Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH S. . Oan the.22d curtint, Mn ?? XYEIR Nelson Street, of A: tdaughlter' r ?? @ 1: ?? , . , j 'S 3fii4rnsh-Plice- he tlhiu 24th current, the Lady of- D}r, SnrAnzndI, of ii chtdghter' Q, the l ?? Aedrt, firsMACALLAN, No. I, Scotland ;,p1 'a.sof t- ?? Jo AOch teftitlchtiy Ga the i !5th current-, the wilfe of- JAMrs j7 saanr>, irtinei'widedve~redi? df-three children, two sons . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH At Downpatrick, orn the 23d ult. the LADY of John Brett Johnston, Esq. of a son. At Armagh, on the 10th ult. the LADY of the Rev. John C. McCausland, of a son. -MARRIED - In Killincoole Church, on Monday last, Iby the Rev. Elias Thackery, Rector of the parish of Louth, Sinclaire K. MUL- HOLLAND, Belfast, Esq. to MARGARET, eldest dsighter oftile Rev. Joseph Wright. Rector of the parishes ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B tltTHS. Te lady of T. Laodseer, Esq. Southampton street, Fitzroy square, of a son. bA the Palace. Fulhams, the lady of the Lord Bishop of London, of a son. At Redrtth, Mrs Searle, of three BOnS, who, with the mother, are likely to do well. At Arranches, in France, the lady of Capt. Renwick, of a son, her 188th child. On Saturday week, the Lady Agnes Paget, fifth daughter of the Marquis of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ne hie 0118 he og oln on br- It an - il ed of ai w hee r- re ?? U-d al he eI. ray to sy le, its Id sa he Iy as 1gs tos O; Moinda last, ?? of Jolu itchel, House, near ebsden-lBrldge, of a son and helr.. Oa the 14th I it. at the. Vcarage, Bradford, the Lasly of the Itef. Henry Heap, of a daughter. Yesterday, Mr. Geo, Banks, varehouieesai, to Phillie, daugh- ter of Mrs. Marlowv, all of this towis ...

On the ?? lest., at

... Chevet, IlmeLady of Sir Win. Pilkington, IBart..ofisownaudheir. .Oh Thursdaid lst't Ilnirtal, by the R1ev. Wi Mi. Heald, vicar. Thbmnas Brown, -Esq.of Furnival's inn, London, 'to Eleanor Jbditbli eldist dauglterofthe late.Mr. Edward Fute,'Londoss. ,. Sme. day, Dt liaresbrou'e 4h1on, youggsatsou f the late Mr. Xlnaliyso~nf~o fahrewnrst #liahth, daughter o1 ?sgZ Wan. Titan- 'hutsl, Of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On i'effaesd'' the 4thi totIt~ pobert Ilountrr, of ttcuogltton, to Ilabeliet~ itogher f- Iditiliky, Rsl qOf Wtigtool, Coot- to Fflzalittli, chlest l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ftII9,ovI ~ ~ ~ ~ i ticilant. 9Oecs'V of theC Wjhite idon, to 1 On 0' c 24th1 itt, at let 'wtot dlae J.Sefton, of i ovr. lilio Oho loe Setoiithid Chrch of oution,- t Di.)r iavis,L On thec 25th lilt. Ptat-1M. ittlet hitC teo lcaie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Wednesday last, at Patrick Blrompton, the Lady of Charles Hencage Elsley, Esq. Clerk of the Peace for tha West-Riding, of a daughiter. On Saturday last, at Relnme, the Lady of thg Hon. - Stour- ton, of a son. On Thursday week, at Coldsbrough Hail, the Lady Louisa La- celles, of a son. On Thursdaylast at Christ Church, Liverpool, by the Rev. J. R, Tetiose, Caitaln Richardson, late of the 4th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTH. On Sunday lauteweof. C. Ellis, a slioemAker, ~St Peter's line, Canter- bury, oft S i and a' he,wh Pith the motthcr are doing well; i as' igh ot~e hilrena.tmy of elvn MAr RTED. Ia tc lith ult. Licut. Thottas Ffrench, of ti'e 2fth regiment, to Louisa, A0sg' Iagtro r Joseph Ixirko, of Oh] ltrornptOu. - Os the 21th inst. Edwund tRoutsett, Esq. to Ema ?? Richardson, of polIsvich. Ma ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... F On the 15th inst. the Lady of Sir- STEPHEN daughter. Marcb 9, at Lord Atnesley's, in Palace-ro, Lady Mary McGuire, of a son and heir. MARRIED_ On the 5th inst. by the Rev. Alex McEwen, Mr. . MAXWELL, Granshaw, to Miss LOWRY, datt ?? w JOHN LOWRY, Rureagh, Kirkeibbin. On Thursday, by the Rev. John Watson a her father, Ballygrangey JANE MATILDA, eldest daughter Mr. Nathaniel McQuoid, to Mr. WM ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tberell tia E ctj~ d thatS is tdc- Corn- MARRIED, oftshe Lately, at St. Philip's Church, Captain Knight, of the brig S Virginia, Of Virginra, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. James qt. the ~Hu.m. ofQrseeonatreet. vilde, 6n TuesloY, the 24 h ult, at St. Anne's Church, Mr. W. dhiBonit, to Miss Elizabletj White. hs On Thursday, the 26th nilt. at St. John's Church; -Mr. Thos. Yosk Bennett, to Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0, - berbeen. IN I~ WEDNESDAY, March 11, 1829. - ?? Brtrnton, on the .th inst. the Ladly of Licut. fol ,L I hAa, younger of Northfield, of a laughter. anl ?? ?? .Ml enheiin, Germany, on the 21st February, (Ic the Lady ot' J. S. SING.L~itn, Esq. late Lieut.-C Uollel lit.. be of a son. i M ilarried, at Newhaven, Sotsser, on the 2Jtih ult. by the Rev. co o Thomas Blisset, Adldiscombe, Mr Tirn1m, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... warsi. ?? anb 1Deadb%. MARRIED, rids On Sunday, the 15th UIL at Wahon Church, Mr. Edward art. Jones to Miss Jane Williams, both of this town. tely On Sunday, the 22d ult. at St. Thomas's Church, Dublin, ex. Captain Owen Edwards, of the blig Sophia, of this port, to ?? Isabella Frankland. St. Paul's-square. On Sunday, the 8th instant, Mr. George Thomasj to Mrs. P ?? Ann Ion, widow of the late ...