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Advertisements & Notices

... ,or RI)ILIUNICIPAL DISTRICT. ' t lists arc circulated, it is thought AS ' rti ~Statetlb t at the pubilic General Meet. jp ?? held in Albany Street Chapel on of ?? LIistrant' the fullowing Gentlemen were re- Tbor iv Caa d dijoaity, Rs fit persons to re- dc a . decided uai., m tlhis de t trct in the To n Council:- spent tIS ,15, Duke Street. fir 90aer Bellevue Crescent. Ilowden, 3. irLar,38, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,a07~( ,LATIN, and MATHE_ l'F IA L CLASSES. 25. GgortaOE STRExT, h i ,ATA DVID M ACRAE, A.M. are still , ;dde . Puplls mnny enter at Onoe Guinea Qlorrter. t-DglclENCtF OS THE MlOITTH. IlESSRS, M1TEIN,SURGEON-DENTISTS, FI0EX c,.Oe(R STRETT, whose acquirements were once haicallt ettained under the most ?? l in London, beg to invite those enalt f5iol men jainen lpbui g nder the discoenfort of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNIViinSITY & IMING'S COLLSEGE of ABEIRMIZEN.i F A\IHK \NUAL COM PETITION I-or BU RSARIES wtill bo J-ld ii t K I ?? ColiLEGE, as usulal, Oil thei last Monagt~ 'if ?? Vt O'ke oti, A t. of Tiiv Peeatd Biarsahs t, i h die.. A, 'fit 0 thisI Octtitill, fiere -will hb one of tle annallal l itsi £2, :ie UT ?? Oill or £417, One ut 0fii two oft I£18' los., two l £1l5, two of £~14 10s., tvio of £1 ...


... REET. , pn BALL anti SUPPER will be C 1~ii- shI ?? the NOB3LE- ?? _)jV_ of thle CALEDONIAN I N VI' Ej' l vOENING, the lth Oc- il.T TO-1010 i r1'Tickets, Ten Shillings. One Pouldl. vro011 ilai~ Dthe ?? Tavern, at the ,ds a of M~r AaOEtISoN, No. 33, George ii NI. (r, GOns SI-aFT, 9th Oct. 1833. ~ orl)IESSD TURTLE to be had[ ori Quay at the W ATE R 1 OO any - SSEMBLY ROOlIS. Under the Patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; AABLE BODIED MEN, zf(J1'ti.escnplovment, will lie afforded an f ,editw to Portugal, by ttwo powerful vpl jai 6 l IstranlerS; that are to sail from Clyde, l I next iimoath, under certain conli- 'I U111,11l raaar, &-A Landled Prop~erty of a o ,he will be gjven to each individual desirous * t n Xthe cittty-proporstionste eaconragement .rtli1 Grs tl rtflelt ?1,1w hare sten serinice. Fur. hji'h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e D Y HIS1 JESTY'S ROYAL 0~ PATENT ~ NT GRiA VITA TINC EXPtESVI`NG FOUNTAINy, COMtMONILY CALLED n Svltal nd Impor'tantt in ven tion is well dt'servin p the at ottltid llpersonts to who tu i sitving, of ?? andi la. bou , ila -obtaiiot s1upplV or' of' hill ortillice'. T 'it PA-Tl3NTl FOUNTAIN PUM P rnists linter without loss of oler httavigi no Fricirton, tond is not liab~le t.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANl'FSHIRE FARMER CLUB. rHE NOVEMBER MEETING wvill lie held at the Holel, __ Cztje)t, upoin TUESDAY the 12th, whul. a full attendance of Members is requesteti. Thbose Membliers who have not already subscribed for the CLUB'S HARVEST-HOME BALL, to be heli at CULLEx Up upon Tilesday Even- ilng the 12th November next, but who may intend to do so, will please itlimate their intention to the Club's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rF DINNER 2 - S' TO THE ClTj' REPRESENTATIVES. ~ iNIIAB~NTS of EDINBURGH bel e to give a PUBLIC DINNER to the: the ti ora bh the LORD ADVOCATE, and tihe Ste Fsht jenfll'bl, JA.-%ES ABERCROIUBY, in tes- the I.t ltionou I of their 91lblin conduct, in for tir therl0 ?? bts,1onfWEDNESDAY the 6th dhy 'pai oIOADA- BLACK, Esq. in the Chair. - the A CROUPtIERS I ?? SIR THOMAS DICK LAUDER. vea rI;R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B 1 s'rERS GROSSM.ITH Perform 10 ckeov.-AisoeM r RooM LEITH (by. | 11 i CrA NVr EVENING, the 25th, and 7 - ot of their Patrons, A FAREWELL t'i6DINfBUEGH is fixed for MONDAY C ?? lee Da5 ticdlsrs in Saturday's Merury. ~ 0, ^ - PUBLIC It;EETLNGr 1t RE}IOAI.F OF pe E POLISH EXILES. al PBIIC MELETiNGI, at whicl it will be It !ropoc to finrm an Association for thc relief of Er iler, iaill be held ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Rocks, Mt FORREST, Exhibiting in the NATIONAL 51101~pJJENT, Caltoni HilL i oN Open from tell till dusk.. One Shilling, Carriages, drive up to the DIORAMA, LOTHIAN ROAD. g EXHIBITINjG, the Superb View of lie VILLAGE of tlNTERSEEN, in Switzer- \} considered the most beautifully effective ArI T3 ie f cnery ever yet produced by I ai~earerP mleas of the Dioram3. The Cosmo- ba scene in the same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE T I 11I) BRETHREN OF THE i0 CIcTY ()F IDINBURGH.- r)i,) DEANN of GUILD hereby in- lff 'n 1,,that a jNILETING of the GUJILDj tie CITY of EDINBURGH will ,ajETjIR the' Tron Chlrchl, nn Tuesday the l1th ln~a l,: Itelirar CLI rent, lat eleven ao'murk forenoon, for en f ?? of Guild, in terms of r' Pflarlitlflwitt. ' rether, (m his ar'miession to the hotly of r .Jdd~ lod re with the door ...