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Caledonian Mercury



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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ITy oST ANDREWS. CLASSES for the different Branches i~K IT~l TIRI ado PHILOSOPHI r~ Y setsI ht the evrstltfng Session of tire UNITED ?? t o W^ile follodw FRANCIS NICOLL, D.D. Principal. Days of Beginning .1 rtnd AN5 Homrs of Teaching. Professors. the F Classes f October 22. Dr Gillespie. recei, Lati° -o . 1. 0 &1 . R ead f October 922 - Mr Alexander. Thur Greek ?? l. November 7 Dr Gillespe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPE AL COURTS c I OF F.DINBURGH LINLITIHGOW, ?? ;lrTT')°l TON, al)d BURGIIS ?? .IfII 1qFS appointed for Considering ativ-t t laints of Voterc andl Objec Of Parlijament 2d and 3d Wil. IV. or ,DX~~~rt C-^1 (to Imend tllC Repllestenta- I, l;! ~ttut ?? C llrul~la~l7 fil meet u itblin the 'i i~lf tl~e f Crolultv Buildings, Lawrnmirlict, , i lt icfoliowing ioevr.: --r~ethi'-,tAs thre23r1 doav of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iC -\0T will be l'eche .e on SUNI)AY OPl' by the Rev. DR SMITr ofGlasgow, when a rjill el monle in aid of the Funmds of the S( .LASGONV COLONIA4L SOCIETY, *eIicb are in be iees'G C dtate, rin consequence of the truly gene- 1), erf { ith hi'h the Directorc have responded to W ios neg~l for ?? Co0it o Pastors 'le of the sum colelectedl will prove tS e sypathy of'the r; !°trcthtehte seal of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... °;TII'AL A THE EXPERIMENTAL GARfl:-,. on ThURSD.I 1, rth Septembiler. O he .eprumodation of Stamngers anti th+n ,n, at distatlivefrom Edinb~urghl, the Com- 1 it tt r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0n2GT SerTFe-tURin 1833. F (1ASSES for the different Branches pT1lJCATION will be opened for the ensuing il , Rev GEORGE H. BAIRD, ID D. Ii~ 'Cer3' ?? Principal. LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY. th I .Dau.-s and Hours f e .4ttendance. Professors. Classe- f rTes. Nov. 5. . t twelve anti two J111or 1111an ( o'clotck, Mr Pillnns. Tuces. Nov. 5. c nir ?? vnie o'clock,J Tues. Nov. 5 two o'clock. elles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11AM; OF SCOTLAND, l7th Septemner 1n33. . NFMAL AlliEETING of PRO- fM\tlL ({'.t~fsi5R j Setember 1833, will he held at IB lrl t llo. 1Edliltborgh, on Wednesday t5 ' eOu'rrIatICH BENNET. Secretary. _- _ FURS. iMMENSE STOCK W IONDONMA~ DE FURRIERY, I 21, PIC T)V\ PI CeIo., Head of Leith Walk, Pa Corad. nder tde regular prices. '(SiA.k SQUIRREL BOAS, 3s. 6O 1boo BOIHEMIAN MARTIN ; jrlQ1TTRREL Do. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2'IC13E 7TO mARINAERS. B3ARRA fEEAD, AND GIRDLENESS EStI;TIF10USFr , S ON THE COAST OFL Ll~T SCOTLAND. . L COMMISSSIONERS of the NOR IC tlER R L IGHTHO USES hereby give notire, I three lle Liththhouses above men ionod h ave ] eirt I ?? ln ill d iiibe lighted upon the night of brr dl WOW h dot tantliei 18. The lightsivill Too her b eafter to be exhibited every night from the E o~t t If Doy-Iii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oi E>fING, held in the T~ I F' t~ilurhrist's Chapel, Rose Street, ?? 0 1~)t~RITCHIE in the Chair, piv.Dr. measures to alleviate the 15r tie Driroseof J nic;i aluesi the follosing Resoll-u ,Clir B OW Esq. W. S. t traadedtl b it rof every nation to defend to Thl~t 1`11 i ght iiit ;s als iri daf3 to ti n1 rlhi to th' utmn. abi tave been nsnoersflt misfoirtunes ?? hallvie bes far as Pasih. h Ib ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - '~~OOL BOOKS. )& SON (Booes:nsmt)Tett, Boo'K- PXd TIcrONErs, 41, ST AiNDtREW ?? ?? ;Iio~ni'i to heisa Oft comn- Iitfiiten off ian TeaCher'-, andi others, of l~ c~i~ .tiei ?? Bouokcs are gene- rh dcetoentirely NEW ST'YLE I, ~~OK S. warratntedl to wear pl'~~j~~~rra the genrally do(, to which they I anion -and la ourct nearly d]ouble recth erB SrS.,fro tuonion of the Book- si!te10oklfltlg are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P&GANIN1I. ?? ,j;NINi respectfully announ- N(\eoljlitr, GCea'ts, ai! ablic residlig 3 its iinity, thi;t ha trill give c Kj ii l ?? iiVEINING CONCERT, c ?? rlErR TWPE7 UN ROOMS, tH Ell DA , SEPTE0rrYrnI 27. 1833, ( ,11lv -1o 'il time be culi have the Lhnour it ' r ,e that, previous to his departuro for 8 ?? ml ai l)tershowlg oinnhiel necasion lie has I til IC id CeleeI ltedl Vocalists, I WELL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £ STATUARY, GA S.It7pturedfrottn 0r1r Nit've Ro'kcr, By MrI FORRES'F, .mr reyfiTING at the National 'L I( 0 A Irit beeTr~ s elately added, contain. 4th of A Thwt's Crirnd ibeRoy. Dr' An- L. 3 13s .,ie8ttO S of Sco softt, Bro,Bond t ndte RnrAyn | Ar i dror u n oclerktill dtisk-~-AdnmisOD4 IS& Abeoti ageS rlrii o the front of the Morlument. tr R ON'S ACADEMY, 'Aifell No. 108, Geo 0ic Sronea, ...