Advertisements & Notices

... Goods and PassengssfJs Quebec. W Efin ! ?? ( ?? r1WS~INT, 6900 'Vll billt'en, IWUT .Sonn'G'n WCommandert, VLLra. TAkIU GOns S 'it Dm!derate Freight. I-Hr 1plei.iiuII avo,.d.muItiOII for Cabin and Steernge Passenger- a0e ill evelry 20 e ?? m: fiuls class, wvith every I twintioll tW enifurt alld eolnvellierl'o. Heiglit between dceks, 6 feet. WVill Sail or oljout tbe 7th of MAY IWIXtI Apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 2361 Tosoilcearbjin .TI&e.-A regular der, JbR CALCUTTA, The fine Ship ALBIO NamaAN IilAC Lgon, Com0ander: rthen 500 tons, well-known to be alfemarkably fast if ?? vesseli and a favourite ci'nveyanc Ith passengers. q her cabins ?? Spacious.- each fitted up with a patent air Pi port, and other conve lences, and she carries an experienced H SusPeon-For terms of freithtror.passage, with plan of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ax wWavTi'vC- VOICE! GLASGOW LoTTERY TICKETS. ENRY GREE 1 amnmnuncics to his Friends and the Public, that the SALE of TICKETS in the present Lottery is drawing fast to a CLOSE. Mr. Bish, the Principal Contractor, has already apprised his Chief Agents in Dublin, of hinntion of immediately calling in all the unsold Tickeit and confining the Sale of the few remaining solely to l410lon. Persons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WI1 LL siORT ?? CLOSE, EXHIBIT''ION OF N J A S N IV E S jS Xnf l PICTIUE OF lR EJEClTD BY THE JE-Sr. lian -\Ia agnffice ::t Picture of this highly i -rj- e ti ' Ild, painted on ,iunanss 22 feet. hv . Il ite BF\AatiS NVEST, Euq. President of tihe GI :c ltc a,(f Great Britain, ic now en view in the .,)A of ?? ROYAL INSTITUTION, LC ?? nine o'clnnck till five every dly, frie : t ilia~lit ]ewith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oor;. V,,, MZNBUVRGI|H. abli o sqs 7,,;tuesj isnformede that *E hth Appearance in this Theatre, lih, -ighth veoTog. SDAY, April 18. esea'llt 'singr Time this Season, Ros9 ferG ?? ~iD Comric Opera of Ger cINjDERERLA. Cinerella, by Wis INVERARITY. Pee I Dl isdw by Miss NEWTON. Ja Jesme ,,njerno by Mr EDMUNDS. F15 rne' pecoxpinehoO hyr MURRA Y.01 he Lai °, ed by Desire, the Nationa URO ln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATRji~ATREROYAL. 2 In ompliflooe with Any ?? Master K.sTA 7 I BRoOKE will appear this Evening, iu the character of Fit'EDEIChr' LVVER, S VOWS, it being inostpositively' Fg 9st aesrance but se in Dublin. Hila tlSPPPRESENT TUESDAy, April 23, 1$43$ their. r Mijostie? Servants will performt, first time thess sii ye the WWI ofLOVERS! VOWS. Frederick, Master Gustavus, V. Brpoke (his.arst appearance. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... igth I'I'epi iitdfor a - .eli\D.'',toi I je~tio(o, for the, ~ '~.e ii n! f te I XL,DS of the a f~Oil1t,(NSenbcheiaf of the SUNDAY ,(I, er iiith this 1luo 10ei '' o .T l-\, the I1Ith. inst., bII thl? I 311'1 I ~~p~st'tnand in the I1'veningeat Tstt ni~k ,,icrwhChIollese iles 't ill be made. aiii ~p~fi~f~V~ t Csto noun mte ti- the Lid~c ger celVLiltlthat it!(tit ejen i' ~je~I~';o 10 ST. ANN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEVON AND _,EKElT 1HOSPITAL, : th April, 1833. rllflfFE COIM1 ITT'RiEwill on TIHURSDAY, thle 18th inst;:at Eleven o'Clocki, receivetsealcid TsENDERS for sulpplying tbe 'iospital %viuh Mrmc,. for one year, from. Ist of MAT neit. Particultrs may beknow rhy'applyirig to the MATRON, at (le lospital. By orderofthe umrmitte. C EDWIN FORC13, Secretary,. Great Torrinqton Agricultuiral Society. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' -~ r BOROUGH OF NEWPORT. O t OTIE is hereby ?? his Alajesty's F 1 GENIRAL SESSIONS and GENBRAL fo t -QUA R] SESSIONS oft'e PBACE, & COURT bt 1 lEET, for the Borough of Newport, in the Isle of di U ight, in thc County of Southampton, and the Li. in berties and Precincts thereof, will be holden at the gc Guildhall, of and within the same Borough, on Tues- P s day the sixteenth dav of April ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]JR. MORL'S k.VENIM.U W(NCl5A{, ut the King's NLJ.Concer% Ruouc, King'o Trheatre, on Friday. Mlay 17.-V,,cai Perforrnrr- pIteslamnes Pa~lla, Diailbran, CiOtl Uoimoreao1, De bMerle, Mire0 Clara Nirveli',, aid jtrs. Win., Knyvetti S'giori lIttibil, DfOz-o,, omrlurir, Z,,chefll, Mr. H floiltIP.. and 'fr. E. Se~ui.--Inst-'mental : Mr. Biti hun hIm on V public per- frMauce thus ortiot,. eacep at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ~TIMIEU AT BIANFF1 FOR SALM7 There is 'stev 1plug st tim Ilarbour, ?? )VA~nsidcerabl quantityti of Scotch planted FIll, of1 llst2t-i ?? AaettiCiN OA andYEt1,0%wVIINE, aind somle Logs of DAe'rz se TEI B h It, which~ uill ItL lotttd to be of Vesr' superior t .quallity, being all clsoice Logos. There is Somic Of the Yellow Pinle ?? upl into Boards of arii-ous thickisess. H-ouse andl Carturights ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1101. RVOANI) BREAREY FpEHOLD PROPERTy, T TfU111JS7O0,V AND IJOLLIAGTOX. , ,) BR SOLD 13Y ATCTION, :r. ROWL.AND 11HEAR]y slled Inn, in Derby, on Monday, the 22. Al thec , 333, at six o'clock in the Evening, subject of cenditielts to be then produced; LL tlat MLsts IAGE or DwELI.INC ilOtUSE, with 1tile Siop, Blakehouse, Outbuildings, and (3ardon A e lell, situate at Thsurvaston, it the county ...