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Advertisements & Notices

... TUEAREI-B.O- A§j, EDIINUi~iEsE. The Publie is respectfully iformed, tlhlat the celeolrated Irish Comedian, s dMR POWER, Whoiscrmed fur Eleven Nights only, will irahe his Third Appearance here this Season, This present Evening, THURSDAY, February 14, 1863, whieni the Arausements will commence with PETER SMINK. Ninette by Miss BYFELD. After which will be performed, V;1E IRISH AMBASSADOR. Donna ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST INDIA COLONIES. In the Asoaazniy ROOmS, GEORGE STREET, THIS DAY, at one o'clock P.m. R BORTHW I C K Will j)EijVER3 N1. LECTURE on COLONIAL SLAVERY ;i REPLY to the STATEMENTS of the AN'TI. SLAVERY SOCIETY, and on the importance ti adopting gradual and safe means for its abolition. Doev, open at half past twelve. - Edinburgh, 9th February 1833. FRI1ENDLY INSURANCE SOCIETY, I INSTITtTED 1720 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROOM, QEORCE STREET, EDINBURGH,. 'rilE RUSSIAN- HORN BAND, ?? OF L ADER AND TWENTY-TWO I oE L MtSIC~iANS, e t inform the Nobility, Gentry, ?? abitnt that having returned to Edia- S 11hil have the hionour to give e FOUR MORNING AND TEV, EVENING CONCERTS, ,tt~ ebsre_,entioeaed Room, ~fiollows' ad t, e FIT CONCERT on Tuesday the 12th Fe- Iine FIRf I Iist one o'clock Afternoon. Doors to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rFASTEN'S EVE. &E3MBLY BOOMS, GEORGE STREET. ?? HIRD ASsEMBLY for the Season he held on TUESDAY nest, the 19th inst. d e r the Patronage cf Grie te UCHSSof BUCCLETJCH, &o. il~ ~LADY LIZABETHi HOPE &C.s &t:tHtc. &ct.. ¶E ottiler Asoomhltves will he hell- YE~H A~SEMBLY on THURSDAY xwv\ the FIFT13 ASSEMBLY on l rho 14thl IAwci; the SIXTH AS- etf S*(n MUS at the 96th do. To r eat Tena o'lok.t h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - lo 16 d. THE SUN has made no alteration on tbe Seale of Rates, and continues to Insure at of)E SHILLING and SIXPENCE PER CENT. Apply to ROBERT ALLAN & SON, ROYAL EXCHANGE, Edinburgh. FRIENDLY INSURANCE SOCIETY, INSTITUTED 1720, AND INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. IDENEW3AL RECEIPTS for Polices wrhicb expire atthe Term of CANDLEMAS, lie for payment at the Read Office here, and at the So ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~1.NDLY INStRANCE AGA]NST-LOSSES plOF. INsSTIrUTED 1720,- AND INCOR. C501IATED BIY ROYAL CHAR1TER.- - ,OTICE is hereby given to ?? Insured th, T Iit,, tle FRIENI)LY INSURANCE SO- 1 T from Candlenims 1825 to Candleinas 1832, or C~lbTN% nf tl t ?? A RETURN OF NINE nnX pal ut0 the Prnmiums received, being the Ai :l~n 'Jl >fits onl Insusrances effected either by Policies I lhliele Re~ei pts ais ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a .- h ; ELLON AND PETERREAD ]iOAD. Li A MEETING of the TRUSTEES and SUIBSCRIIIERS on this e Alond is to be hold, oen Fri day thle 11th March next, in Commsit- S tee Room of Court House, at 12 o'clock noon, for tile purpose of ,s akidng into consideration n Letter ftoom Sulbscrihers on Udily Roatd, as to ean aldditional payment from funds of Elloun 1 l, towards those of the Udnv Turilpikie, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLIES. HE last ASSEMBLY for the season will take place, in the L Public Rooms, on Thursday the 28th day of February curt. Dancing to commence at 8, Ten at 10 o'clock. Cards and Refresh- ents, as usual. Strangers introduced by Subscribers to pay 7s. 6d. aca. Public oomns, 12th Feb. 1833. The Stewards alre requested to meet in the Card Room of Public sit ,nms, on the 28th curt. at half-past ...