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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgh, on the I4h !nst., thA Lady of Iajor W dn ir Bertram, Bengal native infantry, of a so. d .; At Dundee,:ron the 14thI.current, lrs James Thorns, of n daughter. Ac Elliston House, Roxburghshire, on tke 30th ul., the it L dy4of Sir Robert Henry Tulloh, Esq. of Elliston, of a s daughter. d At Poonah, on the 18th Miarch, by the Rev.. R.War rd Edmund Montgonerie, Esq. Civil Service, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, September 2, 1829. Brnrn. .At Untinlv-1en, near Donegpil, on the 12th tilt t the Lady of Licut -Col. ScTEUHTl , of thle Madras Army, of a soin. t ?? here, upon the 20th uIlt. by tlec Rev. D. Simpson, I Air NVILMA1TA.I 11ATSONx, Malauticturer, to JANC. eldest c dauehter of dir John Greig, M1annufacturcr, Trinity Street. a Married, at Red lHall, by the Reverend Mr Leslie of St Andrews ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7 M~irtbo. At Loudon, on the 7tb inst., the Countess of Guilford, of a son and heir. On the 12th curt. at Stranraer, the wife of the Rev. William symnington, of a son, On the 15th curt, at Dundee, M1rs Dr Gardner, of a son. t On the 12th curt. at New Scone, Mrs Captain Robertson, of a son. i 49arrfageo. At Leith, on the 12th instant, Ilr Thomas Calder, ship- e master, lto Elizabeth M'Laren, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Decemzber 9, 1S'J9. r Bt ?? PFrkhi]I, on tie 3d inst. the ?? ?? t e GORDON CUJIING Sxni-e, Esq. of Pitlurg and Dyce, of It a daughter. U BIRTH.-At Gibraltar, November 8th, the Lady of RomINisoN DT DcKwon'ri, Esq. of a son. iMavried, at Perth, on the 'i0th ult., MAJni T17cizanmsoN, 1L.1. to Miss ISADEILLA *YOUNG, second daughiter of the p late John Young, Esq. Ardbenny. ti Ilarried, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1 b @ tt b n Clit WEDNESDAY, d'caruaij 18,, 1829. il crC BiR'ri.- On thle 2d inSt. at Gordon Castle, ?? stat of his sil; Grace the Duke of Gordon, the Lady of D3uat I.S iur, Esq. go of a daughter. in Birth, at Fovcran Manse, on the 15th inst. Mars MaxvEe. vi ( (. olo)tON, of a son. Cen Milrriktc on the 12th instant, at aiarv-la-llonne Church. 'o London, the hottoirable It V S'rt1itttitn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S t 115trtbt;. At Fettes Row, Edinburgh, on' the 12th curt., Mlrs Wil. liam Allan, of a daughter. At 26, Bath Street, Glasgow, on the 11th curt., the Lady of UWilliarn L. Ewing, Esq. of a daughter. n At Inverleith Road, on the 18th instant, Mlsrs, ABean, of a daughtcr. . On honday the 14th inst,, at Dollar, the Lady of Captain Pinkerton, of a son. i A Edinburgh, on the 18th instant, Mrs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ito d WEDNESDAY, Sept ember 523, 1S29. 6 0' BIRTH ?? Union Place, on the lo1th curt., Mers, Wmh. Y ALLARtDYCE, of ason. 5 BIRITH.-At Howard Place, Edinburgh, onl the'17th inst., el Mrs WILLIAvi NAPIiER, of a son. S Married, at Bombay, on thle 211th March last, tw bi ?? s, Esq. 1IU.D. civil surgeon to the Residency at Cutch, a to SOPHIeA, daughter of Major-Geneiral. Sir George Holmes, 01 ir K.C ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, Augus! t , 18529. Blit'i T .-Oni thc 29th ullt. the Lady of Tijo.s1AC , x fl' :1. MAN, Esq. of a daughter. BI [tTII.-At I il ontrose, on the 21st ult. the wife of Captain B1t'ltAMI, of a dtiughttr. Alarried, tit Union Grove, on Tuesday the 4th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Glennie, Teeomr.s ToI)D, Esq. of Twickelinhnl Park, AMiddlcsex,,to A OLItGAiE', vsecout ?? OfG.Jl IX HIAfh)iEN, .Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... %- berbeeno* WEDNESDAY, ?Seajpianer 9, 1829. BzarT.-Ol the 31st ult. Mirs LuiSTsDEN of Tilwhilly, of a son. BusiTI.-On the 5th curt. at Grarldholm Works, Airs CooPER, of a daughter. Blati ?? Eskinmoont, on the 26ith ult. the Lady of Cap- taina HuiTYEni, of a daughter. Harriet, at Edinburgh, on the 31st alt. Air JOiHNT RSisn, AMerchant, Dundee, to EICIIZAB1ETH AVAWEit, daughter of the late ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... R' berbeen, have WEDNESDAY, Aug-ust 19 Sm te Britrer..-At Fintray House, on the 6th instant, the Honl. ?? Lady FonitErs, of Crsaigievar, of ai tlaughter. from Married, on Thursday, by special licence, at St Geore',Oft? Hanovr Square, London, his Grace the Duke of Btic- A eciETuci!, to Lady CHtARLOTTE TizvNNr, third daugihter of the Marquist sod Marchion~ess of Bath. His Grace the Socif Duke ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0, - berbeen. IN I~ WEDNESDAY, March 11, 1829. - ?? Brtrnton, on the .th inst. the Ladly of Licut. fol ,L I hAa, younger of Northfield, of a laughter. anl ?? ?? .Ml enheiin, Germany, on the 21st February, (Ic the Lady ot' J. S. SING.L~itn, Esq. late Lieut.-C Uollel lit.. be of a son. i M ilarried, at Newhaven, Sotsser, on the 2Jtih ult. by the Rev. co o Thomas Blisset, Adldiscombe, Mr Tirn1m, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - Al * berbeen. A WEDNESDAY, M~ay 20, 1SE29. BrwTr,-At Dublin, on Tuesday the lth curt. the Right H Hon. the CoUs TrEsS of ERROLL was safely delivered of a Daughter. iw On the 7th December last, at Kandy. in; Ceylon, the Lady al of Lieut.-Colonel LINSSAYJK.C.B. 780l Hrghlanders, of a son. Married here, on the 18th curt. by the Rev. Professor Paul, ALEXANDER COPLANOD Esq. Advocate, to ANNA, ...