Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E ~~BIRTHS.,;' On the 25th ult. her S9-rre: i ,ghness the Princess of HottENLO111.lIAUENB1RQH, (late the, lrincess Fcodore, and daughter of the Diclie s oZF Kert ) of a~so'n. On the 10th curt. at Whitehill House, the Hon. Mrs AVARDLrAwofa oson.- At 'yhel'd on ?? curt. Ilts BfRsY, ofaada-Ugh- ter. ?? Oa the'7tnh cuit.,d B_ eeve- Banff. the Lndy of JAtES. A.ACKIKtQOSH,` Esq. Ziia 6f!Caicutta, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the 24th ult. at Canberwell, Edward Fawler Bean. Esg. surgeon, to Louisa, eldest daughter of J. W. Liddiard, Esq. of Denmark bill. Rev. E. S. Whitbread, of BDyton Rectory, Wiltshire, to Charlotte Matilda, eldest daughter of John Josselyn, Req. of Sproughton House, Saffolk. On the Ith ult. at Brussels, James Smith, Esq. of Remnel Hempstead, to Mary Ann, relict of the late Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE DOUBLE-HUEDED GIRL. The child with two heads, lately arrived at Paris, from gardinia, and which has excited so much interest in that etropolis contemporaneously with the Siamese youths London, died a few days ago. Thus all the hopes ounded by modern physiology on the observation of the ?? likely to result from this double organization, life had continned longer, are now ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTH- Nov. 5, at Rahasane, County of Galway, th the Right Hon. Lord Clanmorris, of a son. LonY o At Laurel Hill, Coleraine, on the 6th inst. tLA the Rev. William John Knox, of a daughtee.. _MARRlED. Nov. 14, In Aghavea Church, by the Rev. John Hare, WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, Esq. M. D. of Landondei to FRANCES, daughter of Hamilton Hare, Esq of Gl rurn. mon. - 1tqo ,At Coleraine, on the 11th inst. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... J1f1arriaIgc3 anti 3tatbF. n sl MARRIED, 9 I41tey, Mr. Joseph Syers, cord wadneo second son of Mr. Joseph b ?? of Litherland, to Isabella, second daughter of Mr. Enoch Ls9u,3Joner, of Lancaster. a 4eir. at St. Philip's Church, Mr. Francis Newcombe to Miss a °('lly daughter of John Dean. Esq. Islington. OrTuesdasy, the27th ult.ln this town, Wm. Byrne, Esq. of Dublin, t Ittjet, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IA RRY I E . On the 14th inst. at Christ church, Marylehone, by the Rer. Robert WaIVO' John ClaytonConell, Esq. eldest son ofthe late Licut.sColonel Cowell, W Anne Roester, youngest daughter of the Rev. Richard Bricudea, and niec the Earl of Canan. On the l7th inst. John Dunlop, Esq. of the Grenadier Rleginment of oot Guards, eldest son of Lieut.oGeneral Donlop, to Charlotte Coustar1c ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... YN erdav, the 24th instant, at Duflid l, iu this countyg Iady of Cockshutt 11cathcutc. Esq. of a ,on. rrnzA.~fGE B.-- W()ylednesdav the l8th instant, at dladton, bvitseoei. 4 iiailyr, (Canon lcsidetttiary of Lichfrildv Richaid es} ol ltee, Eaq. (;q'apin in the lion. lEast Indiri ,a ,l.m I 5\adra Artillery, and eldest son of the lRev. R. of l'olwltele, county of Cornwall, to LIuisa onIv ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'I 2 3 Vabo~j. 2 On the 2d inst. in Park Crescent, Portland Place, London, , the Hlon. Mrs Shaw, of a daughter. X At Bromley Palace, on the 4th inst., the Lady Sarah Blur. - ray, of a son. 7 Oan the'25th nilt, her Serene Highness the Princess of Ho. 9henlofbe-i, late the Princess Feodore, and daughter of the Duchess of Kent, ofta son. l At Tayfield, on the 10th curt. Mrs Berry, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n ~MARRI AGES. tYesterday, at Sculcoates ch1urch1, AMr. John Jowsey, joiner, of this ,place, to Misa Ann Robhison, of Leeds..: nOn Tuesday last, at Scutnoatec church, Mr. David Dunn, boot and nshoemaker, Scott street, to Elizabethi Ward, about 20 Sears servant .,to the Rev. Ki. Baakets, of the Charter-houae, at this plijee.- :Yesterday weeck, at tile Holy Trinity chucch, Mr. Fcdncij~tovely, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Tueaday se'nnlglt, at GopsaUl, Leicestershire, the Countess Bowe, of a son. At Meshing,, Essex; the lady of the Rev. Robert Eden, of a'Son. At the Oaks, in tihis county, on th. 27th ult. the Lady of WV. J. Bagshaw, Esq. of a daughter. Tuesday te'nnight, at the Church of St. George, Hanover- square, by special licence, Vavil Baillie, Esq, of Audley-square, to l iss Stewart, only daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lARRIE3D. At Sevenoaks, Kent, Capt. Chas. Grenville Randolph, R. N. to Juliana, daughter of Multon Lumbard, Esq.-At Madras, Richard Fraser Lewis, Esq. barrister at law, ahd Master of his Majesty's Crown Office there. to Fanny Cleveland, 2d daughter of G. P. Tyler, Esq. of the Hon. Company's Civil Seryice.-At -St. George's, HanoVer-square, Xieut. NV. C: Webbdi, R. N. son of the Rev. Archdeacon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI[RTHI-S. C Oct. 26, at Buciland Rector?, the lady of the Rev, C Keene, of a t aagiver. At Hams Hala, NVarwickshire, on the 28tt ult., the lad) Wm. ritson, Esq of a son. (ii Ithe 29cu uit. at Bayfordbury, Hefts, the lady of Ms Biker, ol a ,rtn. Oa lbr 251t% ult. at GOpsall, tsei Counstes Howe, of a ion (Jo be 28lu ult, at Leeds Castle, the .ndy ot WVsilia, its;' Esq of a so, l. MARIlt Dl) ...