a Fortune by the risk oAft flw Pounds. All, therefore, nwho desifetotcourtlhe Pavour ol' Forttne.-through thd Lottery, must atpply bebre, ; Next Wdn y, 18th ItS& ntailit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t'MIDWIFERY, E EASED OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. - MgATCHER.U vt comn~ence hiS Uti]1 WINT. R COURSE of LECTURES at the ;LJ WqIand in-lyinlg lnstitutioa, oli Wdesday the i ?? C'5as Sfor F s4,ilAESonThurdysdayheTfie-. , . gibea SraEEtT, October lS26 , ScHOOL OF SURGERY, 5' Diveeti;n of 7the C0ourt of Elqniier8 of 'tse7 R oaj-coilege of Surgeoin Irelaedl U ANNUAL COURSES dfQ `LEC'rURF-: ill cornmmence ...