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Advertisements & Notices

... -,NOR EMILANIA 05sT respectfully begs leave to announce EI ! \ the ?? ility and Gentry of Edinrburgh and ?? . CONCNFRT OF VOCAL AND iA I LTENTAL MUSIC, IN tC E 11~OPETOUIN 11003PW, Re YIDA' EVENING, 1lith December 1833. the -io 1 ?? sasion the celebrated Composer, I Po SIGINOR VACC i sJ, tif Iicootibutc Ii valuable assistance, it being bir 6rst pit I'i oclbt pcaranre in this city. Blsu app ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPLENDID WORKS ON NATURAL HISTORY. Just published, in Foolscap 80o. Puice ts. L THE VIISCELLANY OF NATIURAL HISTORtY. PA RROTS. With Tlirn7y-five Coloured Illustrations, Vignette, and a Portrait 1 and Memoir of Autlhtitoy. of Bv Sir THOMAS DICK LAUDER, Bart. i And Captain THOMAS BROWN. T'lb Plates, by J. B. KIDD, are executed in a style, and coloured ivith n brilliancy andl splenrlolkir, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUECTURES ON CHEMISTRY. wII jA A GREGORY will.cor- *1H TilS H DAY, at Three o'Clock, a t Wi ptTrL A R LECTURES.. on,. CHE- ilirJ , Gttt-,1)1'~ DRO A! SAl.ooN, 5S3 Prince's Tiz Mltore will 17e givert at the sarae hour, il thc enl of lMarch. . J lt uhe 1 vtiodi,{ory Lecture hy Tickets, Nlt ! l qr/rrtiS, of MAIr Gibb. Royal Hotel; of No r r~ Fi ?? )rbee, Bookeellets, . .- Prince's for ?? Elepsrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in - In THE ABERDEEN STEAM NAVIGATION nlid COMPANY'S PACKET on; ?? Etr -vl~So|9* D[ 2F ,b te WVill Saill fomn ABEBDEJIN onl S.AtrIMMAY th- Lidth inst., :it of 'len o Clock Night ; aid fioul fONDOLN( onl 3ArUnI)AY ?? 21st ilst. re- (ca- This l ill be the list Stemimo Shlijp for Iondlon this SisoII. !e, ?? El AHHr, .tl In' ff'zaclflo Quay~i, 91ht 19ec. ]1;33. to FARTL Or STONIELEIY, ID TN1 ...