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Advertisements & Notices

... IZ -X PRI F N piiOMEN.ADE, vith MUSIC, &c. Frii),, ' d' lie, as 1.ual, in tire Experimenntal f L ith, on S3tuloliay tsue 17th, conmenciog 'I s IS-lEREBY GIVEN, that the I N-rH ,*NNUAL ELECTION of _ e to . iortiierpte in tire beneit *if the FUND ' . l~ l.te lil; DUKE of ARGYLL, ' mret if the hIGHLAND SOCIETY g \,jill takc place oan the 12th day of ti fa4 til fi ar iY to a-sist irt the education ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC WdEETING. Aberdeen, Wths August, 1833. My Lord Povost, of S Clandestine Emnigrition, to America anl otler places, has £t 1Pte prevailed to an alarminig extent, to the vely great injury s of the Coin nireial Interest, We, the undersigncd, would be v'erN mluch ?? by vour Lordship cnll lg a Meetitg of those interest- ed, to devise the best means of prevlentilln this evil. We are, very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E2RI\NAETERY SCHOOL. Ml,1j 'fTEE of the HIGHLAND liF 'p - f SCOTLLAND charged with the ?? TEiERINARY SCHOOL, trr 1i ,Lte ELEVENnTH COURSE of t tla VTE.R INARY PHY SIC and *Tlfl~l'flCs (n I ?? Anatomnyand Diseases. i sC i reieep&c. will he delivered by ?? -I ,, lloirr season. The Course will be corn- with . thce 'leticr' ho; of the new Establishment year f tlin t imnh on Wednesday the 13th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * .,1iilT O MANUFACTURED GOODS. r Dof T'iRIJSTIEES have fixed If alL Vj-0 ]7\HIBlflTION of ?? th t5,, A- - ?? x'lylTB121I next, ill the Gailli v ~ti. I; Vit eu.EdIilbtlrgll. os ttilter*'sted, are requested to 'I ~ ?? . not non' confined to o l ?? j' Ort',e~ifl r unr itr in C ettion tor the Prizes ! ; Itt wepllj ilo 1 ounpriso Soih iootictlttl: dl .tieds of nttt d,'scri'itioit DSP] cto'lire) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q AT, C, 01 C7RaTITflS .VARBILI, lVoJp', (,I'LOR - E STREET. M 1U-7 *Tl Vat 4'IIEm'n IlibIon' esitt'o :s cniltol~it lit hs 11 II to 1 elli'll his inst tlI:mklio'aInthe_ L;mdies and Gvthvtkic 11111 have ho: ,11 10 it their 11ltltlnigo andt sulpport, foi ?? of thi last 130 v1':5 Inui utirI he liII beeil~ it uslins ano to trinn tieL 1:1.5 nt ?? oil lmijn, .tiad h30 3,tAIMfLt &, G~iAN'lit ...