Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICES on both said Farms. For particulars, as to Titlej aspply to Messrs. ALEX- ANDER JOHN M1O-NTQOM ERY, Comber, snd 25, Arthur-strest, Belfast;- or iotls Proprietor, ' JOHN SNODDEN. Ballyministra, 25th Nov. 1830. (369 HORSES FOR SALE, Smyth's Reepository ...

Advertisements & Notices

... East, Dublin;. or, to JOHN WHITE, Esq. Divernaigh, Newvry. l A Persuti will atteid uu the premises to show tinnt. 363) November 4, 163U. FOR PORT-'AU-PRINCE, HAYTI, The first-class fine British-built Brig A P 0 L L 0,. Captain JOHN WAKEHAMI, Now Loading ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pill-lane; Mr. Michael Iloyne, 43, Golden-lane . Mr. John Smith, 15, Granby row ; Mr. R. Martin, 4, Beresford-street; Mr. James Cummins, 23, Jervis-street; Mr. Owen M'Guire, Suffolk-street; Mr. John Fortune, Golden-lane; L. Dwyer, Esq., Parliamentary-Office ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sale of S.irAwi. The chn~ice siud vohuable stork is replettle1hed ortiekly bSy StacIm.ttili sad comipanry, by Miritia trtery arm' Instrurcted no offer tihoi, o,rivalieii wtoductiotrls at thfe f.IOtvlrrg low prices Wteneoure airorxe arid reprd sole;- Ndo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i'jovisidflsof the Act otPaitiiament. P JOHN WFUL'ON, Chairman. Dec. 28, 1S30. (2 _ SHOP TO LEl3 If F AT large atidl convelient S H O P, No. 8, r ~BRIIDGRSTREE ith a ROOM above.-, Apply at the NEWS-LET FICE. (401 FA ARM S T BE LET, IN THE NietGHBoUltHOOD OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J- MULHOLLAND, Mlaster, TUESDAY, Ist Februaryt TWELVE o'Clock Noun. .THR%;Ds, JOHN Master, SATURDAY, 29tb Januar TEN o'Clack Morning. FOR DUBLIN. Tm HSE WAM2ao am. * E JOHN SOY, Master, THURSDAY, 27th Jan. at EIGHT o'Clock Mlornin*. All Goods intended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... compensation for Outlay almmi Ground Rent, arid tie said Corporation should receive 3i, _ per tori: and not having received arm acceptance of the sask oe ffer. we do now make the following tender to the publie. on the same advantageous terms,. that is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cilhrcliun after DInner. 11la STaWAtRDS. AiT J. 9tirteyat, Eeq. I John GIlen. Esq, DIlt ahit Ktnowvles, Erq. War,. Robisson, FEsq. AIc William JBrentnana, Esq. I William Wilsott. Eaq. lir' John 1Alitie, Esq. Thiss. Clay. Eaq. hi, R~wS. anqoery. EsI Jaihs Lyddon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... prizing i Farm House with requisite Outbuildings, and about 80 Acres of Land, now in the occupation of Mr. John B. Barber. The Tenant, or Dlr. John White, of Denby Old Ball, will shew the premises; and to treat, apply at the Office of Mr. G. CREssY HALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ant. Subs. Doons. Robert Rcay, Tyise Brewery .1 1 0 John Fife, Esq. - - - 2 0 0 Mrs Eliz. Hutchinson, St. James's-St. 0 5 0 Win. Daglish, Newcastle - 0 10 0 .his. Hlemtey, Westgaite - 0 10 0 John Adamson, Esq. Westgate-Strect 1 1 0 'l'hos. Featherston ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fble follwing approved LOZENGES, prepared by JAHES 1 SHEPHERD, 176, Flect-estreet, L ondo, may be obtaiued at | IYEESS.S GRATTAN & CO.S M E D I C A L-I-I A L L, 12, CORN-MARK.ET, BELFAST. FOR LOWNESS of SRI RITS, NERVOUS AF_ I) FECTIONS, SICK HEAD-ACHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast,'22d Feb. IS31. llanover-Quay. [370 -NOWV I PORT, FIRST SPRING VESSEL FOR SI'. JOHN'S, N.B, I , . THE FAST-SAII.ING nR3IG IERR IN-IA, -'~z o Captain JOHN ANDERSOX, Will be dispetched for tle areiaort positicelg the 10th March. | '-tis V essel ...