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Advertisements & Notices

... SHARES ON SALE. CHARD, Erewash, Gloucester and Berkeley, Mefsey and Irwell, Grand Junction, Stratford-on-Avon. Worcester and Birmingham, and Trent and Mersey Ls-Bristol Oil, and Coal, Chartered, Birmingham and Stafford, Stroud, Birming. ham, and Phlcnix GAs.-Forest of Dean, and Severn and Wye RAILXOAP.-Bristol Dock Shares and Notes.-Bristol Library. -Park-Street Institution.-Bread ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l' BRISTOL SOCIETY OF ARTISTS. I VTIRD'EXHIBIT[ON ofthe above SOCIETY 1:g tile 'iisTOL PHIILOSOPHICAL INISTITUTIONt, Park-street, is open from 'etn till Five o'clock. DIN, 0 one Shilling: Catalogues. 6d.-Seasoln Tickets, AdintItAncO On ROBEILI TUCKER1, Secretary. . 0oVERNMENT ANNUITIES. - Y a recent Act of Parliament, Depositors in Savings laky, land others, are enabled to purchase Government ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, by a Gentleman, aged 25,-IER- DIAl ANENT EMPLOYMENT, either at home or abroad. Theadvertiser has been accustomed to accounts and business generally, and would feel great pleasure in un- dertaking any confidential situation. Unexceptionable re. ferences and security will be given. Address (post paid) W. C. Journal Office, Oxford. This day is published in royal 4to. price Three Guineas, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vs tO rm MARL or ~n~tO ~ be GIVEN t il zA;L~ Or DU Ivtne and its Neigh- lvi 't'i \iii' 'AT ASSEMBLY ?? I ~ r o Itiw 1 11'preirbi I E cs'e t ?? fir J'rhvriso, athie A iit Noveimimrltola,, ?? iri.atta so 'rtitilyRooms, (lrcrit hy('itr(ii`ittf E CL -,,IV 0111 ~ I. II'. 0 th I CM, N rr'so% rsiti . ?i s'tn, ('Ile Giors Kofrtedgrh A' k. f o t ire Ds~lbvIolistrc J~t'jior Sturdeir LtiO ftirs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~~ ~ISSUIE PLASUEFRS.-T. P. 'Iccvc.~o t )Ii izd IzeII), I. ~g liacve to i (r~o L ?? x l -Y~lUE PLASll' e zliaiig, thle Namne of 10llil ?? ?? lirlleiO, hisI Namie alid ?? ?? ~ ., ~, I ?? Street~l is Clgi aced ' * *: :. l~z r ii, ..rNiic'. reqir~ie this Noicer, thait Itllo- 1V . ?? no nreegity' of uising losie l'lastors laY II., he lr~~tey r :IC e.,i:'oos to purclluise. I'leaise askI di I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In the Press, for speedy Publication, With numerous coloured Plates, A TREATISE on the FoRMATIDN, CoNsTITUENTS, A and EXTRACTION ef tile URINARY CALCULUS, BY XOMU GIUtIEN uIosMs, SURGEON OF TRE NORFOLK 4 NORmxcCH HOSPIrAL; Being the Essay for which the JackeOllian Prize for 1833 was awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Mr. .JAMES BUTTON, deceased. A LL Persons having any Claim ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLOTHING FJUND. THE SALE of ARTICLES to the POOR is fixed T for IVEDNESDAY and TuttJISI)AY the 19th and 20;h days of November: the former day to persons fioun the country; the latter to those of Oxford. The Tickets will be delivered next weck. Sabscribers since ous' last ANotice. Mrs. Anne Price ?? £1 1 Ir. Bush . L 1 A Friend. . I I Alrs. Pilcher ?? ?? I I Mir. J. Thorp ?? I I Mrs. Tuckwell . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3B-RjSTOL AND NEWPORT STEAM PACKETS, .Vill Sail next Week as follows . FR. Q .JBRISTOL. FPROQ4YEWPORT. Nov. Nov. 1. Saturday ?? 914morn I, Saturday ?? 10 morn 3, Monday , 75/irnorn 8, Monday ?? I I morn I4, Tuesday ?? B morn 4, Tuesday ?? 12 noon 5, Wednesday ?? 8!morn 5, Wednesday ?? 71/2morn 6, Thursday .. 9' morn' 6, Thursday 8 morn 7, Friday 10 morn' 7, Friday S morn 8, Saturday 0.. ,%morn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l ERt'lNT'f ALL:-WVR'K in : . \/Ve1iriti it iiatilv. Al~so a NURSE, fron 1'2 to 16 yeait of agc- Applly ant thle Pci ut c-i ii. TArh-P}. i IN iN.l'ECGIOlt of IIACIKNEY /N / XlD(), t at la nv if, 1Ms. fIlL IvlC--A 1tuftirie. hit hII C('omnmtit tet', toi be- Setit to It IlOtliC ,ii oian hail:, Miulih sler, oct. o, I83I-. 1' 0 11, 71'ERS.. AL ( \ ( vS!fl AtN is iesinlst of obtaining a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP GOODS FOR READY MONEY. fUNCAN IMILAREN, 329, HIGII STREET, . respectfully intimates the arrival of Ihis recent purchases in Erinland, consistin.* of an itmmense variety (f Neur Pattei ns of PRINTED COTTONS andi SHAWL DRESSES, -JERINOES ef all the Fa- 1 shionable Slbades. A1 USLINS. SHIRTINGS; BLACJx SILKS, FLANNELS, 13L AN KETS, BED QUILTS, &c. His stock of TARTAN SHAWLS comprises a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITf1ERARY iNSTITUTION., Co-mmm~r- ISIS, t 'lthe Use of Library, Reading Roomn, Classes, r~ ~ LEGUTURES ON' ASTRONOMY, i,1 tni si~e and appro) ii te A pparatu', wvil] he deli ver- ,,tttiiin the Lilizap ROOMi, l'I. icecFAILu, BULDIcaNGS BY ,Mr. WVALLIS, of Lonclon. cli i ti hie given oil 'Tuiesday, Nor. 41/,, at ~al f-pact ,,thle C veilitig, aud aI Lecture evo,' S,ice.'i'tliug' 'Ihears- aiuntil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 ODBOLD's VEGETABLE BALSAM, for the .cure of Coughs, Calds, Asthrimas, ?? Consumptions. U. The proud attestation of cures performed by t1iis Medicine c, for the last fifty years-the many daily proofs of its efficacy St -its high estimation by the first Nobility-and its recoin- U atendation by the most eminent of the Faculty, are such d, strong tests of its value, that no eulogy is necessary ...