... I I . . ~ . .. t . I .. - - - - ZTIrESDAY, Afur 14. The Croxteth Stakes of 1G soya. each, .10 ft. with 30 added; three'year olds, 6st.' 81b. ; four, 8se. 21b. fve, 8st. 91h., in'd aged, 9st: One mnile and a quar. ter. Six subs HBU. E. M. L. Mostyn's b f. £Birdlime, 4 years, (T. Lye) . - . Sir 'r.Staules ab. e; Intrigtier,,.4 years . 2 Sir J.-Boswell'q b. f Bella. 3 years . ' ,i 3 ...


... EGfIAM RACES. 'U rots~ LE5 ?? n 10~ r f W aESDA`S AUGUST 24. , M teyandl11iddlesex Stakes of25 Savs. each, 15 ft. 13 ,753c Twormiles anda3distance. 25isubs-, id 0 I1eldeelared, d u. eel. iflds 8 oosoa; 4 years, 8,t. 13lb. I cort, I Valentissimo, 4 Years 2 la iniorhno Pussy, 5 years, 7st. 121b. 3 cr'y's Paris, 5 sears, 84. 4 kV So'I a hand Canter by nearly t'vo lengths. 5 fit skof 6 Sovs. ...


... KIRKALDY RACErsOt,1, - - --a 17. A Purse of 15 Sovereigns, for all a 71b., twice round the cous' agtt Crr~y, I Mr Wilson's b. m. Reasv Itlhe 5ts. rrll r.el IMr Smelie's b. h. Cistercian Mr Neilson'sc. g. Ibrahim * i Mr Newton'o br. m. Lothian Laos Mr Friday's b. g. Win if he ca n a I t Mr Bell's b. l. Stratheden. A good race. A Purse of Five Sovereigns, for all a twic round the COurse, gel, ...


... INEWMIARKET FIRST OCTOBER MEETING. WEDNESDAY, SEMrEMBERi 30. Fifty Pounds. D. I. Lord Egrennant's Nonsense , walked over. Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 savs. each, for three years old and upwards. D.M. Sir M. Wood's Arnesbury, 6 years, 8st. 3fih. I Duke of Rutland's c. by Catton, 3 years, 7bt. S1b. 2 Colonel Peel's Bubastes, 4 years, 8st. lIb. . 3 Six others started-3 to I against Amesbury. 'Won ...

The Turf

... ?? 'Ne 'Stirr, 7? ?T I ? I 1. a t , a r gurf# 'r, 1, ?? ?? Friday J~Enflltli/r Juy It my be remembered that. en FIdyseroiltwooe4 ear iilletter wrills oibserving tht''ieealO.C weersay St. 1tosritt most sets se Say sot. WIelt, we wereC rlesent to lire rif Scott-for fte%% threeyer-l that sworutd aceom ru-l tie tsk. e Iateonly en turf record ore, t'te o t tlrreei ear.oild heario~g thast o sttt ...

Published: Saturday 20 July 1839
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2190 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... C - IMONDAY. The Grosvenor Stakes of' 13 s60s. each, with 20 . sos. added by the Stand Conitmittee, vere wvon by Lord Derby'sF;ilcoubridge, beatinig SirT. Stanley's Carraetacus, and two odthers. A Produce Sweepstakes, of 60 sovs. each, h ft I was vvou by Dlr. R. Turner's b c by Figaro, beating 4 Sir T. Stanilev's b f by Pottery, and three others, I A Mutch or 100 sOVS. each, h ft one mile, was ...


... SPORTING INTBLLIGENBC. EPSOM RACES (YESTERDAY). We are enabled to speak In high terms of Yesterday's araus, i ments; the weather vas floe, the sport a'!urndant atnd grood, and the company quite as ;numerous as we ever expect to see on tbe first dAy; that it was more fashiontahle than last year, i proved by the list of the visitors to the grand statid, which is deservedly improving Sin public ...


... TATTERSALL'S-(LATEST BETTWING.) The betting was filat, and in every respect so wanting in im- portance, that we shall make no apology for confining our re- port of it to a quotation of the closing prices:- JULY STAXES- to. 2 agst Lord Exeter's Hellespont, 5 to 1 agst Mr. Thornhill's St. Preux. GoonwooD STAikas.-11 to 1 on the fied, 15 to 1 agst Mr. Greville's Moreila, 20 to I ngst Captain ...


... rAMTON ANY MOULEY HVRST RACES . WaFoNus AY.-These races, wiell or ill conducted, have always been productive to the lessee of 'the course and the inhabitants of 'the villaes adjacent to it. The attendance proved thata. Judiciousjliberality will always insure support; it w as bothI Tmekrous and respectable; infinitely miore so, indeed, thai isi' al 'seen n the first day. .The entries for the ...


... COUP' vOXT n;, :2. tel .i the whole. earth 'is bNttapo atbomngrd tOi t4e ben . Ichange: one's do COi,'theni~ls1ItdieeN' %ian- 'tO t~ X froif ne t tt ~ht Wi'~'i ~ rea~ S~~~~~~ .alike. . R ; ! i;: ~;E l,'':. . ,.'qTl'i g!-ii n A LoRG NoFn A*tD Rt)MISTAUU Wilsontown there lives, amer eoh'Ble4>::hbad amdi 5 very long tint wvhen he taikeis suffhe is bbliged to id? t ward three paces to Msack ...


... NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING MEETING, I; tS. Free Handicap (to accept the 25;th lnstalnt). . MOzNoDAV.-Seepstakesof IO0 eacli, h ft. R.M. 0 Nonsense, 5 yrs 9st 6ib Little Cassino, 5 yrs, Sst Cletirwell, 6 yrs, 9st Cactus, yris, Sst lMarpessa, 5 yrs, Dst Achilles, aged, 7st 1311h Prince Llewellyn,lSyrs,Sst 101b Sensitive (iyrs, 7st l2'lb Lochinvar, aged, dst bib Moor-hen, 5 yrs, 7st 121b Baleine, 5 ...


... NEWMARKET CRAVEN MEETING. WEnIVESDAv NinHT.-The wyeather was beastifrd, the attendance S on the Heath more numerous than on eitherof the former days, the sport better, and the betting considerably brisker. In the first race, ( the Mfulebird coit mode running at a slow pace Cajeptlying Second c till half ovay oip the cords, when he dropped ofl; snd the Matilda colt went up, and wvon, after a ...