Advertisements & Notices

... FOR OSTEND, The fine Belgic Sc hooner ST. MIC(HEL, ZY ' «sCapt. MON NO T. r31 Will sail to suit the Trade. Hu llj, pril 25, 1833. JOHN FOSTER. FORt QUEBEC, WITI OI' ODS ANY) PASSELeGERS,) The Regular Trader T'RIT1'ON, RoBEr TKEIEY GH1.jun. Master; !laa exec ellent accomstiodr rtfors for Cabin and Steerage }17.. l 1il aho ouit the 1st Map. Apply (o the Maoter on board the Ship, lying in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECTURES ON ChEMISTRY.. FIE COUNCIL of the HULL LITERARY and PTHnILOSOPtlICAL SociRTY beg to announce that a COURSE of SIX LECTURES upon CHEMISTRY (and Fome ofits applications in the Useful Arts), by Mr. PEARSALL, commenced on MONDAY Evening last, at Seven o'Clockabd wvill becontinued on thefollowing THURSDAY and MONDAY Evenings.until concluded. Tile Members of the Society are entitled to free ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'HETRSTESof the late GEORGE EARL, Ju. reurntheir grateful thanks to terFriends and the Public, for the favors conf'erred CHIMNEY..PIECESt MIONUMPENT;S, Of. MAtthei BInow Roostjs, CTO Dck WAILS, and Wtisi'E- MASON'S WORK carried on in all its branches. i reBUSTIS and MEDALLIONS taken on te mos TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A NUMB~ER °BND MATERIALS, LIGPRESESLTTES RLS PRESSING. Enquire Of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -FOR LIVERPOOL,. ' 0 . EfAil is The. ne New Copptered Ship WANDERER, -. ; a!Captain D. .BRowN. Will meet with despatch. Spe. 8, 1835. D. LOFTHOUSE & CO. FOR SALE, X Ai.flAAO of BRIMSTONE, of excellent -'; _TXPOL,'OIL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - JPR AT OthACT,. - CijB W+LLIAM, Ctain GEO. broardte fi*',or 0 (Register 3I7ons,) sTows a large' ro,'is w;ell found, 'affd uadapted for; the Greenland, or f tany oilier Tradcbeing ;doubled 'to the Keel, and- in ~eX- ' 'ellent repair.'-'' ' :-; ;-. ' q ::-i For Particulars,' enquire 'of tne Captain' on :boar~d :the' 'Ship~or of.d c - --RL0BT.. GARBUTT,-- Bu11, Dec. 27. I830. 'Change Alley. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 L S R A C K X . 1~~~~~~~~~~~~ S il -S T 6 C o T L1 N E ~ ~ L ' I . D A tt , L K G O S $IL'ltY , R IB - B O N '~ L ~ E , C O A K S, M B R E L A S , & c . & c, t n t o each.Morfling andclose at Five In the . ve, ing. ' ', , Shopkeepers, Tailors, 'Whoilesale Dealers &c. will flint! this a favourable oppportuty the whole of the Stock~ must be Sold Without 1tesdrve N. . Th, Shop being sall, fo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SUCCEED THE CLARKSONs FOR Q UEBEC, (WITH GOODS & PASSENcSERS,) -00 The fine fast-sailing Ship FrT MANCHIFSTER, At 300 Tons Register,, pa WILLIAM WALLEit, Master, ml Has good Accommodation for Cabin' and Steerage Pas- by sengers, and will sail about the 25th May. is Apply to the Master on board, in the Old Dock, or to ca HOLDERNESS & WARD, dr Hall, lfaAy 5,1831. Exchange Buildings. th - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *-i :-. N.WORK, Ve~vi ,'' l *4 sn' -4.ailing Ship wj ,SItARI3 AMiLTON~ !, ,/ 57,,,e. Y483 T~rSIRegist~rJc f * tOm'w~rl LXJNIaY, Master. This Ship is a re,:iliar Trader t., New York; has the bost aecommiodatins for Pdssengers, and will be dis- 1ttelhtd ahout the Sto of Mav. Apply to JOHN HOt.l.lNGWORT13, or THOMAS WAItD, Hil, ArarleA31. 1835. t Bowiniley-Lane. .Als~ - ;FOR DUNKIRK, ; *~ z T1H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRYPQQ NEW aOn.A?( { SUNDAYWATthe NEW1 t xlAN4 Wo *ll-bie ;PE)NED at'D`N~POOLewU~R o ,i-ccasfinthere 'viii hW - sn'WEXWR'A)SKRC a 11alf past Six in the eVVENING. . A o116ctions-wilf'be made'aftereab'6ers'ice. W. B. MOOR, IRONMaR 3 ,J - ~35,-LowGATE;, Wut ,, lsil.aWantdf an APPRENTCE ,-A'youtb from the; Country would be preferred. PRIVATE TUITION, NEAR YORK. HE CIURATE of fL~ nr, in the Tleigh- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSESSED TAXES. COMPOSITION. NTICE is hereby criven. that by an Act or' 4th1 and 5th Wim. IV Cap. 54, all persons streised for their Taxes for the present Year, or who h5all ave begun to keep any Articles liable to be Assessed or arry additional number thereof in the Year 5th April, 1835, may Compound for the same eudriteprovisions ofthe said Act. for the Term of Five Io commence from thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'xTANTFD toBorroW, at t~i per CentJInterest,J '7 .200, on unexceptionable security. Atiply, if by!- !eeier, post-paid, addressed Y. Z. Post-Office, Hull. MONEY. i 'y SIm, from 1)00 to £2600D, ready to be A. !) advanced on Landed Secuarity. /7 Apply to Mr. THOMPSON, Solicitot, Hull,. CLERK WANTED. ' Mliddle-Aged Man, well acquainted witb the toRaVe tc t as oUr.DOOR CLERK: must produce undensab1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIlE ONLY *p1 LINiTN WVAREHOUSE IN-HL, t- R L 1 A t 64, uAtnirv1T-PLACR, 'YORi{AN & CO. Irish Linen Manufacturers, are 'i:@ 'w Selling 4.4ths and 7-8ths Linens, Lawns7 -:-& Daa sk. and Diaper. Table Linen i_24llklas, Ill rk0^'5 '1'owellins, Tickings, Checks, &c- which, 1 '1 n;sn~cticd by th~emn, are of a genuine Grass ! d rttiroly free front any Cbemical Procesi of 3dr iii' r 1(01 iertllY ...