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... ?? :NOTTINGHAM ASSIZES. Some weeks ago we noticed the, murder of Samuel Clay,'a master butcher of Sutton. On Wednesday Wm.'Clayton, aged 18, was tried on the charge of being the murderer. The body of the deceased, it will be recollected, was found after a market-day in a close about three miles from Sutton.' There was a deep incision under the'ear, effected in precisely the same manner as that ...


... DISCOVERY OF A ROEeRthS CAVE AND RETREAT NE.&R LiNcoix.-On Monday last a most singular discovery was made in the plantation of Skel- lingthorpe, a small village about three miles from Lincoln, of a most inge- niously constructed retreat for robbers. About six months ago three fellows called Freeman, Coupland, and Greetham, who had been charged with robbing Mr. Chaloner, leather-cutter, of ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-TvESDAY. CHAPMAN V. WALTON.-rhis was an action instituted by the plaintiff, as assignee of Richardson, to recover from the de- fendant, an insurance broker, the amount of loss occasioned by his neglect in not-effecting certain insurances upon the ship Sprightey, as directed by his employers. It appeared that five insurances were effected upon the ship from London to St. ...


... DENDYVCHITTY.-Mr.BLACKBURN this morning moved for arule to bhow cause why a mandamus should *ot issue directing the officer of the County Couit of Chichester, to return the proceed- Ings In this cause, which was on a writ ot' false judgment. Con- siderable inconvenience and expence was incurred by the suitors In this Court, from the cireonistance of the Court being held altejnately at ...


... 'COURT OF KING'S BBNCH.-WEDNESDAYV (Sittings before Mr. Justice PARKE, and Common Juries.J FALSE IMPRISONMENT. BRENNAN V. VENABLEB.-Mr. POLLOoK stated that this was an action for false imprisonment. The plaiitiff bad been taken by the defendant, without a warrant, before a Magistrate, and accused of felony, and was committed and tried at the Old Bailey, and acquitted-the Counsel for the ...


... COUAM OF COMMON COUNCIL. The following discussion took place stl this Court on Thturld5 laut. Our limits prerented us trom doing more than make a J aliustOD to it on Friday. THE PROJECTED NEW NORTH ROAD. Alderman WOOD rose to Move that a Petition be presented pIarllament on the subject of the new Road from FaPrint ion-street, through a number of streets, to the nelghbOtboodii Islington. The ...


... LMAYORS COURT-MONDAY. Tnz CORPOnATION OY LONDON V. JOHNNON AND OTHERB.- This was a case of Compensation under the City ,,f London New Street Act, for tbe value of the houses Nos 21 and 23, Nicholas- lane; and Nos. 1, 19, and 20, Clesnent's-lane, comprehending warehouse and chambers, held by lease under the trustees of the Earl of Strathmore, for 16f years up to last Christmas, at 4051. rent. ...


... cOURr OP CMAN,1ERY.-MovDi'. IN RI MAZrRLY, A BANERUIPT, EXPARTH CUNNINGRAM.-Sir EDwARnD S]UGoN (w1th wh-'i A ai Mr. 8waustco and Mr. Moonta. gnt) was heard lit an appeal on a special f`om the judgment of the Commissioners of the Court of Rlevie n to the matter of this Bankruptcy. Mr. Mabe ly was a banker in London, and bad Alto various establishments fit some of the principaltowns of Scot ...


... THE MURDER OF MISS ELMS, AT CHELSEA. FURTHER EXAMINATION OF JOHN SHARP. QUEEN-SQUARE -Yesierday being the day appointed for the re-examination of JOHN SHARP, the self accused murderer of the unfortunate Miss Elms, of No. 17, Wellesley-street, Chelsea, whose voluntary confession of the horrid deed *ppeared iu the ChArnicle of last week, considerable excitement prevailed in the neighbourhood, ...


... 2I1DDtESEX SESSMONS.-TUEsDxv. [Before B. ROTCH, E:q. Chir main, atrI Comtmuon Juries.] JOHN DAV'IS wtas charged w!r'h stealing a cilk bandkerchlef fro:als Everett. Tire prolt, cittr atated, tihat WI:le walking along Whitechapel be f ,t 4 org ; 0: p ,ck-t, a.d tirrir'g rou. d., saw th, pris uer rrsrrrig7 of*. A j ursu'. enri u, aid iltb prirtier' was takln Into cust ody a.Itg~ ,t'ltro sBifl., ...


... t.@URt OF XC.-O' P ' -,T This was thle first day of 1iuchaclnrts Ter), aud the Judgs, as usual, went to Westisltrer Hall It procession. The atlend- aniDce of strangert In the Hfsall, and pnrtIcalarly in the Lord Clen- cellor' Court, was more tU5rnerouC than tee have at any tishe witnessed since tbe elevakloS of the Larnrd Lord to the Wool- sack. The fineness t the ' nidoubcetily d:sre pl iny o ...


... VIGE-C I4ANCT'J.LL Oi'S COURT.-TVESDAY. EARL POrsT.SOUTH v. LORD Gl1ANTLEY.-Sir ED- WARD SUGDnIN sLated that this Case came before the Court upon a bill filed in consrquence of the lunacy of the Earl of Portsmouth, and also in consequence of what had taken place in the Ecclesiastical Court, declaring the marriage of that Noble Lord void, prayinr for the delivering up of the deed entered intO ...