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Advertisements & Notices

... President and Committee. HENRY GRATTAN, Esq., M.P., has, in the most condescending manner, consented to act VicePredident o11 that Evening. Tickets to be had of the following Gentlemen Rev. G. Canavarm, St. James's Chapel; Rev. John Spratt, Carmelite Convent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Joseph 1). Mullen, 11. Grattan, M.P., Dublin, John Shea Lalor, A. Dawson, MI. P., Louth, John Gerard, Adamstown, George Easor, Ardrass, Nicholas P. O'Gortajsn, Armagh, Michael O'Lughlen, Arthqj Guimness,^and Sons, Philip Fogaity, John Jameson, James Charles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thankfully received by the Ministers, the Rev. James Arm- strong, 32, Hardwicke.street; the1 Rev. Dr. Drummond, 28, Lower Gardiner-street ;or by the Treasurers, Thos. Wilson, Esq. No. 6, Mlountjoy-square; and John Barton, Esq. 44, Mary-street. GENERAL FEMALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to the Ability, Zeal, Steadiness, 0ee wi th wich they have cond ucted their Seminary. snSoreSY v JoHN JOHNSTON, Pres. Min. JAMES DAVIS, Pres. Min. JOHN ROGERS, Pres. Min; wdaqllvaruiesce in the above, GRAHAM P. CROZIER. Clerk, 0) Curate of Seapatrick ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Leinster, Mrs. Barron, Lady MayinessN Mrs. Henry Grattan, Lady Bynig, Mrs. Deane Grady, Lady F. Leveson Gower, Mrs. Henshy, Lady Miltown, Mrs. Hobson, Lady Killeen, Mrs. O'Brien, Lady Cloncurry, Mrs. John O'Brien, Lady Esmonde, Mrs. Scully, Countess Campag ...

Advertisements & Notices

... obtained by b im during his Collegiate course, and.testimonials from the Right Honorable John Radcliff, Judgc of the Prerogative Court, the Honorable and Rev. John Pomneroy, the Rev. G. Cot- ton, the Rev. W. White; and the underuamed Fellows of Trinity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Luke Dillon, * John Kesihan, John Barry, James Smyth, James Keboe, William J. Cainen1 James Gorman, late C.C. W. Mathew-M'Ardle, William Crowe, Henry Carroll. James Hughes, George Dannelly, Thomas ColemanPr.g.B.V. John Murphy, O.S.F. John Spratt, O.B.V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Hon. and Rev. John Pomeroy, the Must-Rev. Doctor Murray, the Very Rev. the Dean of St. Putrick's, the Rev. Doctor Sadlier, Doctor T. H. 0r4enr h'tessrs. !,a- touche nitd Co., bankers; Mr. J'ohn Tivyr'oss, 69, Danme- street; Mfr. John Delirnail, 49, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a petition founded on these resolutions be prepared and forwarded for presentation to Geoige .oore.Esq. arnd that Henry Grattan, Esq. be requested to attend in his place and support its prayer. Mr. Keene, tbe Churchwarden, having vacated the Chair. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... South Frederick-street; John Twycross, Esq., 69, Darme., street; W. P.. Matthews, Esq.,. Lower Castle-yard; Peter Brophy, Faq., 88, Abbey-street; George-Howell, Fsq., 83, Iolesworth street; T. M. Gresham, aEq., Sackville-street . John Dennan, Faq., 49, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chancery in ired me in of Leinster, John Fow- this cause, be ri 4 th8ath ler, the Rev. John Arm- day of December 112, .lll strong Coghlan, Edward on WEDNESDAY'befsidsy Trim, Richard Wright, of July next, at one o clock in and John Atkinson, the afernoon, at my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as a Committee to fra e Resolutions Luke White, Esq. James Barbor, Major Blackall, Barry Fox,. B. W. Slator, John Thompson, -Charles Fox, John Cummnins, Esqrs. and the Hugh Stafford, Rev. Dr. Crawford, D.D.- Thos.'N. Edgeworth, Captain WATAER, Secretary ...