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Advertisements & Notices

... fPAR DLL~h LUCK'!!! S SOI.D AT T IE FORTUNATE ;'NDl'lrs o FsES OF R SIEVVRIGHT, ANp' E1173 BIinari, EDINHeURCI 1 slQ'( STT I And ?? BISH, LotNDON ATEN THOUSAND POUNDS, I4a ?? .tnd Fourteen Sixteenths. ITI ELVE HUNDRED POUNDS, ! V'rIET F illS and Tight Sixteotntb. T icONE~ THOUTSAND POUNDS, 'l>0.rr3Gs; Wrhole Ticliet ' foNE THOUSAND POUNDS. ?? Half, OncFourth, Onie-Eightb, and Two -t fei10. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 t'1LIC MEETING AT LEITH. r N ?? of a Itequisition addressed to kV' ;il:,rgistrates of Leithi, a PUBLIC MEET- N( 1,. iheld in the E-icANoe BUItIJNGs, LEsTs, ?? i llI)AY' the 45tlh July clirrent, ast One o'Cloek, ps of (onsidering tlhe effect which oill be F I in thc interests of this community by the Bill jstrtoduced inl Parliallment for appointing Commis- ?? r to nlltalge the Revenues anid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRIENI)LY INSURANCE. SOCIETY, 51 ITITu'fED 1720,.. AND INCOIRPORATEDiBY RO.YAL CHARTER. ENEWFArL RECEIPTS for Policies. Re fo hic expiroattha Terms of CAN7)LEalAS, lie for payment at the HIead Office here, and at the So- ciqty's Bramahee. This Sociaty divides the wIrnT.F. rtoraiTS ?? rusurod, in proportion to the ?? paif] by thon; and as the insured ale also glaranteed from responasibility, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i -Il'l~is(I DRAWVING INSTITUTION. IE ..lsivc INTI'IrlTION was closed for the gseirr on 31st JIuY, and will re-o)en on - rtti( er, tl Icer ,Iieculitr advantages, fil *bich F d;- r; 1 lli iI. G. WATSON, Sdcrctary. ra , iill Street, Ist August 1833. 1% N -1111li`ITION Ol M'ANUFACTURED GOODS. S - ?? 130l1?BOA ) or 'ofusTiEs have fixed T rie ANNlTAL EXHI-ii TION olf t bi Season C - lI' eav iil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I:NnrP2 EDNBURGH. \ irf ,, 1t~t S1 OF POPULAR . 1Stit *rP *ANTOMIiME : i- NS f tie13o ?? and the of thu Ilsoflersh terucoillte next Week, after DepartutS for Aberdeu. THURSDAY, January 17. 1833, , 'nill le perfor ited, by tlesito, N tis AM N. AC fteGLDEHOY. p1ElWN .ND TlE MAGIC WELL. tiflL ST RONAN'S WELL, after which a New Fre TEtllld T I L 'IIRBITCIKS, I:l e OgTj- LTL F LOVE. j .V el'lowith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ERON | I l1e Preached in ST GEORGE'S Clif on the EVENING of SUN- In r rro~t at ?? six o'clock, 1ev DAV ID 'ji RBUn'LRN, A.M. r hlstnru of South Leith Church,) If til hrniade in Aid (ir the Funds of o will Fi',1kLE SOCIETY, far tbe an IDIGENT WOMEN. Nj~jb1rh Sov. 0. 1833. - ~~~To TIIE ELECTOpS OF THE TIIIRD AND FIFTH WARDS. Gntl'rsNt ld I have had the honour to be A 51to~ ui tsorve inu the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IV-STE'rTRN BANOK OF SCOTLAND, G Gis rOW, 12th June 1833. T tine ANNUTAL GENERAL IMEET- f\ fI11ofPRIETlORS (if the WESTERN 'i f SCOTAND, held in Glasgow this day; - ?? IAILLIE I of Polkiom et, Baronet, in. the Ch Cir; I 'lip llewittlig Election took place, vi..- . Govcrnort'. Ieiitl Hon. the ERl Of E sofANTUN. Depputy- Governor. Si' \1 'l.xt 1 Of PofkIrllmt, Baronet. k,'.1raoroldinary r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10 TnIRin NIGHT OS THnsE MrIGxEMMrgNT OF TIHE CEIEMARATEI) MIR ?? P. COOKE. s- This prosent.Evening, THURSDAY, Febrnar-v 28,. a 1833, aill bc performied the Celebrated Romance ol of PILESU M PTION, tt Oi THE FA*ITE OF FRANKENSTEIN. t. Agathada Lacey by Mliss BYFELD, In sohieli (AarautersheI sillsina * 0h Adverie Forru:r:. 'rankeostetin by :M1r ,'lRTCI.ARD. VICThe Mlonster ' Mi'rT. ?? COOKE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¢gi*BR~r~rlE3DINBURGH.. R TERNAN t ' csleveortli~pec~l~lgFtonnounce, that FC eslace esATUDAY next, April 27. 1833, n T'ws 11ill ie.errried Shakspeare's Tragedy of .IWLLO' , 'HE 1OOR OF VE'NICE. tI t'DsIlDessiloona, Miss JARMAN. 1U Esrjitn, Miiss MASON. Othel', 31r TERNAN. ter I11,Y1 PIRITCHAID.. |9rLL YD-Cassii, Mr MURRAY. Se fss' At the toad of the Play SE. P] A DANCE BY MISS LANCA STER. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VURGH SOUTHERN ACADEMY.. N CLASSES of the EDINBURGH IR HEN ACADE&IY will be Re-open- I eaL grisK the Ist of October, under the foltiow` tasters:~ Mli;> ~ Ilt 1 IVA. Gunn. FrJ! LaS4U1ge act] Li -Monsieur Monnard. w; re . Dr Narcht, of Weimar. f ?? d. * Mr Dalgleish, of George ,, DraiOIng, and Heriot's and Watson's pA-k-,.RcePing' I Hospitals. Ar 'tic NIatlhematic., M 5r Johnsronp, oftthe Edin- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - HOPETOUN ROOMS. TlIE Nobility aid Gentry are respectfully T informed, tbat the FIFTH AND LAST -*MATINEE MUSICALE, OF GIULIO REGONDI, ?? take placo at the above Rooms, On THURSDAY the 21st.Febrnary 1833, I At half past One o'clock And that by desire f a number.of personsofdistinctiou, be will give One 54RENING PEIRFORMANCE, On FRIDAY, 22d February, At Eighit o'clock, On which ?? si* n GIAt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAN OF ELIZA PATONT'S CONCERT, rtAr.KrE MACE ITN 0Th STREET ASSEMBLY ROOMS, 6,F~N)E('g'SDAUORNING the 16th Jan. 1833, (8 [ 1 AYD jtSSISED BY MR &S MRS WOOD, Ve j ori ki1l.v offered their valuable services on being their last Appearance here before tilrdeparture for America. ACT. 1. _qAcrcd. niear illy Proyer-Vr3 Wood and Miss E. poett- pamtn. Nir- Deeper anti Deeper still, And Iletirtisena.r ...