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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL. The new Operat16 Piece of LovE INi Wamtsr.xs was re- ceived an its ?? on Saturday with very distinguished applause, and will bte repeated to-morrow (Tuesday), with the Historical Drarsm of CHARLES XII., which has also been honoured with'gents! approbation. Eightfi nlgbtof the engagementof OAISS F. AYTON; / And Seventh snight of the re engagement of OR., BRAHANI. THIS EVENING, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES oF SHAREs IN Ij)TNrD0.NT-FEs. 23. S ear s. Paid., Anglo-Mexican Miee I 0) * .. 39 Brazilian inperikl 3.51 201. * s. BraZilian Nktional : ?51. 7.. 214 Beal del Modnte 4.001 4001. . .59 United Mexican 40 S9g 19k StIUItHII t' SlJOCKS Jhv L(uXDm,^Y O?> TLU7ES1AY, Red. 3 per Cents . 92 1 Hank Stock 219 Cons. 3 per (Cents . 9g2 I oTlg Aninuities . 191 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; Defended by the UIMBRELLA'A vilken sliadec¢ Safe through the Rain, with confidence you tr d NOLAN, II 32, BACHEroRS'-WALK, (Near Carlisle-bridge,) A NXIOUS to provide his Customers against the A c Oring rainy nonth, has this day arrived to him, a very extensive and general assortment of Silk and Gingham tjMBRELLAS, which he ol&ets io the Trade and the Public at Manufacturer's Prices. Gingham ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and tbi t b e of the - tg'g' T IS18 EVENIN§G. ('UESDAY)5. FIbieary--B, tbwir *Me. jesties' Serivantswiill perform~the new grt& Opern of . .n -CJNDERELLA, . .. t OR THE FAIRY QUEEN AND THE GLASS SLiTER. Felixi Prince of Saferno, ,p, The BaronMPsnpino. of MunltefisscO,.Mr. Brnne ; Alidore, ?? T'uter,, Mr. Bed- M ford; Dandini, the 1?rince's Valet, Mr.,Brough. Thdo.Seva v to the Baron, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - THIINAThE-ROYAJ ; 'Sixtb' ight of' the- Grand Operaof Cinderella.: :¶IS EVE-NING, -SATURDAY - Jainuary. 15 1841, their Alajesties' Sprvants will perfqrm the Comic Piece of 'MAiN{iUVRING. T1e4Count ?? Mayor, Ivr. H; Cooke: FredetiA.l de Cernay, Mr. M. Stanlev;'Fiaesse, Mr. Browne ; Costns ,I Eyre ; Zanetts, Mrs. 11. Ilughes. After wich (sixth tine jtfie new grand Opera of 'CINDERELLA, OR THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M1I1. DONROCHEUS SEMINATRY, 58, AUNGTR,11-sTRLET. A T an Examination ill Siactid Ilistori-, Cateclism, &c., held A I o ll Tursday March 51st the following Youtig Gentlemen were au(judged Prem:ums, ?? l'aircloug'h. ?? VVoods Duncan, Grasbrook Smitb 1r O 1N~al24I utcainlighacnm Alotuai 1Dralle 12du t Neill : O'N'eil '2dus CI~y lionis, Cuflev 2dus, 0'ei ius The undernamed obtauined Piemniums for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /mLIEATREtE-RE -R:- Mr. Weekes, who is en aged for a few [s PR^ESENT CHUlSDAY, April IB, MgSl,. the per ff forteantes will comaence with tbe omsc Piece of /J;L ° M;AIN(EUVRtING. Ajr which (for the second time) Mozart's Coiic Oxekof cost FAN TUTTIl or, TIT FO^R TAT.: 'fhe Opera produced under the direction of Mr. W. PeIson. o Feranldo, dMr. MIelrose; Don Gulielmo,. Mr. Bedford- oii pli^O DMr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' -'1EATRE-O AL. ~cond Appearance these two Tears of Mr. Macready, who is es P ged tfr a few niights only. Ills Pres-p; SAri'RD)AY, March 24, their MlajestiA' Servatts pelrform the Historical D.1am of X A~~VIL LlAMt TIELL, Written by Sheridan Knowles, Esq' %Teil, r. Macready (as originally performed by Wife of Tell, Aliss Huddart; Agnes, MArs. C. t/,, course of the evening the Band will play ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICY, OF IRISH STOCKS ITESTERDAY. Government ConsolB, 3 pet t . ?? ?? 8i . Stock, 3S per Cent . . 90 -Ditto Red ?? 9.0f Ditto, Si per nML (new ?? .. . - 90fi Debentures, 3S per cet . . 84 Bank Stock.l ?? 20* Grand Canal Stock, of 926. id . 241 Grand -Canal lleb. 6 per cent. red to 41. ater p'r annum 85b tiRNEVRAL PobSI-Okk ICE-A.JA1IC 26, 1832. uouas. MINUTkS. Despatch of Irish Carriers at .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v HEATRE-ROYAAI. T0 r D omstic Drama of the Rent Diy con inues to be , d ol .( ll successive representation . ith 11ereas'd ap~ Peaie 1, will he performed 'This Eveitiogi THURSDAY, .,,ii ?? will th en be delihitivelv withtdrawy ia ccr; il l, Wlily, oveltier iil prparat Igo 7.1 PILEjENT TUESDAY. F EBiRUAR tSe. their jlL A~l~jostirs' Serviaits %ill performlu (fiftl tif), the New ru; Dara of tD . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHANS.OEANOUSEI MNay 15th, 18W2. 7fH1E iNlANS1ONl-OUgE COMMIITEI' beg k-ave to 11 ndrowledfe lvling receivd tbe fullwing Donations in aid of their objects; and tbey take this opportun ty of agaio appeal- ing to the wealthy Cltizeons, and evpty hababitant able to ointri- bute, who values his .own safety or that of his fellow-reatur.-a to COIDC forwvard withot further delay on 5- urgpnt and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? t J,10 RESTING SALE BY AUCTION OF VARIED PRO-. wflY WHCH us'r BE SOLD WITHOUT . VE, TO CLOSESE VERAL ACCOUJNTS', JOHN SMIlTE-; / \ 2, X gi*T S-F5 Eip3i ., R ESPECTgkLY informs the Public, that he will SELL 13 Y AUCr NV, in his Large Back, Room, on THURS. Rt c6th JULY, and filowitig Das a, the Stopk of an eminent D Silver'Plater and Cutder, of a susperior deacription, cOn- iiit*,1g of ...