Advertisements & Notices

... 1TO l' YT8'l'S & GUARDIANS. I in extionsivo practice (in this &s9lGFVaa ACANCY for a PUPIL. ,*t'1flce pcsjrCOE FFlLc, (if by letter, post-paid.) '0 l 1)4LT;Rl WANTw 'ED. S -ctizC ?? NrFTLE wanted in an old- - t i5..hiised and lucrative Iron and Brass Foundry f p r.ciP- of) will hoe attended to on application - (Dct-pairl) addressed toMr. D. CA PIPBELL, '1 ]31, SOLI) BY AUCGlION, S., ~~~(I)UrIY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST PUBLISHED, _r a thick Octatin l'olume, C!oth Boards, Price 7.8. A REPORT OF THE INQUIRY into the / EXISTING STATE of the CORPORATION of HULL, taken at the GuILD-HALL, before F. DWARRsS attd S. A. RuMt ALL, Esqrs., Two of His Majesty's CommissiOners. Al-,. the PROCEEDINGS relative to the TRINITY. FiOUSE. With, an APPEN DIX, containinr many valuable and autllellt.C Dociuments By WILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a gIS present TUESDAY Evening, November.16, 1830, *, l present the Comedy of TOWN & COUNTRY. WVith the admired Interlude of PERFECTION.i6 To c ude with (for the second time) the -Farce of S To THE FIRST OF APRIL, P 1Which was received on its first representation with reite- rated burst' of laughter and acclamations of applause. os WEDNESMAY, November 17, the Historical Play of C WILLIAM TELL. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-9-Te FULL PACKET is To ,i F FsIDAY ?? at an early hour, and circra- r nste srpperiand middle oltude, ihroioglwuet OsF yonrsuirln, and is thoseparts ofLINCOLff- t EU5 1wS Wraity uif the ?? tuber; ;i therefore affords iupcrior is n1. ercian, t Solicitors, Land-Agents, Auctioneers, .ieili~i! al 'Person, who require an extended -rineium, ;i .in ;a so gire publicity t6 their ,dteMtledients. Oa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,~¶O MORROW Evening, Wednesdiy, Dec. 8th, 1830, TI vill be performed Sheridan's celebrated Comedy of THE RIVALS. t To conclude with the Melo-Drama of a LUJ KE THE L.ABOURER. on TnunsDfA, December 9t, thle admired Comedy of JOHN BULL. To conclude with. the Melo-Dralma of. E.LIA ROSENBERG. MISS ANGELI. H IAS the honour of infrrming hler Friends and the Peblic, that her BENEFIT is fixed for, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To An~ ns-T JfULL PACKhET is To -I'lill.', Y )IOLSnING, at at; eawrly h1our, anid circ u_ t -jrh I o{llalil lorw uppsler and liddle classes, throughout 'i ?? B tadnin itst/oseparts ofLINCOLN- AE, IttolthO it thertfore aiffords superior , it ts,(tyss liitor1 Lnd-49ents, Auctioneers, !I, -l Perso5 Ieto require all czteaded vi edismn, ?? h (04 Cre l,7licily to t/eir .44leH'settlents. VL ?? flor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE ANNUAL.- 4rr ususvtallu adsantageous aopporrunity presents itself to the Admirers of the Fine Arts, for acquiring a most cshly and superb Jet of Prints, at osoe-third the original published price. -j'FQOF ILIIJSTRATIONS of the LAND- j7 tCAPE ANNUAL, from its conmmencement, are flv* ting by GOIDDARD and BROWN, Packet-Office, fill Rr a limited period, on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / To THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. FOR SALE, ANeat and nearly New set of FIXTURES /for a SURGERY, comprising Counter, Drawers, ~helves, StoPPer Bottles, &c. The above are very suit. .ble far any Person commencing to Practice. Particulars May be known by application to ROSS and BURTON, Lowgate, Hull. ANTED immediately, a COUNTRY WSMITH of unexceptionable character, and co' .lrst.rate abilities. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ra TO SHIPPERS OF GOODS. th FOR LUBECK, te THE ina WILLIANI THE FOURTH, th Capt, SAAM,. BULLARD, h Burthen as per Register 71 Tons. al llas three-fourths of the Cargo engaged, and will Sail st wind and wVeatler permitting, in about Twelve Days. v Aply to WM. BELL, th De11,. 13th July. 1832. Exchange-alley. hi FISHIING S1IP IrARMONY. le TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, of BV J. & R. WAKF. sa On Tuesday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p.\CqE _o!V1FCE,51 ILOWCA''E HIJTLT p AT r NTT LEDGER AS') G1 LS'TATIOIVERY~ WAREHOUSE. ;r'4 01)DPD & B3 ROW\V' Ii ave ~ust r-6eceived ty considerable addition to their STOCK. of jwi~lu-niadrLEIG1RS and ACCOUNT BOS ?? advantageous Trawn Coniletiuns, si ?? to offer on very Ulvw Terms. Also, '~sfmcni of POCKET LEDGERS of beautiful twhi ch they in itL attentioil' H'v~m~TNG PAIPERS I leykeg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT.'s').'jiClt.Y WAREHOUSE, C ODDARD & BROWN have just received G a larne Quantity of WRITING PAPERS of srios QualitieS, which they are enabled to offer to n Public on most advantageous terms. They beg to draw the attention of Merchants to a very good rticte in pOST PAPER, at 1 2s. 6d. per Ream; COPY. l11G of the first Quality, at 12s. Gd. per Ream; COM- MON pAERS of every description, fit for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p.cIiE'T-OFFfCE ,5 LO\G ATE, HULL PATENT LEDGER. AND GENAR L STJTIONEFRY IVA1?EHOUSE. G(ADD 1D RD&13 1fOWNi hare j ust received a considerable addition to their STOCK of Londoln.made LEDGERS and ACCOUNT BOOKS, hL°~h, from their advantageous Town Connections, rev a're enabled to offer on very Low Terms. Also, lr t of POCKET LEDGERS of beautiful anO Asjuotmr, to whicI they invite attention. ...