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Advertisements & Notices

... FRIENI)LY INSURANCE. SOCIETY, 51 ITITu'fED 1720,.. AND INCOIRPORATEDiBY RO.YAL CHARTER. ENEWFArL RECEIPTS for Policies. Re fo hic expiroattha Terms of CAN7)LEalAS, lie for payment at the HIead Office here, and at the So- ciqty's Bramahee. This Sociaty divides the wIrnT.F. rtoraiTS ?? rusurod, in proportion to the ?? paif] by thon; and as the insured ale also glaranteed from responasibility, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AsSEmBLIES. P1HE next ASSEMBLY will take place, In the Public Rooms, I A -on Theuersday the 7th day of Fe/nuary next. Danciag to coti mence at 8, Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards and Refresb- s meats, as ustpal. Strangers introduced bv Subscribers to pay 7s. 6d. cach. i Public Roomns, 22d Jan. 1833. The Stewards are reqoested to meet in the Card Room of Public Rooms, ol the 7th next. at half-past 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i- INSURANCE AGAINST. LOSSES ?? INSTITUTED 1720. AND INCOR . P BY ROYAL CHARTER. r°I T ? i jelhereby given to those Insured ,jb tbc FRIENMY INSURANCE SO- . fatr Candliemas 1825 to Candlemas 8382, or or CIFI ?? ?? A RETURN OF NINE .1,10 O the Premiumas received, beingthe PRpC'fits~, Insurances effected either by Policies W Wv,r1 lie ?? as ebove-.-ill be paid. to the In- or, n raidav the l5th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 . ~ 1.~SFRACE AGAINST LOSSES 1`a(p 10rrJ I'N;STITUTED 17120, AND INCOR- BY F D -By ROYAL CHARTER. ,1OICE is ?? given to those Insured :1 lFRIENDLY INSURANCE SO- i ?? 1825 to Candlemas It32, or fro'rio That A RETURN OF NINE cf T' ?? the Premiums received, being the otrgi'o Cit Insurail9 effected either by Policies iS fi' °eijitOas ?? be paid to the In- , llC Ir Fridlay' the 15th day of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6di. TlHE SUN has made n1 alteration on the Scale of Rates, and continnes to Insure at ONE SHiLLING and SIXPENCE PER CENT. Apply to ROBERT ALLAN &. SON, ROYAL ErXCHANC F, Edirnburgli. FRIENDLY INSURANCE SOCIETY,- iNSTITUTED 1720, AND INCORPQRATED BY ROYAL CIHARTER. ENtEW tL 'ECEIPTS far Poiicie& iv wbich expire at.the Term of CANDLEMAS, lie for payrnont at the Head Office hore, and at the So- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tooa~E~OTLEDINBURGHE. VOto TIJR ENOOEFIT or -j1N'SIEUR D'ALBERT. j E8ENING, THURSDAY, Feb. 7. 1833, Hlt l ~ilie Performed the frait 'am i 'illEf WITIE PHANTOM. Fresnine Dormeuji by Miss -JARMAN. rneurje RosambOert by Air PRITCHARD. neflujr~ After the Drama GOR FIUILIANI. who ha9s most kindly granted ?? I id will perform a Grand Air, et V'ariations ;tesIoell toe Violin, being his last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LARGE SALE OF WINES. i ESS S THOMSON BROTHERS beg to announce that they Lit li cs eolved to bring some of OSWVALD'S FREWCH Lo WINES to Public Sale, in Order that the excellcnce of theire qulality La -may be motre generally knowni. To imake the sale more attrai;' LI, 'they will take tlhe stnife Opportunity of offerinig at Selection Of diel La ?? WINES in their cellars, and such as cannot be ...