Advertisements & Notices

... NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS.- V L r~~o soitoathc~thqfefcrV tfoM~fthlv. J Tie.pr1t-eafal racw s York built Asip HELEN, B. 2hamsaN aster, is ceaee as the Packet of thc Silo of ai_ ,fnthe room N 0' thc Birmlaghaas, ?? she is lofaing weal side of George's Dock. H UBLEJ B. BUsTM, t - - - - - .450 tons, 8th of May. C YIRGINIA!*. 1. IBtisass ?? .. 80 tons, 8th of June,. ?? 8 tons, 8th of July. S( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _~ ~ ?~ 3 ?? .$ . -- ro au w e n June -A reralor Trader, The IIne Ship ALBION,- ~~ _ - NoMaxN Mscr rbo, Commander; en S51o tons, ?? to he a remapkabiy fast-ssiI. t vgessel,anda favourite conveyance vlasaengers; her .oins are apacious, each fitted up witb (patent air port, and other conveniences, and she carries an experienced Sur- ?? terms of freight or passsge, with plan of tha .jins, apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OF THE MAGISTRATES OF CANONGATE. irATlON is hereby made to the MIML [5 ?? 11, E InK SESSION. IIERITORS of ti tie I~ipl~lt and DEACONSofCRAFTS, thitthev I t11,l,1;1 0ith the said Magistrktes, within the Church I, rtr oil Thiirtday the 23d day of Maly current, e ,, firlennon (to h~e continued, if necessary, I Mireo~rsent inl order to Elect and takse proper mea- i ,artls tb Settlement of R fit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. FH E Surs of £1000 and £o00 are now READY to be ADVANCED on MORTGAGE of Free- hold Property. Apply to Mr. EDWiAOD GRIFFITN POWELL, SO- licitor, langor; 7'1is adverlisvementl tili 271t be contliued. VOL GAM, NEAR CAPEL ('UIUG. TO BE TI, FURNISFED, r HE delightfutly sitnatt-d Family Residence (if T ) DOL G`Al, with Pastire Gounul ad joining j and right of Fishing in thie neighbo ring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,t~.i?~rialD ok'willl'be leld o VnWt1tWi. Mti 17it, ta ?? . , Tuin ROO M ?? foa. &dict10e2 ii.'isuii Litfr ja' ?? ' ont SUe ato lajral' f th1ttfda~iad. ?? .- A i4ti ?? IM hedt t JthosGronti ?? I-: 1UESDAY next..p Ir~ L4oLc, ~ ~ tteC.3 .1 ,INT U.N i'mtiuse'iiof ' anfsag .tjaiii oa' Odccmi :e actdhfu to the ,pTrIs~lilitiof the ?? -O i f - , .; - MrEifer, §tM.a, R'81 1r, - t ¶i-.t!::,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W @;7ATANTED, a Person cnl~)Pteltti to fill tLe situ- ,,ation ot FAMNTt Ot Ot TtltAt or the 'lA K OF MNANOHSTEii. \pplinitions to be ai(re s~cdti) Mr. IUtiRDSEIN, Mailiger ot ti iaitt of Manchester, I M1lantel-: *;v7*ANTED oue Or tuo olig nicwn s Assist- a ~t li resrpeettilte PaI cci'~s e~tiabi islimet - :;: 'i to MCessrs. trstvell atis d a i'elcil, 59, HOII -stuect, All- ('heater. 1~ANTED, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... anaflivee to thle Ladies s;4 h' ~~~j ll' ienfor thle Sea- ci r rev ~ ,i I hI I L,1 I N E R Y - ii1l' , 0 VF5, &e. &-C.. se.. I NDON and PARIS. 51ifll l -I()acquOaiILg tier Friends Ii lahe,. j ~s21y the 7th.. with' en ele- I. RY DIIESSUS, &e. &e. of te icelrlr ti'v5 ieen selected it far, ~~~and herpes it) be favoured ~~rhV l~~ce infornms flthe Ladies ol' fih-,ilta rpi'ts i(Illiv that sic tins ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SVflJECTS OF LECTURES, TO BE DELIVERED IN TlfE E ETI NG-U0USE OF THE rirst Presbyterian Congregation. 1ay 12. Christ the only Foundation.-Rev. F. BLAKELEY. (N. B.-No Lee re on the 19th.) 26. Fallacious Mode Reasoning, generally adopt. ed in defenc,.6f the Trinitarian Doctrine._. Rev. W. Pb June 2. Gospel Preaching.-Rev. Dr. MONTGOMERY. 9. Claims and Prospects of Unitarian Christianity. Rev. J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO( be LETI, lbr three, fir'e, or seven, years -A kFAMILY MANSION, with Gardens, Lands, and at1 Manor, if reqUired. cean Inquire of Mr. Rich'ard Clarke, tit Marsh Balelon, Oxon ; ?? 1or of Mfessrs. Bates, house agents, Wuelbeck-strect, Leaden. de ?? Y en BFbtaY iattli 974Dr Pavl~ags. of tl ,T ?? lecting of tire TIrustees and M a - Ban A ~nagers, heldI at tire Tfuwn Halal, in the borou~gh of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11illE S17it(jo,;n I iI ?? pronlotitl; e1I, StlboCti p- : -U ?? raised i,,r the puitpoe ?? testilyitg rwspeat to tlh late Sir Biar:i O * lit. bog leate to inforio thc r lenibers ot tile Utlivcrsity. atil thc a limitnhit5s of the Citl v ol Oxford anti its vicinity that, in conacseqternme of the Rcso- I lutions untaflinimeusly adopted by the Comm tittee its Loodos I on the 27th ult., a PUBIwlC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANN SHA LESx EpECTl FULLX beg eave to inform the in, Ii taitfl5 f 'Presto~n its Vicinity. that shte bas mti.a.1ced btusines is a CONFECTIONER, sat 14, jN5TltEET, vhergshe hopes, by assiduity tind attentiont to obtain a share of that support andi ?? wl)icll, she flatters herself, the knowledge ;exprtri~tic sbe has obtained during her resi- ?? m one of the principal Confectionary Houses ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ito' ?? or 21W 3 d X IOU(, LIIpu Il a ll L111 11 ' t i ar, I O ?? ~ ?? ii.1 SA~evpor IN2'I1ZARCDADE.- ii ?? C~ u acit V il I i' iiit in o- n ria Cot- IIy ItL I In C , Th leatre, b aniratltf'1I ~ sit. t Mmthe tcd at' Dellt Streetl' -A . US- T~IP' E.-olII hc I ?? ~! 1 illillt i 11/w ai, iv ts i of/ SAX6 R)Orf' Cl ?? ?? f1A.LZ ?? -C~ E'iti I''I I.:11d yal- .n e -. p ?? I~~~ind'i'II t.xtt.SI ...