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Advertisements & Notices

... TWENTY POUNDS REWARD. BERE AS, on Friday Night last, or early a W on Saturdav Morning, some evil-disposed P Person or Per-sons, did steal from out of the Stable and Chlaise-house of WAn. EDGE, Clerk, of Ned- giug, TiiREE SatTS oF PONEY HAttNE.S, andi1 ITWO SAI)I)LJ.S, &C. Whoever will discover the Offender. or Ofleuders, so that lie or they may be convicted of the above offience, shall receive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY i iON. Dining-room and Bted-charnber Fairnitalse, l.brsry ,t 11 j- cellset Wines,-By Air. CHIUS It'lK. it. Is Gr,'.It St. iJaes's-sauuare, otl Thurstay, tkt. 21,, Sc1: . Cindly at one, )AR'1'of the neatHIIOIUSEHOLl) D 1'HN\1JI the property of a GeNtlellan who 1s :i dence in the uswighboaurhaod of L.sicsIosl. Ibi- dinihg- rol acticles , alld coslnprsi og he l 51 s- 5 beddiitg, aost a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES, BY AUCTION, AT WVAlcTP SLACKS, BRAMcLKV-Y .MITR ?? nesdy. ?? -qroetbbi-i- lW2o; at Tsi-o ?? hrte Af-I ternoona ALARGE Gig, CORP,' bRUG, and other Uten- J~ ais, siilab f fo the orking of it Stonle Qualrry -,all- Iheryly as good as STOv. NE. ccnsisting of Hesvlng Work; )m 'g slid F4S,'Iiallc' t 41l,050 Bricks, in good Condition. Also, rausesfull AiE, which has been aceasitonled to thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D L 3(CK, 1lhys;iciin Accoacheur to the ti- lt ,yn-i K!, Ho-6 ~ lu .& Sho. wiH Ib,' hi, ie- oet COulR 1F. ot on1 Mttt4V'tE iiYs anit the Ml(IFAF pccoilisr tl Wit- II( .liliil~ N.01 Cletily, (t. itI, ait st. 'lInhoiis 1,5 Iiiottltl. d4 w: .1Int ! lie Kiii 0I iiOil iiS Tb it lays tan - ci Nint, o,fflulIt'.pi o it, a toriev.-tncor pi' , ttettirvin-ie tent I'11AGORDINN\I{Y LI;USL NATIL.Me Ze 'Itn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. ORSE BAZAAR, King-street, Portman-squa.e- r7i H TO be St)LI) by AU CTION, TiHIS l)AY. at VI rrive cialey, byGNOItCiF YOUNG, a great v:riety of HOIt0FS -o tj tte Hunters, Hucks, Itnoadters, 'rilburyanid Ca:rriage! ,r-e. Porle'r, ' Alas, a variety or Cirriages, ot driterent decrptlon pl o A great euerhrr ot Carririoca and Hncs- arec aoiistdtti.Y ,, by Coirreisson; likewise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By public roup, ivithiti t-he - ?? of James Ure, vintneie, Danrny,- Stirlicrgshite oti the Ith iday ?? next at one o'clock afternoon, IHED following SUIBJECTS Ibelong1ng t9k the as- J questrated kstate of Dr. Nelsan,; Denn.', 1. BIIOOIMPARK li.OUSE, O F F* C ZS antI G RO UN L, pleasantly situated to the Wesi of the-Villa7ge. xsDenrny, near to thle romantic Mlilks of the River vr- ron., The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inthe GREEN ROOM. An ENGRAVING by Mr w.W&RD' jan.. in his best ot'le, from thor erikiaal. painting by the joimitblO IO~eARH, wil hi ublised adl thile, next' year, b3 h Propieto, J.W. SuthgteN. ?? istrt. A lisnited nurrbir of Proofs. - . On tlhe Ith of Octoher w s pnblishodrprice 2s ?? THE IIARMONICOf No. XLVI, contani Song, Softly blow, ye breezes; compooed fort and ?? rnonitbe songa james ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISr OF bLVFRPOOL. T T a VESTRY held in St. NichIolas's Church, the 6th day of October, I S26, for the inspection of the aeeounts , the Surveyors of Highways, in pursuance of public notice ,hen in the Churches and papers, Re'ssled.-Tlac Mr. Wll.LIAMc QUILLIAM be the Chairman of this Vestry. The accounts of the Surveyors having been read by their Clerk, Rt~oelvd.-That the accounts now read be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 Eibhe unlder.signed, are sorry for our condinct W1tt. in having TRESPASSED in the B :RN1tlmtl) on TiUaSDiY EVENING last, and ngree to pay all Ixenees if the deseryed Prosecutiou for the Mffenue be not persisted in. *i)atedi txieter, JOHN LITTTlEJ HNS., October 7tl IS26. JOUN :HEXTER,. .. DEVON- $4EX.ETER 1O11RSE BAZXAR, i3, PARIS-STltEE ?? OR SALE, by Mr. Hu6ry, .on 1FRlDAY, the' F 3thi day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Next Wednesday (18th This Month) is the Day fixsed, by Order of His Majesty's Government, fr the final Close otf all Lotteries in :.t~ii Kingdom. When that day has passedi 1he u AiMc Will no longer possess the chance o zing a Fortune by the risk oAft flw Pounds. All, therefore, nwho desifetotcourtlhe Pavour ol' Forttne.-through thd Lottery, must atpply bebre, ; Next Wdn y, 18th ItS& ntailit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ANTr8Dj, reipectable ?? ?? AP-~ W .PRENTICE to -the TALL[OW CHANDLING 'BUSI NES8, who will -treated as oub of~ the Family. i;, or f'nrthur lp'uticilais pl(ilv lette I_,post paid,,) tow N~i. ~ (31 LiLA n, Tal~low Chandler, Xiuigslividge. 09 haidsomcgrey1 gelding, h~y 1kv~?r10?;: 01titof A l mare,. nearly 1.) hiaads aind hi lhai r ?? ?? ok thee tl I 'vice mlay beu hioWn. 1T61n1s and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANE NGLISIl LADY, inclined to devote a few hours each day to instruct Young Ladies in the Art of Making '1'Sl READ LACE, hopes, as this art has never before been taught in this city, to meet with that patronage it will be her study so merit. Particulars mray be known at'Mrs. MacQueen's. 82, Hutcheson Street. Six pupils only can be admitted. MIDIWIFERY: \ R. ARMOUR will commence his LECTURES ...