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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... .TjjATRpE ARYAL, QUEEN-STREET. Maost EBIraordinary A'ovelty. h present MONDAY Evening, the Second ap_ oS wr-rice of that most , onderful Performer on the LASS'STANZER, HERR CLINE, 1:KLEIN:I SELeftil and splendid exhibition onl Saturday even- Vle55 ?? received by a crowded audience. rD¢ fr1ap1OCe5 this Evening will commence with, o f hes d time, the new and interesting play of the (tt jE W OF- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By public roup, ivithiti t-he - ?? of James Ure, vintneie, Danrny,- Stirlicrgshite oti the Ith iday ?? next at one o'clock afternoon, IHED following SUIBJECTS Ibelong1ng t9k the as- J questrated kstate of Dr. Nelsan,; Denn.', 1. BIIOOIMPARK li.OUSE, O F F* C ZS antI G RO UN L, pleasantly situated to the Wesi of the-Villa7ge. xsDenrny, near to thle romantic Mlilks of the River vr- ron., The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRE*NC(H, ITALIAIN, & GERIMAN. RjI R. DE BOIS, Teacher and Translator of these Ii M Lanlgulages, respectfully intimates, that Beginners e anat otiers of every degree of proliciency any receive Mil- n vate Instrvctions. or be admitted to the t lases, successive- n Iy lorming, at his house, No. 15, Hutcheson Street. ANNUAL MEET.UNG OF t { THE M1FRCHLA-IATS' HOUSE. '1HE MATRICULATED M!E.1MERS of ...


... iCAL CLASSES. PROFESSOR MILLAR will begin the First or Ju- 1 nior alathernatic Class, on TUESDAY the 7th of No- vember, at Twelve ?? noon. The Second or Senior Mathematic Class, on MONDAY the 15th of November, at Ten ?? forenoon. The Geography Class on THURSDAY the 21st of Novem- ber. Glasgow, 23d October, 1826. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ACADEMY, LA.WSONS COURT, 125, TRONGATE, (First Entry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .NOTATIONA- bO'FMt1MSC. ViJi.; d&z1 is, pubivhei? R.w.I. M'PHUN,86 TRoNGATIS, ?? lingand Sixpence, in'neat pocket size, wvith sea t . grawiliings illusi ratiste of~ the system. Or ytr nwhich the chatracters rathe Notation of' Lanpiages are ?? to thL ofeLSIC, y ALEXA\'D~t1 I'DONALD.n ,e I'alyand ably explained. J consider it ,I Ii~tti tvork.'-`-ff. Hda wes, Esq., ;loyal Hlte-. vel,.y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANE NGLISIl LADY, inclined to devote a few hours each day to instruct Young Ladies in the Art of Making '1'Sl READ LACE, hopes, as this art has never before been taught in this city, to meet with that patronage it will be her study so merit. Particulars mray be known at'Mrs. MacQueen's. 82, Hutcheson Street. Six pupils only can be admitted. MIDIWIFERY: \ R. ARMOUR will commence his LECTURES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IILASGOW ACADEMY. GEOGRAPHY, qHB PRINCIPLES OF ASTRONOMY, THE USE OF THE GLOBES. it ALEXANDER WATT, Successor to the late Mir. DENtrFOLS, Will commence his WINTER , ASslv upon AlondaOctOctober 23,1 826. adies' Class . .. ?? 2 till 3, Afternoon. Gentlemen:s C1 ::--From 5 till 6, Do. Introdllctory Lecture to both Classes Free. prjeaie Classes will Contmence on the same day. 1'r w. wiLl; as usual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAXM WARREN, ?recfr.r of tihe Practiee and Theas7i of DRAWI!tZG AND) PA7INT1ING, Corner of ?? JOH10N STREET and GECRGE STREET, s , ?? annoulices that he purposes re-as- 1 I2S ?? GENERAL PRAC- -F sviiie2,~d, tle 9th of Octoete-. i, Or' S-7i only admitted into a Class. r AiOMICAL, FIGURE, NATUR- IISlT(g and MEDICAL DRAWiNG, in - .Cotoirs assisted by an extensive collection of . II ?? will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ey- elusive o *ne Lauties Pe customns. Md o -A_ HIS GIACE THE DUKE OF MONTROSE'S- ,rea- GRAND PRIZE oXE3.N, Exrhibited a(tthe Catele Show, Glaxg,)w. A ESSRS. NINIAN &JOHN SCOULLE R, Beef A1V Market, KRin-Street, purchasers oi the above un- precedentedly beautitil Oxen, beg to remind those of the Nobility and Gentry who were disappointed in procuring portions of the Ox first, slaughtered, that ...


... TRIOUS POOR. Ds Ratncor's 2 2: 0 Hugh Cogan, Setn. - 3 3 0 By tr Workmen and others of Messrs. John Bartholomt ew& Co. 13 & 0 pr Wm. Hunter, ColdstrearmGuards 5 50 Robert Whyte t 5 0' gob ert ll rele ch I 1 , 0 5},urdoc & Cross 2 a V?5riclk Falconer 1 0 ji iliarn Auld 1.0 0 Jaesc Edmond. . - 0 ; tauchlao & Russell 3 3 O G' . K- .1 a0 0 cK. I 0 0 'rhe proprietors of ?? Chronicle ,dl Journal 40j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..-a YbL a ?? H na. past A DRAWING & PAINTING ACADEMY, 48, QUEEN STREET. R. GILFILLAN, TEACHER of DRAWING M and PAINTING, takes the liberty of informing his friends and the public that he has Resumed his Classes. Terms, &c., as usual. Glasgow, October, 1626. VACANT BURSARY. A BURSARYtoa STUDENTof PHILOSOPHY, A the son of a Burgess, on the foundation of iUt. CRAIG. The name of CRAIG to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,7ZT\ ANTD CITY BRIDEWELL ?? - RECEIPTS ct DISHURSEME NTS YEA ,R, ENDING 2n AUGUST, 1826. or~ ?? Wteft, - - £f4'i2 13S 0 rc cij: 'ciniug, Winding, ant VWarping se- rll-' .d MoigMsi, - - 6 Ib t' t'i - ' - 019 4 of -lllc t-e ~ - - 10 16 0 pclolni; ' - - - - 517 2! ,!Fijian ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 4 , .brc~ _ - - 24 2 9 |o 4c3 £.1468 10 9 ilewing sums for Ailment or cos , ?? riners detained on Warrants ecu ...