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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... to the Ability, Zeal, Steadiness, 0ee wi th wich they have cond ucted their Seminary. snSoreSY v JoHN JOHNSTON, Pres. Min. JAMES DAVIS, Pres. Min. JOHN ROGERS, Pres. Min; wdaqllvaruiesce in the above, GRAHAM P. CROZIER. Clerk, 0) Curate of Seapatrick ...

Advertisements & Notices

... obtained by b im during his Collegiate course, and.testimonials from the Right Honorable John Radcliff, Judgc of the Prerogative Court, the Honorable and Rev. John Pomneroy, the Rev. G. Cot- ton, the Rev. W. White; and the underuamed Fellows of Trinity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERLOO, from River A. John. consisting of 180 Pieces PINE TIMBER, 50 Pieces BLACK BIRCH, 2 Hundred DEALS 4 Fathomse 4 Jeet 'H D, 3 M. SqTAVES._£ ' 1NI JOY HOLMES. FOR SALE, The Brig WATERLOO, 107 Tons Register, just arrived from Ricer John and Pictoz, i well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on- paper, unable to ?? Matthews, Mr. Hail, Mr. Haddock, the Rev. Mr. Sinclair; your own tenant, John Bow-les, for whom we sent to Scotland; who, with John M'Iver and Richard Beggs, of Dawrpatrick, make the aggregate of your unpolled plumpers; while, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Herald. A. learned Doctor who flourishes not a hutidred sniles from Leeds, is now engaged, without the fear of the fate of St. John Long and other quacks before his eyes, in endea- vouring to persuade lis MAla;;esty's liege subjects to poison themselves with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICES on both said Farms. For particulars, as to Titlej aspply to Messrs. ALEX- ANDER JOHN M1O-NTQOM ERY, Comber, snd 25, Arthur-strest, Belfast;- or iotls Proprietor, ' JOHN SNODDEN. Ballyministra, 25th Nov. 1830. (369 HORSES FOR SALE, Smyth's Reepository ...

Advertisements & Notices

... East, Dublin;. or, to JOHN WHITE, Esq. Divernaigh, Newvry. l A Persuti will atteid uu the premises to show tinnt. 363) November 4, 163U. FOR PORT-'AU-PRINCE, HAYTI, The first-class fine British-built Brig A P 0 L L 0,. Captain JOHN WAKEHAMI, Now Loading ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i'jovisidflsof the Act otPaitiiament. P JOHN WFUL'ON, Chairman. Dec. 28, 1S30. (2 _ SHOP TO LEl3 If F AT large atidl convelient S H O P, No. 8, r ~BRIIDGRSTREE ith a ROOM above.-, Apply at the NEWS-LET FICE. (401 FA ARM S T BE LET, IN THE NietGHBoUltHOOD OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J- MULHOLLAND, Mlaster, TUESDAY, Ist Februaryt TWELVE o'Clock Noun. .THR%;Ds, JOHN Master, SATURDAY, 29tb Januar TEN o'Clack Morning. FOR DUBLIN. Tm HSE WAM2ao am. * E JOHN SOY, Master, THURSDAY, 27th Jan. at EIGHT o'Clock Mlornin*. All Goods intended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... compensation for Outlay almmi Ground Rent, arid tie said Corporation should receive 3i, _ per tori: and not having received arm acceptance of the sask oe ffer. we do now make the following tender to the publie. on the same advantageous terms,. that is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fble follwing approved LOZENGES, prepared by JAHES 1 SHEPHERD, 176, Flect-estreet, L ondo, may be obtaiued at | IYEESS.S GRATTAN & CO.S M E D I C A L-I-I A L L, 12, CORN-MARK.ET, BELFAST. FOR LOWNESS of SRI RITS, NERVOUS AF_ I) FECTIONS, SICK HEAD-ACHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast,'22d Feb. IS31. llanover-Quay. [370 -NOWV I PORT, FIRST SPRING VESSEL FOR SI'. JOHN'S, N.B, I , . THE FAST-SAII.ING nR3IG IERR IN-IA, -'~z o Captain JOHN ANDERSOX, Will be dispetched for tle areiaort positicelg the 10th March. | '-tis V essel ...