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Leeds Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... YOn Thursday, bl tho l1ev. ellry lmpp, Abf. vicar, aml do. imesticcisplapinhs to t i e Itigit IIOD. L~ord l-l srde Wlen, Was. i Horsfill, Esi. of lBolton- louse, stear [rndford, to aiss IHeilekin, daughter of the Rev. Mir. tleirckin, of Biradford. Soroe (lay, at ltathwell, by tile Rev. Josepih Wardle, Charles . irchardi Hasrlroo, Ess(5 eldest son of thle lto Rlchard Harrisoo, Rsq. of Wytorn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? On the it29th oft. at Laventhorp Ilouse, near this place, the Lndy I!l of T. D. Crosse, Eaq. of lBrothoerton, of a sosl amil reir. III Onl the 33d ult. at Eaton I-all, Loasty Elizabeth 13elgrave, of a Fc dauighter. 4Tttitti. It. Ol Thursday last, at Hlsslllersfield, Mr. .Josepsis ll, sif (hitcar. Cs clothira tas m i ci ?? to As, saughiter of hir. Jasas Rassdell, of - Raissless Mil1, near A ...

?? and r large OIL S

... aturday lost, at Sledmere, the Lady of Sir Tatton Sykes, Ia. ps Hart. of s daughter. light Sameday, atThirnk, Mrs, John Dent, of a son. are ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? __ barel On Wednesday, Mr. Sidney Emmett, of Halifax, worsted manu- - facturer, to Miss Elizabeth Hentley, of Skircoat. ,On Tuesday last, Mr. Edward Walles, of York, coal-merchant, - to Harriet, daughterof IMr. J. Jolly, of the King's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I5w] I i On Thnrday, MT. Thomas Turner, cloth-dresser, ?? S. Thornton, bot of this town- d On Wednesiay last, Mr. James Howgate, clothier, toi&liss Eliz. 1' I Grhy,bhoth of (lvesriey.' d Same ?? Wakefield, Mr. Robinson, of that piace, hosler, g to MlissoLae . ; , came day at Whithirk, aTr. Thomas Rothery, eldest son of the, if late Mr. Joeph Xothdry, of, the Soirarn's Head Ins,, all of this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiI'Ithj. On Thursday, at Goolc, the Laly of J. H. Ilodson, Esq. of a soil. Oc the I5th inst. at Sandiell, the CoGitoss of Dartmouth, of a daughter. On the 13th maist. in Londailn, thi Lady of Lieut.-Coloancl aorton, of a daugh ter. Oil the ?? ijst, at liar father's, Heath faeld Itomse, Little Sut- toci, thc caife o(if ichard iacoan Frank, Esq. of a daughter. On Thursday, at our Parish Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'At the hquse of the Hot. G. Igar:EllIs, IM.P. SpEng Gardena, Lady Georglita Agar Ellis, of tL s01. Otl Monday last, at Cotiabrottte Ledy oniO. WTirpma, Esq. barrister at law, of a son. ' T On Thursdaylti, at our ParIsh Church, Mr. Wm. Kershaw, painter, to Jane, youngeat dautilhter of the late Mr. Fearne, ail of this town. Seme lay, Mr. Richard Lister, of this town, warrehouseman, to Anti, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yesterday, Mr. R. Smith, master of the Leeds Boysp Nailonal school, to MS9 Mary Ann Tlplady, mistresa of the Leoda Girls' NatIonal school. On Thursdaylast, Air. John Firth, tailor, to Mary, eldest ~uh ter of M r. Eli Hanson, all of Hudderafied*. Same sday, Mr. William Duffild, carvqr anid gil1der, ioonof Mr. William Dufitelt, -of the White Hart inn, Call-lane, to Sarah,; daughter of Mr. Joseph ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oni Mloinday last, at the house of tho DBoeager Countess St. Ger- r mainec, oark Cresecut, STrs. (treaves 'Townleey, of a dtatigtter. Onl Trhursdiay week, at %Voinersley, the Lady of thie lev. ?? si Cauter, Of a sols. fi Otl the lsts lerst. Lady hi swasd dc Waeliee, of a; daugitter. S t]l Ct On Thursdaly, at the Parish Church, Bradford, by the Rev. iroty B\-eep, vicaru, M T. Jhit Thompsoos, of ...

i : = _ = = = _ -iSh

... e 'of acdaughter. On t5eft u. at eaigo,_ _h ayo ?? t a 1 ifll * bha e on Thursday 1ast, at our Parish Church, by tie.RevRldiard am Fawcett, A.M. vicar, Mr. Joel Littlewood, ?? iait 7o ac Maria, widow of the late Captain George Bagiietr, ali -fltbisa ,in town. pe Same day,rislr. John Barker, clothier, to Mlss Janc Gtiinstoai, both of,1Bramley._ Same day, Air. Edwin Walker, tea-dealer, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ly ar i it On Thursday ia't, at our Yerlsh Church, by the ilev. Richad e Fasett, vicar, Mr. Jackson, of Manchester, to blary,' eldest daughter of Mr. James Walker, Upper Wortley, near this towsu. ,r Same day, Mr. Samuel Patkero joiner, to Miss Ani Wilitakdr, rs both of Halifax. ; Same day, Mr. Joseph Wright, hnnkeeper, to Mrs. Hannah Crab- ie tree, both of Ovenden. r. Samu day, Mr. Josepit ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 13th hust. tihe Countess of Shefileld, of a daughter. tC On the 11th Inst. at Branch 11111 Lodge, near London, the Lady C of T. W. Beaumont, Esq. ?? of a son and heir. Same (lay, the Lady Alice Peel, of e son. n Or, Wednesday wreek, the wife of Mr. (eorge Drucksop, of Lit- IL tleiaoor, near Aphover, weas delivered of three fitnd daughters', T they are all tivjig, and with the mother are ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I, IC at lSirtb0. IncIlor: tre Lady of tile It ght lios. lobeht Peel, of a rdto list, tile t.ndy0 of Sir IV ;lliarn D. Cooke, Dart, of * Dear Doncutre of a son. 'rilaY It. William loster, second soal of Johr Footer, uelt block ?? ttley, of Stlbbiln-louse, near j lst, oA York, 3r. JolI Oison. of Nordvtve, a i1,to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of ir. Nult, of in a]l inatra, John NIlanyaring, jun. ...