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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OF THE MAGISTRATES OF CANONGATE. irATlON is hereby made to the MIML [5 ?? 11, E InK SESSION. IIERITORS of ti tie I~ipl~lt and DEACONSofCRAFTS, thitthev I t11,l,1;1 0ith the said Magistrktes, within the Church I, rtr oil Thiirtday the 23d day of Maly current, e ,, firlennon (to h~e continued, if necessary, I Mireo~rsent inl order to Elect and takse proper mea- i ,artls tb Settlement of R fit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ct-S *t; TANNING AND CURRYING UTENSILS, BARK, TANNING LIQUOJORlS, ,I- TANNVERY PE2MISES, Th AT N EVBRIDGi'. On Thursday the 23dl day of Mlay current, there will be sold by le public roulp, withill the Prenlijes at Nowbridge, Aberdeen, lately at ed occupied by Thomas M'Gowlan & Son, (if not previously disposed M rI of by private bargmin,) I io. Fl'HE whotle TANN INIG nnd CURRYING UTENSILS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEENSHIRE HIORTICULTURALI SOCIET Y. HE FIRST COMPETITION of the above So. M. / 1. cietv will he held ill thle HALL of tile ItOYAL - S!S HorEL, No. 63, Union Street, (il place of the Now Inn, as formerly,) on Tuesday the 14th ?? cuirent. The Secretarics and Clerk will be in attenldatnce at ll} \ 10 o'clock* and every Specimell for Competition must p be lodged befote 1I o'clock. Competitors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,i)I;BT;G BIBLE SOCIETY. ENANINVAL MEETING. 11pT\ VENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL rIV'1.ETI3G of the EDINBURGH BIBLE PT ?? 1he heldl an the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, SCFhSThEET, on Wednesday the -1th day of tiĀ° rrentl when all who are friendly to the object of t re respectful5 vinvited to attend. (1050lloos to be opensA *at I I o'clock forenoon4 and tb ,c~r to be takeu at 12 o'clock precisely. ^ Collerlieo will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1OFIIEI)ITORS OF TIlE PARISH 5r.Ejl -tOF CAN\ONGA'fE. ?? CO MA ITrrERi of IlERITORS of ] Jh tler n riil if tolltaongtlte, appoinited at thc Gcnc- -t ...