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... SOI.D BY PRIVATE CON TRACT. I*o BE LET, By Mr. Akgei.l, n. 4 Substantial well-built Brick CORN MILL ESTATE, with three run of Stones, and the Machinery in perfect order; to which are attached, two Cord Chambers, a MealCliamber,Granary and Drying Kiln, a Meal Room. Oiunling-house, Stable for three Horses, Csirl-house, and Pig-stye. Also adjoining, a most excellent and convenient Family DWELLING ...

n'tmujf tiser

... tiser. [Price 7d.—Vol. 42.—N0- 2277. •gaioit that part of for venU any peraw tnm nruo« for wlilie purcounthea. with gnni, w™ took pla« on the ■fo**. ; '**f” Mr. BiWirc hoped subject cim>pta»«e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ZBIT2HS. On the 6th inst. the Lady of H. H. Birley, esq. of. daighter. Tire wife of a laboutrer, iaaned Heritage, of Tingletvick, Br rks, c a.s delivered lately of four children, all likely to towewi. MAURRIAGES. On the 9th inst. at tile Collegiate church, Mr. C. G. OBreln, to Slim Sarah Harper, both of this town. O trie Mi0th inst. at the saient place, iMr. Thomas Barltro, to 2liss Hanall ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MALR IED. On the 23rd ult. Lieut. Janmes O' Brien, to Maria Anne, youngest daughter of Edmund A.. Power., Esq of Clongbteen-Power, Waterford LLv At Edinburgh, M. P. Brown, E,,I. .dvocatet to Ilarii, second daughter of the Lite Rol(Ht dco etith. s of itooko I ; A TUO~d.~Y, V, St tee ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEiTJJ OF RIGH7' RkV. DR. AIU/JUTHM'1 LORAD BISHOP t)F KIL~l4LoU'. iditOM TIIE L!MEtttCI CIIIOS'iCLLX.j W~e regret extremerly ti) bave to announice thr eleat; Right Rev. Alexander Arhluth not, D.D., Lerd Bishi!; alohe and K~ilfenaera, wvbich inllebnckioly evenut took p.-: tween founr and lire ro'clock, in the afternoon ot WSediie' ;- aet Ciarjsii-)d.ltauoe, in tlhe mlidst ..f bin asuti~ahe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the Ist inst., Mrs. Henry CApel, Little Tower-street, of a daughter. On Friday, the Ist inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Butt, of Al- fred-place, BlAckfiriars road, of a son. At Rome, the lady oif John Thomas Selwia, Esq., of Down Hail, Essex, of a daughter. On the Ist inst., at Herne Hill, Mrs. Ricbard Dutton, of a daughter. MARKIED. At St. Andrew's, Holborn, by the Rev. G. Beresford, Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,7- qi?16f' U. C, li ? . ? TITlv SATURDAY, JUNE7, 1823. ?? the 3rd inst. at his Grace's houge in P lorLmrnti-cqlare, her tjraee the Decllmes of Rlchmona. o a Oltugliter.-on tionday last, at New Fisthbourne, Mrs. Onslow WItWakvfol, of .25011. E s 'lb. 1)1ea and Chhapter (f Chicilester are now F having the iron railing eflixed in the lbunt of the Ca- h ?? where the old ?? recently tsken duowt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * ~~~~~~~BIRTHS. ~ be Isd On the 22d instant, in Nonrth-creScnt, Gower-stltrt of jeremiah Dick, Esq. of a dauebter. 'D.itItt) On the 28th instant, Mrs. Philip Goods, of How Fitgroy squiare, of a bon. be lady Of On the 18th instant, Lit Castle Ttgarty, Tippetary, h a!o James Lenigae, Esq., of a dauhttter. _ MARRIED. vidw of On the 29th, S. Cirtuwight, Esq., to irs. Parr,w the late. Dr. Parr, M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On thel st inst., at Here-hill, Mrs. Richard Datton, ol Ui dauliter. Ort the 26-h Janouar,', at Sr. Peter's, rear Ranisgate, the lt.dy ) of J3 hib Tippin lD.-well, Esq., o0 a stll. At St. Micliawl's-terrace, Stoke Deron, tbe lady bf CiaPtinil Ciharles Jamites llope Johnstone, ItN , of a dauir ter. The lady of Wmi TDomnison, Enq., of Hew-morthy, of a s0n- On the 27th tilt., at WVrIls, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEAT Oi A'AaNINDIDAN GIRL AT GREENWICH, - CAiUSED BY II-TREATIMENT. Withilrtliese thrie days, 'the town of Greenwich, anid, in. deed, for'nties sdur~oid, has heenpthrown into the greatest ex- citation ad guriiultl in consequence of' the death of a girl of colour, ?? circumstanees of the most atrocious descriptions QOus .informant. hias been enhibled to collect the following t Ithentlc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;&lZtAGE 3.- Oil 2oeday the 12th instant, at Staveley, in this coanty, by the P` JAIm Clarke, E. S. Fellows, Esq. of Blee'ston, Nottingham- Ch i to Mis White, ?? of the late John W11hite, Esq. of Or Tuecdav se'nniglin, at Chesterflield, by the Rcv. T. H1ill, Mt. R¢ohge Pliied, grocer, sto Miss Parker, eldest daughter ot Mr. Geotge Pe-ker. cabinet.,raker. ro Oisi I.i Innah CsDennlit, at ...