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Aberdeen Press and Journal



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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... 'It of bie IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. qal hat EXTENSIVE SAIE O aCI LINEN AND WOOLEN DRAPERY, SILX IIIEROERY, A. o. 4 . TTRQUHART & SMITH ?? nnneties that tlfev .have on lost bogull to ex pose tor Sale, it tliei r Establishileiltt corner of Cle libs NOITI SrTtEwt'I ELGIN, the Viesater part of the extensive and n select STOCK of the lbite celebo7 trled Firm of JONE.S, StsITr1, & CO. thle ion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TimLI CAT~t1RAL or-, mzmms, TO BE SOLD BY SUBSCRiIPT.ION, Si A Meet splenid i and cliaboraitel v finlished Model of this highly Ys ACelebrated CAT 1I 131)AL, in; thle rich est Or- siol u, upwards a' ol' threie feet high, inl a (~iass sheide, wilth aI rcl/,' *in C TITosement, which goes a niolim1k 4 chimles thle her11s anld p1 at'i-er' ; stanlds Oil a Bro ioued Pedestal ; encelosillg sely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIOUSES FOR SALO. !r To lhe Sold, by privule bartaiub , HAT PROPERTY inl Halir`uy's Court, East'side of GArlTOV- T Ln GATr, AbeLideen, beloogitig to Ml, Peter Thomsorn, Fortrie, collsistillng of four Dwellingl4 H(oliss, occupied by several tenants, and having, a large 1piece of vacant Ground attached, which is a gl'eat e advantagel to preul 0sps ill the contre of a touvin. There are likewise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fjFOLOWIjNG NEiW BOOKS HAVE, BEEN F THE VOL IRE:CEIVFED,. Qo I.eo file Use ?? Sisoribersto A. ~ItOW!~ ~a CO.'s PUBLIC, LBlrIARlt, ( \No. 711, TacsOaT STRtE, EseEN H 2 a (iS) COtLItof Charles I. 2vols1. 1-1 A ii yrs CMa~ti)Ton' ii UperIjidia, 2 vols, - Al':'eC0i)ltain) Trasycla to thle Scat of War in thle Rest, pT throti ,,Itsil an1d thle crimeE,,, in 18211, 2 v'ols, 1T Auairl Floizrl1,vand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON PORTER, EDINBUJRGHI ALWES, AND FALU!RIE TABLV, BEER. HEF Sutalcnmtt B t, ill returlnillg thanks to his friends and thle T1,1blic forthle l iheral support hie has experienced si lice lieti iimm11eiiied biushiess, begs to invite their attentlion to his prelsent t:t S':ok ot, the ahoitvi' also, F(11REIGN and BRITISH SPIRITS, Jt f~ IN GER CORDIAL, &c. ;, all of which hie c!an pa rticularly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMEW70%n. T, i f~orisetl Meetinsr of SUB1SCRIBE RS to the ASSEMBLIES, A i,.H1 this day', the following Gentlemen were appjointe'd STEWARTP.-- iii the Season, Vi?.- PwLest T.,xtlcrc. Mr GA~VI. HADW~nEN, Jun. '1 ontailt'sBait. MINr I'loiiir Foitmcs. ANNttMi',M.P. Ale ThA'rnc~ic inur., Jitm. B~ M cuw of Edit. Mr JnN Fonlirts, Edit. 2Mr PArTiticiz DAVIDSONco. 'lbst rilST~ APt',TMPDLY will talee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPLENDID WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY. Just published, in Foolscap 80o. Puice ts. L THE VIISCELLANY OF NATIURAL HISTORtY. PA RROTS. With Tlirn7y-five Coloured Illustrations, Vignette, and a Portrait 1 and Memoir of Autlhtitoy. of Bv Sir THOMAS DICK LAUDER, Bart. i And Captain THOMAS BROWN. T'lb Plates, by J. B. KIDD, are executed in a style, and coloured ivith n brilliancy andl splenrlolkir, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in - In THE ABERDEEN STEAM NAVIGATION nlid COMPANY'S PACKET on; ?? Etr -vl~So|9* D[ 2F ,b te WVill Saill fomn ABEBDEJIN onl S.AtrIMMAY th- Lidth inst., :it of 'len o Clock Night ; aid fioul fONDOLN( onl 3ArUnI)AY ?? 21st ilst. re- (ca- This l ill be the list Stemimo Shlijp for Iondlon this SisoII. !e, ?? El AHHr, .tl In' ff'zaclflo Quay~i, 91ht 19ec. ]1;33. to FARTL Or STONIELEIY, ID TN1 ...